Monthly Archives: December 2023

2023-12-26: News Headlines

teleSUR, odr, MER (2023-12-26). Hallan 29 nuevos geoglifos en Nazca, Perú. Los geoglifos representan figuras de felinos y figuras antropomorfas y tienen una antigüedad de entre el año 300 a.C. y el 100 d.C.

Staff (2023-12-26). María Corina Machado Minimizes Opposition's Role in Alex Saab's Liberation. Caracas ( President Nicolas Maduro's administration has achieved recent political victories, resulting in the release of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab and the public recognition of President Nicolás Maduro to Ge…

ecsorinoco (2023-12-26). FBI Investigates Destination of Funds Approved for Guaidó. International media has reported how the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating the destination of multi-million funds approved by the White House as humanitarian aid for the "government" of the self-proclaimed Venezuelan president, Juan Guaidó. | According to reports, the FBI visited the headquarters of the EVTV Miami channel, run by media entrepreneur Carlos Méndez, to question him about the diversion of funds to his media outlet. The FBI suspects that much of the humanitarian aid supposedly directed to Venezuela ended up in the possession of Méndez and his channel, which Guaidó tried to repl…

krish-rad_ind (2023-12-26). Venezuela on Alert Against UK & Guyana's Provocations Over Essequibo.

Staff (2023-12-26). Venezuela on Alert Against UK & Guyana's Provocations Over Essequibo.

teleSUR (2023-12-26). Argentina: Impressive Avalanche Isolates a Town in Catamarca. On Monday, an avalanche brought down a pedestrian bridge, isolating the town of Rincon in the Poman department, located in the southern part of the province of Catamarca. | RELATED: | Through social media, citizens posted a video showing the moment when the bridge was swept away by the rising Ambato River. So far, no deaths or injuries have been reported, but there have been damages to homes and a vehicle that was…

latintimes (2023-12-26). President Milei's Economic Deregulation: Argentina Opens Doors to Bitcoin Contracts. Experts explained to The Latin Times what the announcement means. "It's not a step in terms of regulation just yet"

teleSUR, MER (2023-12-26). Alud deja aislada una localidad en Catamarca, Argentina. Hasta ahora no se han reportado muertos ni heridos, sino daños a viviendas y un vehículo que fue arrastrado por el río.

Staff (2023-12-26). Argentina: Milei despide por decreto a 7 000 trabajadores estatales. Dentro del paquetazo de Javier Milei se prevé que 7 000 empleados del Gobierno sean despedidos, mediante decreto que prohíbe la renovación de las y los trabajadores públicos que hayan sido contratados en 2023. La decisión forma parte del programa de ajuste con el que el mandatario pretende achicar de manera drástica el gasto estatal.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-12-26). Brazil on alert for possible anti-democratic attacks. Brasilia, Dec 26 (Prensa Latina) Brazil ¥s Justice and Public Security Ministry is currently monitoring, in several fronts, some movements that could end up with anti-democratic attacks upcoming January 8, as informed by the Executive Secretary Ricardo Cappelli who confirmed that the security forces observed "threats and possible attacks to the institutions".

teleSUR, jaa, MER (2023-12-26). Aumenta actividad sísmica de volcán Nevado del Ruiz en Colombia. Desde el domingo se ha detectado un aumento sísmico asociado a la fractura de roca en la zona oriental del volcán.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-12-26). Uruguay to hold plebiscites. That year could be the highest in terms of number of plebiscites (five). Out of them, the one assured is seeking to approve police night raids, for which the ruling National Party obtained the necessary signatures in Parliament. | The main argument in defense of the said plebiscite is that regulations are needed to further address insecurity, particularly drug trafficking. | There are four other initiatives whose proponents are fighting to present it in the 2024 elections: the social security reform law, for which the PIT-CNT union center is collecting signatures; the restructuring of debts owed to individuals,…

2023-12-26 23:43:04 | 23:43 EST | tr | 14 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 0 

2023-12-25: News Headlines

teleSUR, JDO (2023-12-25). Presidente de Bolivia envía mensaje navideño de paz y unidad. Destaca el valor de la solidaridad y la inclusión, y de aplicar la política de industrialización como pilar fundamental del modelo económico, social, comunitario y productivo.

Gabriel Aguirre (2023-12-25). Venezuela Now Has A WBW Chapter For Peace/ Venezuela Ya Tiene Un Capítulo Para La Paz. By Gabriel Aguirre, World BEYOND War, December 24, 2023 | As World BEYOND War continues to grow in Latin America, on December 21st a new chapter was created in Venezuela. The activity took place at the Nucleus of Endogenous Francisco de Miranda-Tócome, in the Sucre municipality of the city of Caracas. | The event to launch the chapter was part of a conference called "Venezuela Territory of Peace", in which various members of the chapter, activists, and people interested in contributing to the work of peace and against war participated in-person and virtually. | The event began around 3: 00 p.m. local time in Ca…

teleSUR, SH (2023-12-25). Presidente Maduro afirmó que el 2024 será bueno para Venezuela. El mandatario venezolano publicó un video exponiendo el crecimiento logrado en diversas áreas a pesar de las medidas coercitivas unilaterales impuestas por EE.UU.

Roger Harris (2023-12-24). How the Campaign to Free Political Prisoner Alex Saab Succeeded. Alex Saab and President Maduro, Youtube screengrab. | Alex Saab was freed from US captivity in what Venezuelan Prof. Maria Victor Paez described as "a triumph of Venezuelan diplomacy." The diplomat had been imprisoned for trying to bring humanitarian supplies to Venezuela in legal international trade but in circumvention of Washington's illegal economic coercive measures, also known as sanctions. | To read this article, log in If you are logged in but can't read CP+ articles, ch…

Javier Tolcachier (2023-12-25). Will Argentina fail in 2024? Between 2019 and 2020 massive social uprisings shook the political scene in Chile, Ecuador and Colombia. The drops that overflowed the glass of popular (in)patience were the increase in the cost of public transport, the price of fuel and a tax reform. | Beyond the cathartic explosion, the generalised rage was unleashed against the continuity of neoliberal policies sustained for decades in Chile and Colombia and adopted by the electoral betrayal of Lenin Moreno in Ecuador. It's not thirty pesos, but 30 years, was one of the main slogans of the Chilean "cabros", who, like their Colombian and Ecuadorian generational…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-12-25). Ecuador recommends face mask use due to fresh Pirola variant spread. Quito, Dec 25 (Prensa Latina) Quito ¥s Health Secretariat highly recommended the use of masks for people with respiratory symptoms due to a fresh coronavirus spread of new Pirola variant.

Alejandro Marcó del Pont (2023-12-25). Argentina — Hiperinflación y dolarización, un solo corazón. Cuando se habla de hiperinflaciones, las sociedades asisten fascinadas a la falsa idea que crear mucho dinero acaba conduciendo a un aumento sostenido y desmedido de precios. Por muy intuitiva que pueda ser esa conexión, la ciencia nos enseñó hace…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-12-25). Presidente Milei mantiene contactos con EE.UU. para vender litio. El mandatario sugirió además que su Gobierno trabaja en un marco jurídico para proteger las inversiones norteamericanas en esta y otras materias.

Julio C. Gambina (2023-12-25). Argentina bajo gobierno ultraliberal y antidemocrático. El 10 de diciembre inició su gestión el gobierno de Javier Milei, un ultraliberal autodenominado "anarco-capitalista", o "liberal-libertario", cultor de la escuela "austríaca" y en especial de Murray Newton Rothbard (estadounidense, 1926-1995), un profeta de la crítica al "estatismo" y…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-12-25). Sindicatos argentinos anuncian movilizaciones contra decretazo. Ambas centrales sindicales participarán también del plenario conjunto del 29 de diciembre para determinar nuevas medidas tras el decreto de Javier Milei.

infobrics (2023-12-25). Agbiz Optimistic About Market Expansion to New Brics Members. With more countries to become members of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (Brics) grouping, the South African agricultural industry will seek to deepen trade with these countries, particularly Saudi Arabia as a $20-billion importer of agricultural produce every year…

Brian Mier, Fairness, Accuracy in Reporting. (2023-12-25). US Media Suppressed Government's Role In Ousting Brazil's Government. In a new peer-reviewed academic article in Latin American Perspectives (11/19/23), "Anticorruption and Imperialist Blind Spots: The Role of the United States in Brazil's Long Coup," Sean T. Mitchell, Rafael Ioris, Kathy Swart, Bryan Pitts and I prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the US Department of Justice was a key actor in what we call Brazil's "long coup." This was the period from 2014, beginning with the lead up to the illegitimate 2016 impeachment of Dilma Rousseff, to the November 2019 release of then-former, now-current President Lula da Silva from political imprisonment.

Martin Hacthoun (2023-12-25). Politics may hinder holidays in Brazil. Brasilia, Dec 25 (Prensa Latina) Politics may hinder Christmas and New Year's Eve celebrations in Brazil, according to a survey, which reveals that one out of five people today fears that discussions on this issue may hinder celebrations.

teleSUR, SH (2023-12-25). Reportan dos sismos en regiones del sur de Chile. Tras los temblores, las autoridades chilenas no reportaron alertas ni interrupción de los servicios básicos debido a los sismos.

teleSUR, MS (2023-12-25). Petro pide a los colombianos luchar para lograr la Paz. Gustavo Petro llamó a los ciudadanos a trabajar en conjunto para superar la coyuntura económica que enfrenta Colombia…

teleSUR, SH (2023-12-25). Asesinan a miembro de la Guardia Indígena en el Cauca, Colombia. La Asociación de Cabildos del Pueblo Nasa informó que el indígena colombiano, Puyo Chocué fue asesinado en la vía Panamericana.

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