2024-07-25: News Headlines

newarab (2024-07-25). Argentina's fans attack Moroccan team after Olympic game loss. newarab.com On Wednesday, 24 July, the Moroccan team too…

Staff (2024-07-25). Venezuela Signs 7 Energy Cooperation Agreements With Trinidad & Tobago (+BP). orinocotribune.com Seven energy cooperation agreements have been signed between Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago, with the aim of developing the resources of the Cocuina Field in the Orinoco Delta region of northeastern Venezuela. | The agreements—signed this Wednesday, July 24, at Miraflores Palace in Caracas—include Licenses for Exploration and Exploitation of Non-Associated Gaseous Hydrocarbons in the Cocuina Field of the offshore Deltana Platform of Venezuela. | During the signing ceremony, President Nicolás Maduro said that monumental steps continue to be taken to consolidate a relationship of good neighborliness…

Misión Verdad (2024-07-25). Far-Right Unitary Platform Threatens to Reject Election Results: Five Signs. orinocotribune.com By Misión Verdad — Jul 24, 2024 | The last few weeks have been marked by a series of statements and actions coming from the extremist sectors of the Venezuelan opposition, led by María Corina Machado and the Unitary Platform (PUD). These demonstrations point to a dangerous scenario that we have been making warnings about: the early rejection of the election results and accusations of fraud, even before the votes are counted. | There are five warning signs that have been carefully analyzed displaying the intention of the opposition preparing to reject the results and delegitimize the electoral process, sched…

Staff (2024-07-25). CNN Backtracks From Portraying Venezuela's Elections as Fraudulent. orinocotribune.com Although the news network CNN has been part of the campaign promoting the narrative of an alleged upcoming electoral fraud, it has now backed down a bit and acknowledged, for the first time, the possibility of a victory of Nicolás Maduro in the upcoming July 28 presidential elections. | In order to justify its defeat, the US-backed Venezuelan far-right frequently claims that fraud has occurred in elections. They attempted the same strategy in 2018, despite the fact that Venezuela's electoral system has an excellent reputation. Venezuela's corporate media outlets and Western media frequently echo the fraud allegat…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-07-25). What Is at Stake for the Venezuelan Elections? orinocotribune.com On July 28, the Venezuelan electorate will head to the polls to select their next president. Among the ten candidates vying for the position, nine hail from the moderate and extreme right-wing factions. The primary contest, however, is between President Nicolás Maduro, who is seeking a third term (2025-2030) and embodies the continuation of Chavismo, and the US-backed opposition candidate, Edmundo González. | How does the electoral system work? If the opposition loses, will they allege fraud and incite violence? What are the political platforms of the leading candidates? In this video conference organized by the…

Martin Hacthoun (2024-07-25). Venezuela's presidential election campaign ends in high gear. plenglish.com Caracas, Jul 25 (Prensa Latina) The electoral campaign for the presidential elections in Venezuela closes today at full speed for both the ruling party and the opposition after 22 intense days, in which the people were able to meet with their candidates.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-07-25). Government announces police deployment in Chile's capital. plenglish.com Santiago de Chile, Jul 25 (Prensa Latina) The President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, announced today the deployment of more than 1,600 police officers in the Metropolitan Region, where the capital is located, to contribute to the fight against crime and guarantee safety.

Reuters (2024-07-25). Sharks off Brazil's Rio de Janeiro test positive for cocaine. scmp.com Scientists speculate some sharks may have attacked bricks of cocaine which traffickers had lost at sea.

noemail (2024-07-25). 733 Million People Faced Hunger in 2023, Undermining Progress Toward Zero Hunger. devdiscourse.com According to the latest State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report released by five United Nations agencies, approximately 733 million people worldwide faced hunger in 2023. This figure represents one in eleven people globally and one in five in Africa. The report, launched during the G20 Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty Task Force Ministerial Meeting in Brazil, highlights a significant setback in global efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2, Zero Hunger, by 2030.

María Candela (2024-07-25). El abuelo y la dama de hierro. radiohc.cu Ante la cercanía de la elección presidencial en Venezuela, aumentó la intensidad de las líneas de mensajes adversos a la Revolución Bolivariana, que se leen en la prensa corporativa.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-07-25). Inicia en Uruguay nueva campaña solidaria con Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 25 jul (RHC) Romper el bloqueo con el que Estados Unidos pretende doblegar a Cuba, y apoyar a su pueblo, resultan propósitos hoy de la nueva campaña de solidaridad con la isla caribeña que inició en Uruguay.

teleSUR, MER (2024-07-25). Presidente Maduro alerta sobre violencia de la extrema derecha. telesurtv.net El mandatario le expresó al pueblo venezolano que es necesario cuidar la paz.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-07-25). Venezuela denuncia campaña mediática internacional para desconocer procesos electorales. telesurtv.net Jorge Rodríguez advirtió a la ultraderecha que no se permitirá la vulneración de la paz venezolana.

teleSUR, MS (2024-07-25). Gobierno colombiano y la Segunda Marquetalia inician diálogos de paz. telesurtv.net Las partes firmantes, representadas por el consejero comisionado de paz de Colombia, Otty Patiño, e Iván Márquez, exnegociador de los diálogos que condujeron al acuerdo de paz de 2016 de las disidencias de las FARC.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-07-25). Encuesta: 88,2 % de peruanos desaprueban desempeño de Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net El informe refleja que un 81,2 por ciento considera que Boluarte debería dejar "cuanto antes" su cargo.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-07-25). Docentes universitarios realizan paro nacional en Argentina. telesurtv.net Si no encuentran una respuesta satisfactoria, los manifestantes han declarado que existen posibilidades de que la semana próxima vayan nuevamente al paro.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-07-25). Trabajadores de telecomunicaciones rechazan ley de medios en Uruguay. telesurtv.net Los Diputados acordaron que el documento será nuevamente analizado después del 30 de junio.

Maria Calvo (2024-07-25). Inicia nueva campaña solidaria con Cuba en Uruguay. radiohc.cu Montevideo, 25 julio (RHC) Una nueva campaña de solidaridad con Cuba inició en Uruguay con el propósito de apoyar al gobierno y pueblo de la isla en su lucha por romper el bloqueo de Estados Unidos.

teleSUR, MER (2024-07-25). Presidente Maduro conversa con mandataria electa de México. telesurtv.net Ambas autoridades ratificaron los lazos de hermandad entre México y Venezuela, así como su disposición en fortalecer la Celac.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-07-25). Venezuela y China muestran sintonía en agenda bilateral. telesurtv.net La visita es una invitación del ministro chino de Relaciones Exteriores, Wang Yi, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-07-25). Venezuela acogerá la Serie del Caribe en el año 2026. telesurtv.net La lista de sedes por año quedaría de la siguiente forma: Mexicali 2025, Venezuela 2026, Hermosillo 2027, República Dominicana 2028 y Puerto Rico 2029.

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