2024-10-03: News Headlines

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-10-03). Bolivia strengthens training of specialists in the nuclear field. plenglish.com La Paz, Oct 3 (Prensa Latina) The departure of 18 scholarship holders to Russia to specialize as operators of the first Bolivian Nuclear Research Reactor (RB-01) confirms Bolivia's will to develop the nuclear field through solid training of its human resources.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-10-03). Presentación de libro iniciará homenajes a Che Guevara en Bolivia. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 oct (RHC) La presentación hoy del libro Mundo Che marcará el inicio de los homenajes al comandante Ernesto Guevara en el aniversario 57 de su presencia en Bolivia.

Staff (2024-10-03). Venezuela: Iran Has Invoked Its Right to Self-Defense. orinocotribune.com Through a statement published on the Telegram account of Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil, the government of Venezuela set out its position in relation to the events in West Asia, stating that the actions of Iran correspond with "its right to legitimate defense, as established in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, in response to the threats and crimes against humanity committed by the Netanyahu regime against Palestine, Lebanon, and the Iranian people." | The statement published this Wednesday, October 2, continued by stating that Venezuela "urges the international community to mobilize to resto…

Ana Perdigón (2024-10-03). President Maduro: àÅlvaro Uribe & Leopoldo López Were Masterminds Behind Robert Serra's Assassination. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, has stated that the former president of Colombia, àÅlvaro Uribe, had hired a group of hitmen to assassinate the late Chavista revolutionary leader, Robert Serra. | During a ceremony this Tuesday, October 1, for the tenth anniversary of the assassination of the then-Deputy Robert Serra—when he was only 27 years old—the Venezuelan president praised the young revolutionary, and said he was a perfect model of a fighter against fascism. | In his speech, the head of state noted that the person who was in fact responsible for the murder committed on October 1…

Staff (2024-10-03). Venezuela's Foreign Minister Gil: FM Albares Has Sided With Spanish Extremists (+Colombia's Murillo). orinocotribune.com Venezuela's Foreign Minister Yván Gil questioned the recent statements made by the Spanish Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albares, who described as "insults and slander" the statements issued by President Nicolás Maduro against the president of Spain's Popular Party (PP), Alberto Núñez Feijóo. | The controversy stems from statements issued by the Venezuelan head of state on September 29, after the leader of the PP (Feijoó) appeared publicly in Madrid offering support to the former Venezuelan far-right presidential candidate Edmundo González at a rally. | In this regard, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil spoke o…

United World International (2024-10-03). The Left in Latin America: Trends and Perspectives (2nd and final part). uwidata.com By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein During the first 15 years of this century, Latin America and the Caribbean witnessed a series of democratic and popular processes that placed different versions of the left at the center of events. However, the leading role of Cuba and Venezuela and the overwhelming influence that commanders Fidel Castro and Hugo …

United World International (2024-10-03). The Left in Latin America: Trends and Perspectives (2nd and final part). unitedworldint.com 6 major currents and the need to redefine what's left. By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein During the first 15 years of this century, Latin America and the Caribbean witnessed a series of democratic and popular processes that placed different versions of the left at the center of events. However, the leading role of Cuba and Venezuela …

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-10-03). Inicia Parlamento diálogo para revisar leyes electorales en Venezuela. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 oct (RHC) La Asamblea Nacional (Parlamento) de Venezuela iniciará hoy un diálogo político con todas las fuerzas y movimientos que participaron en las elecciones presidenciales del 28 de julio, con el objetivo de revisar todas las leyes electorales.

Gabriel Aguirre (2024-10-03). Rechazamos la Política de Injerencia y Agresión Contra Venezuela y Honduras. worldbeyondwar.org Por: Campaña América una Zona de Paz, World BEYOND War, Jueves de Octubre 2024 | La Campaña América una Zona de Paz, espacio integrado por diversas organizaciones y movimientos sociales de América, rechazamos las acciones de agresión e injerencismo por parte del imperialismo estadounidense contra el pueblo de Venezuela y Honduras, durante los últimos días. | El abultado expediente de acciones violatorias del derecho internacional, del respeto a la soberanía de los pueblos y de intromisión en los asuntos internos por parte de EE.UU, ha marcado la historia de este país, y la forma en la que ha pretendido imponer…

Binoy Kampmark (2024-10-03). Unrealisable Justice: Julian Assange in Strasbourg. counterpunch.org It was good to hear that voice again. A voice of provoking interest that pitter patters, feline across a parquet, followed by the usual devastating conclusion. Julian Assange's last public address was made in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. There, he was a guest vulnerable to the capricious wishes of changing governments. At Belmarsh Prison in London, he was

Maria Calvo (2024-10-03). Presidente de Ecuador decreta toque de queda para 20 localidades. radiohc.cu Quito, 3 oct RHC) Como parte de las restricciones del nuevo estado de excepción decretado hoy por el presidente Daniel Noboa, en 20 localidades de Ecuador regirá el toque de queda.

aljazeera (2024-10-03). Defying protesters, Argentina's Milei shoots down university funding plan. aljazeera.com Milei vetoed a law that would guarantee funding for free public universities, angering students and educators.

aljazeera (2024-10-03). Messi double helps Inter Miami edge Columbus 3-2 for MLS Supporters' Shield. aljazeera.com Argentina star bags his 46th trophy and gives Miami a chance to secure home advantage in the upcoming MLS playoffs.

infobrics (2024-10-03). South Africa Should Strengthen Its BRICS Alignment. infobrics.org South Africa, as a key player in the global economy, has been a member of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) bloc since its inception in 2009 hence the acronym BRICS…

tvbrics (2024-10-03). Russia and Brazil celebrate 196 years of diplomatic relations. tvbrics.com The countries actively cooperate within the framework of the BRICS group, covering areas such as the economy, trade, culture, and education…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-10-03). Altos mandos de Carabineros de Chile en proceso por violación de DDHH. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 oct (RHC) Cinco años después del estallido social en Chile, los altos mandos de Carabineros enfrentan hoy un proceso de imputación por las violaciones de los derechos humanos cometidas contra la población civil.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-10-03). Chilean Carabineros' top officers on trial for human rights violation. plenglish.com Santiago de Chile, Oct 3 (Prensa Latina) Five years after the social uprising in Chile, the top officers of the Carabineros are facing charges for human rights violations committed against the civilian population, during the social protests of October 2019, which were violently repressed by law enforcement.

Carlos Lancho (2024-10-03). Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Landmark ruling in favour of victims of the Pinochet dictatorship. fidh.org

tvbrics (2024-10-03). Colombia to join China's Belt and Road Initiative to strengthen bilateral ties. tvbrics.com The next year will mark the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two nations‚Å…

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-10-03). Colombia to join China's Belt and Road initiative. plenglish.com Bogotá, Oct 3 (Prensa Latina) Colombia will join China's Belt and Road initiative to strengthen the political and commercial ties that already unite both nations, said Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Jorge Rojas.

aljazeera (2024-10-03). South America gets 'ring of fire' solar eclipse. aljazeera.com An annular solar eclipse known as the "ring of fire" was seen across parts of South America and Pacific islands.

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