Monthly Archives: January 2024

2024-01-04: News Headlines

teleSUR (2024-01-04). Peruvians To March on the Anniversary of the Juliaca Massacre. On Wednesday, Raul Samillan, the president of the Association of Victims of Juliaca, announced that Peruvians will hold a march on January 9th, marking one year since the massacre carried out by security forces in Juliaca, in the department of Puno. | RELATED: | The march will traverse the main streets of Juliaca to commemorate the 18 people who were killed during the repression of the protests on January 9, 2023. | On that date, c…

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-01-04). Cierran más de 30 puertos por oleaje anómalo en Perú. La Marina de Guerra emitió el Aviso Especial N° 001 de la Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación (DHN).

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-01-04). Anuncian marcha en Perú por aniversario de masacre de Juliaca. La marcha se llevará a cabo por varias de las principales calles de la región de Puno, ubicada en el extremo sureste de Perú.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-01-04). Bolivia activa alerta naranja por desbordes de ríos en La Paz y Oruro. El servicio pronosticó que son posibles los ascensos progresivos y repentinos de nivel, con probables desbordes en las cuencas de los ríos Desaguadero, Mauri y Lauca.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-01-04). Reportan reducción de feminicidios en Bolivia durante 2023. De acuerdo con el ministro, la mayor cantidad de mujeres asesinadas debido a la violencia machista en 2023 están entre los 19 y 35 años.

Maria Paez Victor (2024-01-04). Pity the British. By Maria Paez Victor — Jan 1, 2024 | Bread and circus! That was the Roman formula for governance. The latest UK government ploy, however, omits the bread and jumps straight to circus. The UK has sent a warship that will inflame a delicate 100-plus year border dispute between two Caribbean nations, Venezuela and Guyana. | The government of the UK should be at pains to right a wrong the UK committed one hundred and twenty-four years ago. Instead, the UK is threatening Venezuela with a warship — a situation that could very quickly escalate into a regional conflict. | In 1899, as the mainstream press of th…

Staff (2024-01-04). Venezuela Denounces EMTRASUR Jet Theft by Argentina's Judiciary. The government of Venezuela categorically condemned the decision of an Argentinian judge in the case of the Venezuelan Boeing 747 cargo jet belonging to the Venezuelan state company EMTRASUR, and called it a "theft." | Through a statement, the Venezuelan authorities denounced the illegal action by which the Argentinian State "submits to the powers of US imperialism and flagrantly violates the Convention on International Civil Aviation, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, the United Nations Charter, the Bilateral Agreement between the Republic of Argentina and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and ot…

Staff (2024-01-04). Venezuela Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Iran on Soleimani's Assassination Anniversary. The government of Venezuela has strongly condemned the terrorist attacks that occurred in the city of Kerman, Iran, during the fourth anniversary of the US assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. | Through a statement released this Wednesday, January 3, by the foreign minister of Venezuela, Yván Gil, the Venezuelan government expressed its solidarity with the people of Iran, extending heartfelt words of condolence to the families of the victims of this unfortunate event that massacred over 100 innocent lives. | The Venezuelan government's statement further insists that those responsible for this repreh…

teleSUR, MER (2024-01-04). Venezuela rechaza decisión de juez sobre avión de Emtrasur. El Gobierno venezolano expresó que con esta decisión se violan varios convenios internacionales.

Ramzy Baroud (2024-01-04). Gaza, Saudi, Iran, Venezuela and More. It would have been outlandish to suggest that a small region like Gaza, seemingly bereft of significant natural resources, political will of its own, and let alone sovereignty, would become the world's most significant geopolitical spot on earth. The ongoing Israeli war on Gaza and the legendary resistance of the Palestinian people, however, have changed

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-01-04). Fiscal de Ecuador denuncia que buscan atentar contra ella. Salazar explicó que quien estaría detrás del plan para atentar contra ella y su familia es Fabricio Colón Pico, conocido delincuente quiteño.

People's Dispatch. (2024-01-04). Five New Countries, Including Saudi Arabia And Iran, Formally Join BRICS. Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates formally joined the BRICS group on Monday, January 1, 2024, Russian president Vladimir Putin announced in a statement issued on the occasion of his country taking over the presidency of the group. | The five countries and Argentina were invited to join BRICS as full members during its August summit in Johannesburg, South Africa. Argentina however, formally declined the offer last week. Its newly elected ultra right-wing president Javier Milei said that his country would rather align with the countries in the West such as the US and Israel.

Redacción Argentina (2024-01-04). Argentina: Milei's DNU 70, null and void, does not apply. As I have been arguing, when President Javier Milei issued the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70, on 20/12/2023, he seriously violated institutional good faith maliciously, in a true illegal deviation of power and carried out a null and void act of absolute and insanable nullity. | By Miguel Rodríguez Villafañe | The aforementioned arises from the provisions of art. 99, section 3 of the National Constitution, which establishes: "The executive branch may not in any case, under penalty of absolute and irreversible nullity, issue legislative provisions". The article goes on to clarify that, "Only when excepti…

Javier Tolcachier (2024-01-04). 14 years after a historic milestone: More necessary than ever to redouble efforts for Peace and Nonviolence. Fourteen years ago, on January 2, 2010, the closing ceremony of the First World March for Peace and Nonviolence was held in the mountainous area of Punta de Vacas, a few kilometres from the border between Argentina and Chile. | After covering nearly 200,000 kilometres during 93 days and with hundreds of activities in more than 400 cities in 90 countries, the March culminated its journey in the Punta de Vacas Park of Study and Reflection, the foundational space of the movement initiated by Silo in the 1960s. | Nearly 20,000 people welcomed the members of the base team of the World March from various countries who…

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2024-01-04). Justicia argentina suspende reformas laborales impulsadas por Milei. El presidente argentino ha señalado, que de ser rechazada su iniciativa por el Parlamento, este convocará a una consulta popular, con el objetivo de demostrar al poder legislativo el amplio apoyo que tiene su proyecto.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-01-04). CGT reafirma paro contra reforma laboral de Milei en Argentina. La Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina (CTA) expresó su intención de mantener su jornada de lucha propuesta para el 24 de enero.

Juan Pablo Cárdenas (2024-01-04). In the age of the pragmatic Left. President Gabriel Boric himself took it upon himself to inform his country of the agreement reached between Codelco, Chile's most important state mining company, and Soquimich (SQM), the private company that has been operating in the rich Atacama salt flats for some years. The two entities have agreed to jointly exploit the huge lithium reserves in the northern desert. | In this new partnership, the two entities would each own 50 percent until 2060, with the state-owned mining company managing the company in its first period until 2030, after which SQM would take over management. | This is the most significant ag…

Adriaan Alsema (2024-01-04). Colombia raises minimum wage by 12%. Colombia's Labor Ministry raised the country's minimum wage by 12% to $335 (COP1.3 million). The wage hike affects the monthly income of some 2.5 million workers and is more than…

Staff (2024-01-04). Retiran a Barranquilla la sede de los Juegos Panamericanos de 2027 y Colombia muestra sorpresa por decisión. Panam Sports informa al público que su comité ejecutivo ha decidido por unanimidad retirar a Barranquilla, en Colombia, como ciudad sede de los XX Juegos Panamericanos. por incumplimiento de pagos. Ante esto, la ministra de deportes colombiana Astrid Rodríguez emitió un comunicado anunciando la sorpresa del gobierno por la decisión de Panam Sports. La jefa de cartera explicó que eso no fue lo acordado con Panam Sports cuando se eligió a Colombia para ser sede de los Juegos.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2024-01-04). Retiran a Colombia sede de Juegos Panamericanos de 2027. La decisión llegó al Comité Olímpico Colombiano mediante una carta a su presidente, Ciro Solano Hurtado.

2024-01-04 23:42:52 | 23:42 EST | tr | 22 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 0 

2024-01-03: News Headlines

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-01-03). Emiten aviso por lluvias en 16 departamentos de Perú. Por otra parte, las localidades de la sierra se verán afectadas con precipitaciones acompañadas de granizo.

teleSUR, MS (2024-01-02). Accidente en Perú cobra cuatro vidas y deja tres desaparecidos. Se supo que entre los afectados hay una familia completa que viajaba por la festividad de Año Nuevo rumbo a Huánuco.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-01-03). Gobierno boliviano destaca crecimiento y estabilidad económica en 2023. La economía boliviana se encuentra dentro de las de mayores crecimientos en Sudamérica.

teleSUR, SH (2024-01-02). Bolivia activa alerta naranja por posibles desbordes de ríos. El ente meteorológico boliviano indicó que la alerta regirá desde este martes hasta el domingo 7 de enero.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-01-02). Gobierno boliviano destaca crecimiento y estabilidad económica en 2023. La economía boliviana se encuentra dentro de las de mayores crecimientos en Sudamérica.

Staff (2024-01-02). President Maduro: Chavismo Has Not Yet Selected Its Presidential Candidate. This Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro spoke about the political climate ahead of the upcoming 2024 presidential elections, scheduled for the last months of this year. | President Maduro made these comments in his first interview of the year, given to journalist Ignacio Ramonet and published by the Mexican newspaper He was asked about his possible presidential candidacy for the Unit…

Staff (2024-01-02). Venezuela's Economy Grew 4.5% in 2023 as Forecast by ECLAC. The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, confirmed that the Venezuelan economy grew by 4.5% as forecast by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). | "The Central Bank has not provided the figures yet, although they tell me that ECLAC's expectation of 4.5% has been met. There have been 10 consecutive quarters of growth despite the blockade, and with our own investment," President Maduro said during an In the interview, publi…

Staff (2024-01-02). President Maduro: Chavismo Has Not Determined Its Presidential Candidate. This Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro spoke about the political climate ahead of the upcoming 2024 presidential elections, scheduled for the last months of this year. | President Maduro made these comments in his first interview of the year, given to journalist Ignacio Ramonet and published by the Mexican newspaper He was asked about his possible presidential candidacy for the Uni…

Earl Bousquet (2024-01-02). Cuba, Guyana, Venezuela Start 2024 Celebrating New Beginnings! The 24th Year of Century 21 blasted-off with Cuba, Guyana and Venezuela all celebrating new beginnings after an eventful 2023 in the three Caribbean and South American nations. | RELATED: | Cuba observed the 65th Anniversary of its 1959 Revolution, Guyana celebrated continuing unprecedented exponential economic growth and Venezuela reported a tenth consecutive quarter of economic grow…

teleSUR, YSM (2024-01-02). Presidente Maduro ordena repliegue militar de Fuerza de Tarea Sifontes. El mandatario reconoció las acciones que la FANB realizó en defensa y resguardo de la soberanía y la paz de Venezuela.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-01-02). Presidente Maduro destaca construcción de un mundo multipolar. En los espacios de la casa natal de El Libertador Simón Bolívar, en Caracas, el periodista e intelectual Ignacio Ramonet entrevisto al mandatario venezolano.

teleSUR, MER (2024-01-02). Síntesis 2023: referéndum en defensa del Esequibo en Venezuela. El presidente del Consejo Nacional Electoral, Elvis Amoroso, destacó la "victoria abrumadora" del Sí al presentar los resultados.

Jose Eloy Richards Richards (2024-01-02). Insecurity, Ecuadorians' main concern at the beginning of 2024. Local media here lamented that the new year began with five murders and the robbery of a shopping mall, both events occurred in the cities of Guayaquil and Durán, in the coastal province of Guayas, one of the most violent in this South American nation. | Fear and anxiety due to insecurity continue in the homes of the Andean country which said goodbye to 2023 as the most violent in Latin America, according to statistics that refer to the existence of a rate of violent deaths higher than 40 per 100 thousand inhabitants. During the year that ended several murders shook the country in the political sphere, including…

teleSUR, lfb (2024-01-02). Cinco personas asesinadas por sicarios en Ecuador. Ecuador actualmente vive una de las mayores crisis de seguridad de los últimos años, el cantón de Durán es considerado uno de los más peligrosos de Ecuador, este añoel número de asesinatos superó los 440, muy por encima de los 121 registrados en 2022.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-01-02). Reportan emisión de material incandescente de volcán Sangay en Ecuador. Por otra parte, en las últimas 24 horas, este volcán ha generado un total de 186 explosiones.

WSWS (2024-01-03). Workers Struggles: The Americas. Protests against government austerity measures continued in Argentina while 800 nurses at Los Robles Regional Medical Center in California voted down an agreement brought back by the SEIU.

teleSUR, MS (2024-01-03). 55.5 % de los argentinos rechaza el gobierno de Javier Milei. Una reciente encuesta reveló que más de la mitad de la población siente rechazo hacia las políticas "libertarias" del presidente de Argentina…

Staff (2024-01-03). Convocan una "jornada de lucha" contra los despidos en Argentina. Los trabajadores del Estado buscarán plantarse el 15 enero ante las acciones de Javier Milei que dejó sin sustento a varios hogares argentinos por los despidos en los puestos públicos.

teleSUR, MS (2024-01-03). 55.5% de los argentinos rechaza el gobierno de Javier Milei. Una reciente encuesta reveló que más de la mitad de la población siente rechazo hacia las políticas "libertarias" del presidente de Argentina…

teleSUR, YSM (2024-01-03). Denuncian segunda ola de despidos en Argentina. La ATE lanzó una nueva Jornada Nacional de Lucha para el 15 de enero.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-01-03). Intensas lluvias dejan 30 evacuados en Córdoba, Argentina. Los evacuados pertenecen a siete núcleos familiares y fueron alojadas provisoriamente en el Hotel Bristol.

Cesar Chelala (2024-01-02). The Healing Power of Tango. Few musical styles are associated with a country as the tango is with Argentina, where it was born. Tango evolved slowly, following the great immigration waves to Argentina in the late 1880s. Tango resulted from the fusion of different rhythms: the "candomblé" (of South American Blacks), the Cuban "habanera;" brought to Argentina in the nineteenth

Orinoco Tribune. (2024-01-02). Argentina's Largest Trade Union Announces General Strike. The General Confederation of Labor (CGT), Argentina's largest labor union, has called for a general strike and a march to the Congress on January 24, 2024 to protest against President Javier Milei's Decree of Necessity and Urgency and the "Omnibus Bill" that grants absolute powers to the far-right president to govern for two years bypassing the Congress. | On Thursday, December 28, the CGT, which is the common platform for the largest labor unions of Argentina, announced the general strike against Milei's neoliberal policies which "intend to drown the country in economic and political instability."

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-01-02). Intensas lluvias dejan 30 evacuados en Córdoba, Argentina. Los evacuados pertenecen a siete núcleos familiares y fueron alojadas provisoriamente en el Hotel Bristol.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-01-02). Presidente Milei suspende programa de créditos a jubilados. Según la administración, la medida se basa en el "resguardo de la rentabilidad" del Fondo de Garantía de Sustentabilidad.

Prensa Latina (2024-01-03). A year of Lula in power and Brazil's return to the world. President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva today marks one year since his return to power and also Brazil's return to the world, as he promised in his election campaign, to improve the lives of workers. | During 2023, the South American giant assumed the rotating presidency of the Common Market of the South, the United Nations Security Council, and the G20, a group made up of the 19 largest economies in the world plus the African Union and the European Union."We have recovered dialogue with the world and our international credibility," said the founder of the Workers' Party, addressing the country for Christmas and the…

Owen Fairclough (2024-01-02). The BRICS trade alliance expands. The BRICS trade alliance has doubled its size, starting this Tuesday. | Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have been joined by five more countries to create a powerhouse that represents nearly half the world's population.

The Independent (2024-01-02). Livingstone Mbabazi takes over at Vipers. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Vipers Sports Club has appointed former Arua Hill SC head Coach Charles Livingstone Mbabazi as their new Head Coach on a two-year employment contract. The Kitende-based club announced on Monday, barely two weeks since they parted ways with Brazilian Coach Leonard Martins Neiva "Vipers Sports Club is delighted to …

Partido Humanista de Chile (2024-01-02). 33 years of felony, let's say enough is enough and let's change course. Corruption unleashed: | The knowledge of the corruption scheme of public institutions, embodied by the most powerful and prestigious lawyer of the Chilean elite, Luis Hermosilla ("Here we are doing something that is a crime… that is a crime. And it is the only way to do it") and the resignation of councillor María Inés Horvitz and her subsequent statements ("The co-optation of the state by de facto powers linked by birth, politics, and money is increasingly visible"), give a clear indication of the advance and proliferation of this increasingly evident phenomenon in the upper echelons of our society.

teleSUR, MS (2024-01-02). Entra en vigencia nuevo sistema de Royalty Minero en Chile. Se trata de un impuesto a la gran minería que beneficiará los proyectos en los gobiernos regionales y varias municipalidades.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2024-01-03). Asesinan a concejal del municipio de Tuluá, Colombia. El político, miembro del Partido Conservador, había sido reelecto el 29 de octubre de 2023 para un tercer período en el cargo.

teleSUR, SH (2024-01-03). Colombia cerró el 2023 con un total de 95 masacres. Según Indepaz, las víctimas de la masacre fueron secuestradas el pasado 28 diciembre por un grupo de hombres armados en el departamento de Nariño.

Adriaan Alsema (2024-01-02). Deadly violence against Colombia's leaders remained high in 2023. Deadly violence targeting Colombia's human rights defenders and community leaders maintained in 2023, according to data by think tank Indepaz. According to the non-governmental organization, 188 social leaders were assassinated…

teleSUR, DRL (2024-01-02). Colombia reporta su primer firmante de paz asesinado en 2024. Justo la víspera cerró la cuenta del año anterior en 45, con lo cual sumaban, hasta ese momento, unos 408 desde la firma de la paz con las FARC-EP en 2016.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2024-01-02). Asesinan a concejal del municipio de Tuluá, Colombia. El político, miembro del Partido Conservador, había sido reelecto el 29 de octubre de 2023 para un tercer período en el cargo. (2024-01-03). Liaoning Port Group opens first South American container rout. The launch of this route filled the gap in direct shipping services from Dalian Port to the South American region. (2024-01-02). Liaoning Port Group opens first South American container rout. The launch of this route filled the gap in direct shipping services from Dalian Port to the South American region.

Jose Eloy Richards Richards (2024-01-02). New expressions of solidarity with Cuba in Uruguay. Uruguay's trade union central, the Pit-Cnt, described it as "a historic deed that marked a milestone in the struggle for dignity, self-determination and social justice". | "Cuba continues to demonstrate that we are not meant to be submissive to the powerful of the world", adds…

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