(2024-02-06). India participates in the first meeting of the G20 Working Group on Education chaired by Brazil. tvbrics.com Representatives of the Asian country emphasised the importance of innovative teaching processes…
(2024-02-06). Pressure on Colombia's Supreme Court to pick new chief prosecutor. colombiareports.com Labor unions and political organizations close to Colombia's President Gustavo Petro announced protests to demand the Supreme Court pick a new chief prosecutor. Teachers union Fecode said it will take…
(2024-02-06). 25 Years Into The Revolution, Venezuela Resists US Interference. popularresistance.org February 2 marked the 25th anniversary of the inauguration of President Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, which was the beginning of the Bolivarian Revolution. Over the past 25 years, Venezuela has made remarkable gains in reducing poverty, ending illiteracy and building social infrastructure such as housing, health care, education, transportation and more, despite persistent interference by the United States to impose an economic blockade, fund an opposition, attempt coups and assassinations, delegitimize the elections and threaten military attacks. Clearing the FOG speaks with Leo Flores, a Venezuelan activist, about t…
(2024-02-06). Venezuelan analyst: Lenin on 'Socialism and War'. workers.org By Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein A message from Rodríguez Gelfenstein, a political analyst and former Venezuelan diplomat and official, to the International Assembly against Imperialism in Solidarity with Palestine on Jan. 21 in New York City. Amid the horror exposed by Israel's colonial-imperialist aggression against the Palestinian people, we commemorate the . . . |
(2024-02-06). CADTM International supports the general strike in Argentina on 24 January 2024 and the popular uprising against debt. cadtm.org
(2024-02-06). Bolivia prepares multi-million investments in Oruro department. plenglish.com During the Solemn Session that Arce attended with vice president David Choquehuanca, the governor of Oruro, Johnny Vedia, and other authorities, Arce explained that the funds will cover projects in the educational, healthcare, and agricultural sectors and related to the industrialization of the department. | The President reported that during the current year the Comprehensive Health Center at Curahuara de Carangas and the Health Center at the municipality of Carangas will be built based on agreements signed with the Special Projects Unit of the Presidency, with an investment of eight million bolivianos (more th…
(2024-02-06). Exposed: US DEA used criminals to spy on, destabilize Venezuela, Mexico, Bolivia. geopoliticaleconomy.com Reports reveal that the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) used known criminals to spy on and destabilize the left-wing governments in Venezuela, Mexico, and Bolivia.
(2024-02-06). Paraguayan drug network that operates with cryptocurrencies denounced. plenglish.com Asunción, Feb 6 (Prensa Latina) An international organization of drug traffickers deactivated in 2022 by Paraguay's Operation A Ultranza Py, the largest in the country against this scourge, used cryptocurrencies in its transactions, the government reported.
(2024-02-06). Venezuela Launches National Dialogue to Define Presidential Election Day. orinocotribune.com A day of national dialogue was held at the headquarters of the Venezuelan National Assembly (AN) to define an electoral schedule to guarantee that the presidential elections will be carried out in 2024, per what has been established by the Constitution. | This Monday, February 5, the aforementioned meeting was led by National Assembly (AN) President Deputy Jorge Rodríguez, who received many representatives of different political parties and movements, including several presidential candidates. | In his speech at the beginning of the session, Rodríguez recommended the creation of a commission that, in no more than…
(2024-02-06). National Assembly's Consultation Is Successful: Pres. Maduro. telesurenglish.net On Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro highlighted the success of the public consultation called by the National Assembly for the development of the schedule for the 2024 presidential elections. | RELATED: | During his program "Con Maduro +", the Bolivarian leader stated that the national dialogue session started "on the right foot" by having the participation of the majority of presidential pre-candidat…
(2024-02-06). Colombia extends ceasefire with ELN. colombiareports.com Colombia's government and ELN guerrillas announced the extension of a ceasefire that seeks to facilitate ongoing peace talks. The six-month ceasefire was announced minutes before the end of the initial…
(2024-02-06). Why the US Is Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela. counterpunch.org The State Department accused the Venezuelan government of actions that are "inconsistent" with the Barbados agreement, negotiated last October. This accord arranged a prisoner exchange with the US and the issuance of licenses allowing Venezuela to sell some of its own oil and gold. The agreement promised temporary and partial sanctions relief for Venezuela, although major coercive economic provisions were still left in place.
(2024-02-06). Argentine president shifts embassy to Jerusalem, backs Israel. albawaba.com ALBAWABA- Argentine President Javier Milley voiced his backing for Israel's stance against Hamas terrorism and its right to self-defense during his visit to Israel. While en route to Israel, Milley emphasized his country's support for what he claims Israel's efforts in countering Hamas terrorism. Additionally, Channel 12 Hebrew reported that President Milley announced the relocation of Argentina's embassy to Jerusalem, signaling a shift in the Argentine government's commitment to the two-state solution. This move is seen as contradictory to the aspirations of the Palestinian people for their own independent state…
(2024-02-06). Bolivia and China to sign financial agreement on zinc plant. plenglish.com La Paz, Feb 6 (Prensa Latina) The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, confirmed that the Ministries of Mining and Development Planning will sign an agreement with the Government of China to finance the construction of a Zinc Plant in Oruro.
(2024-02-06). Bolivarian Revolution: Between Achievements, Challenges, and Sieges. orinocotribune.com By Mision Verdad — Feb 2, 2024 | On February 2, 1999, with the swearing-in of Commander Hugo Chávez Frías as president of Venezuela, the Bolivarian Revolution formally began one of the most important political and cultural processes that has occurred in Venezuela, the region, and recent world history. It constitutes, without a doubt, a hinge between the last century, with its "end of history," and this century that opened a passage between old and rejuvenated utopias. | In the past quarter of a century, there have been many achievements and success stories. Even greater are the challenges that arise for the…
(2024-02-06). Why the US Is Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela. pressenza.com Even the US business magazine Forbes expressed surprise at the reimposition of US sanctions on Venezuela's gold sales and its threat to do the same with oil. The oil sanctions especially, if reinstated, would precipitate higher gas prices and further debilitate the Venezuelan economy,…
(2024-02-06). Amid extreme temperatures and drought, Chile suffers its deadliest wildfire on record. wsws.org A wildfire engulfed entire neighborhoods this weekend in Valparaíso and Viña del Mar in central Chile, leaving at least 122 dead and 190 missing.
(2024-02-06). Denuncian asesinato de líder social colombiano en Putumayo. telesurtv.net Asimismo Indepaz acotó que este líder fue asesinado el 2 de febrero en su vivienda.
(2024-02-06). Presidente venezolano destaca éxito de consulta pública convocada por la Asamblea Nacional. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado afirmó que la jornada de diálogo nacional arrancó con buen pie al contar con la participación de la mayoría de precandidatos presidenciales.
(2024-02-06). Gobierno colombiano y ELN prolongan un día negociaciones de paz. telesurtv.net En un comunicado, el ELN señaló que se están tomando medidas "con el fin de acordar una prórroga otros seis meses".
(2024-02-06). Continúan incendios forestales en Argentina. telesurtv.net La intendencia del Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi comunicó que debido al incendio fueron cerradas todas las sendas que conectan con Pampa Linda, Bahía López y el Cerrito Llao Llao.
(2024-02-06). Nicaragua envía mensaje solidario al Gobierno y pueblo de Chile. telesurtv.net La misiva expresa condolencias a las familias y comunidades que perdieron a los seres queridos, y que también han sufrido pérdidas de orden material.
(2024-02-06). Parlamento ecuatoriano inicia segundo debate sobre alza del IVA. telesurtv.net Decenas de personas, tanto los que se oponen al aumento del IVA como los seguidores del presidente Daniel Noboa, se concentran en los exteriores de la Asamblea Nacional.
(2024-02-06). Incendios en Valparaíso, Chile, dejan 123 fallecidos. telesurtv.net La Secretaría de Justicia anunció que se ha aumentado la dotación del SML con el fin de acelerar las tareas en la región de Valparaíso.
(2024-02-06). Panamá derrota a Puerto Rico en Serie del Caribe. telesurtv.net Los Tiburones de la Guaira, representantes de Venezuela, realizaron rally en el séptimo inning, anotando seis carreras, lo que les permitió derrotar a los Naranjeros de Hermosillo…
(2024-02-06). Tragedia en Chile. radiohc.cu El pueblo chileno está viviendo en estos días la peor catástrofe sufrida desde el terremoto de febrero de 2010, debido a una serie de incendios forestales en zonas de la región de Valparaíso que aumentaron súbitamente su potencia y arrasaron zonas densamente pobladas en cuatro comunas.
(2024-02-06). Gobierno de Chile confirma fallecimiento del expresidente Sebastián Piñera tras accidente aéreo. telesurtv.net El presidente Gabriel Boric instruyó que se realice un funeral de Estado y que se declare duelo nacional.
(2024-02-06). Consideran que fiscal Barbosa carece de competencia en el caso Petro. telesurtv.net La ministra de Trabajo de Colombia, Gloria Inés Ramírez explica por qué el presidente Gustavo Petro responsabilizó al fiscal general de una ruptura constitucional.
(2024-02-06). Instalan diálogo para elecciones presidenciales en Venezuela. telesurtv.net El presidente de la AN, Jorge Rodríguez, reiteró que las elecciones presidenciales se llevarán a cabo este año, una vez que sean convocadas por el CNE.
(2024-02-06). Subsecretario de temas antinarcóticos de EE.UU. visitará Ecuador. telesurtv.net Según Washington, la visita busca mostrar su "compromiso inquebrantable" en la lucha contra el narcotráfico.
(2024-02-06). Piden a EE.UU. poner fin a las sanciones contra Venezuela. telesurtv.net "Se puede construir una relación entre Estados Unidos y Venezuela donde no tenga cabida este tipo de agresiones", señalan.
(2024-02-06). Gobierno de Colombia y ELN concluyen sexto ciclo de diálogos. telesurtv.net Gobierno de Colombia y Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) concluyeron el sexto ciclo de diálogos con una prórroga del cese al fuego y acuerdan crear fondo multidonante para el proceso de paz.
(2024-02-06). Aumenta la tensión entre Rusia y Ecuador por el caso de las armas. telesurtv.net El Gobierno ruso inició negociaciones con exportadores de la India para suplir las importaciones de la fruta desde Ecuador.
(2024-02-06). Venezuela y Argentina empatan, Paraguay gana a Brasil en preolímpico. telesurtv.net En un partidazo, lleno de polémicas, tres tarjetas rojas, penal, autogol; Venezuela y Argentina empataron a dos.
(2024-02-06). Gobierno de Colombia y ELN acuerdan prorrogar el cese al fuego. telesurtv.net A las 10: 00 hora local (16: 00 GMT) de este martes está previsto el acto de clausura del sexto ciclo de diálogos de paz entre el Gobierno colombiano y el ELN.
(2024-02-06). Asciende a 122 la cifra de muertos por incendios en Chile. telesurtv.net Durante esta misma jornada se comenzará la entrega de cuerpos a los familiares.
(2024-02-06). Diputados bolivianos aprueban ley de elecciones judiciales. telesurtv.net La propuesta de normativa privilegia a la meritocracia para la preselección de los candidatos judiciales.
(2024-02-06). Alertan sobre aumento de casos de dengue en Perú. telesurtv.net Las ocho personas fallecidas por dengue en 2024 son adultos mayores con comorbilidades.