(2024-02-17). UAE, Brazil and Cuba announce food security initiative. tvbrics.com It is part of a collaborative effort to develop sustainable food systems, agriculture and promote climate action…
(2024-02-17). Camilo Torres Restrepo: Priest, revolutionary, and guerrilla fighter. mronline.org February 15 marks the anniversary of the assassination of Colombian revolutionary Camilo Torres by men led by General Alvaro Valencia Tovar.
(2024-02-17). US Secret Service Raids Venezuelan Ambassador's Residency in Washington DC. orinocotribune.com
(2024-02-17). Argentina is NOT for sale! Argentinians rise up against Milei's neoliberal plunder. liberationnews.org
(2024-02-17). Venezuela Reports Lowest Monthly Inflation in 12 Years. orinocotribune.com Caracas ( The BCV also reported that the annual accumulated inflation is about to go below t…
(2024-02-17). Secret Service Raids Venezuela's Ambassador Residency in Washington DC. orinocotribune.com
(2024-02-17). Resilience of the Cuban people highlighted in Ecuador. plenglish.com Quito, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) Ecuadorian friends of Cuba highlighted the resilience that the people of the island maintain, despite the obstacles of the blockade imposed by the United States.
(2024-02-17). Lima Group 2.0: Right-Wing Latin American Ex-Presidents Demand US Interventionism in Venezuela. orinocotribune.com After the failure of the Lima Group, Latin American right-wing former presidents created a new group to continue interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, such as attempting to overthrow the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro. | This new Lima Group is named Liberty and Democracy Group, which includes the former presidents Iván Duque of Colombia, Mauricio Macri of Argentina, Jorge Quiroga of Bolivia, Guillermo Lasso of Ecuador, and Mario Abdo Benítez of Paraguay. | The idea for creating this Lima Group 2.0 came from the late Sebastián Piñera, former president of Chile. | According to Jorge Quirog…
(2024-02-17). Lack of support to vulnerable sectors will be denounced in Argentina. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine movement Somos Barrios de Pie confirmed that it will hold a protest in front of the Ministry of Economy to denounce the lack of support from the Government in the face of the existing food emergency.
(2024-02-17). Venezuela and Bolivia Review Bilateral Cooperation Agreements. orinocotribune.com Venezuela and Bolivia reviewed bilateral cooperation agreements in various fields during the official visit of Bolivian Foreign Affairs Minister Celinda Sosa Lunda to Venezuela. | On Friday, February 16, the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, welcomed the minister of Foreign Affairs of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Celinda Sosa Lunda, in the headquarters of the Venezuelan Vice Presidency. | The two officials held a meeting where they reviewed the cooperation and trade agreements, especially those related to oil, gas and petrochemicals, as well as the agreements that are part of the Third Bolivia-…
(2024-02-17). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org
(2024-02-17). Brazil with broad agenda at Cuban 32nd Book Fair. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) Brazil will deploy a broad agenda today at the San Carlos de la Cabaña fortress, the venue of the 32nd Havana International Book Fair, where it participates as the guest of honor.
(2024-02-17). Obituary] Susan Abarca Salazar. thelancet.com Infectious diseases consultant and doctoral student. She was born on Sept 7, 1986, in Cusco, Peru, and died on Aug 15, 2023, in Zimbabwe, aged 36 years.
(2024-02-17). Ecuador cancela la intención de enviar armas rusas a EE.UU. telesurtv.net El embajador de Rusia en Ecuador comentó que todos los detalles de la decisión del Gobierno ecuatoriano se conocerán la próxima semana.
(2024-02-17). Presidente argentino declara que no aumentará salario mínimo. telesurtv.net Dijo que tiene previsto convocar a una paritaria nacional del sector docente.
(2024-02-17). Vicepresidenta de Venezuela se reúne con presidente de la CAF. telesurtv.net Revisaron la agenda conjunta que sostiene el país suramericano con el Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe (CAF) a nivel nacional y regional.
(2024-02-17). Se movilizan por restauración del orden democrático en Paraguay. telesurtv.net La exsenadora Kattya González anunció que recurrirá a la Corte Suprema de Justicia para presentar un recurso de inconstitucionalidad por su expulsión.
(2024-02-17). Canciller venezolano sostiene encuentro con su par boliviana. telesurtv.net El canciller venezolano refirió que es un honor recibir a su homóloga del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Celinda Sosa Lunda, en su visita oficial.
(2024-02-17). Gremio ferroviario argentino se levanta en huelga. telesurtv.net El gremio indica que la medida fue adoptada ante la "falta de discusión paritaria y de propuesta salarial adecuada ante la inflación galopante que deteriora los haberes del personal de conducción de trenes".
(2024-02-17). Aprueban en Bolivia convocatoria para elección de magistrados. radiohc.cu Sucre, 16 feb (RHC) La Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional de Bolivia aprobó este viernes por unanimidad la convocatoria a la preselección de candidatos a magistrados de los órganos supremos del Poder Judicial en una sesión encabezada por el vicepresidente, David Choquehuanca.
(2024-02-17). Definidas sedes de Series del Caribe hasta año 2029. telesurtv.net El torneo tuvo como colofón el récord de asistencia de 36,677 aficionados en la final entre Tiburones de la Guaira de Venezuela y Tigres del Licey de República Dominicana.
(2024-02-17). Congreso de Perú inhabilita magistrados de la JNJ por 10 años. telesurtv.net Los magistrados de la Junta Nacional de Justicia serán inhabilitados para participar en cualquier cargo público durante los próximos 10 años…
(2024-02-17). Aprueban el plan social Gran Misión Viva Venezuela. telesurtv.net El Gobierno venezolano impulsó está misión para rescatar los valores culturales en todos los espacios de la nación caribeña.
(2024-02-17). Enfrentamiento armado en Colombia dejó cuatro soldados muertos. telesurtv.net La representante del Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los Derechos Humanos en Colombia viajó a la zona del ataque para hacer seguimiento a "la situación de derechos humanos".
(2024-02-17). Chile bids farewell to ex-president Pinera in state funeral. presstv.ir Chile holds a state funeral for former president Sebastian Pinera, who died this week when the helicopter he was piloting plummeted into a lake.