Daily Archives: February 18, 2024

2024-02-18: News Headlines

Orinoco Tribune. (2024-02-18). Secret Service Raids Venezuelan Ambassador's Residency In Washington. popularresistance.org Officers from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the United States Secret Service raided the residence of the Venezuelan ambassador in Washington. The diplomatic building was illegally occupied by the fugitive from Venezuelan justice Carlos Vecchio with complicity from US authorities since he declared himself Venezuela's ambassador during the failed US "regime change" operation led by former deputy Juan Guaidó, who proclaimed himself "interim president" of Venezuela in 2019. | According to a report posted by photojournalist Kyle Mazza on social media on Thursday, February 15, police activity could be s…

Rodrigo Vazquez-Sales, The Real News. (2024-02-18). Colombian Farmers Take Back Land Stolen By Big Oil. popularresistance.org The story of multinational corporations taking land and resources from working people can be found all over the world. In Colombia, farming families have joined forces to reclaim their stolen land and defend it from local security forces acting on behalf of the Occidental Petroleum Corporation. The Real News reports from Arauquita, Colombia, on the frontlines of a land defenders' campaign that stretches back decades. In Arauquita, Northeast Colombia, 150 farming families were displaced from this land 20 years ago. It's been exploited by the Occidental Petroleum Corporation ever since. However, the farmers returne…

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-18). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Staff (2024-02-18). Oil Spill in Trinidad and Tobago Probably Caused by Ship Bound for Guyana (+Venezuela). orinocotribune.com Caracas ( More than a week after the mysterious oil spill was first sighted off the coast of Trinidad and Tobago, it is moving eastward toward the Caribbean Sea, north of Venezuela, according to a statement from Trininad and Toba…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-18). Brazil ¥s PF show evidence Bolsonaro ¥s involvement in coup attempt. plenglish.com Brasilia, Feb 18 (Prensa Latina) Releasing that former President Jair Bolsonaro had transferred USD,000 before traveling to the United States in 2022, in anticipation of the coup attempt, has come to light in Brazil this week.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-18). Asociación Raíces Cubanas ayuda a damnificados por incendios en Chile. radiohc.cu La Habana, 18 feb (RHC) Miembros de la asociación de residentes en Chile Raíces Cubanas viajaron a Valparaíso para ayudar a los damnificados por los incendios forestales, que hasta hoy dejaron un saldo de más de 130 muertos y miles de viviendas destruidas.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-18). Tres personas fallecen a causa de deslave en La Paz, Bolivia. telesurtv.net Ocurrió luego de que intensas lluvias afectaran la noche del viernes la urbanización Arco Iris, en el municipio de Achocalla, departamento de La Paz.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-18). Venezuela ratifica vigencia del Acuerdo de Ginebra en disputa fronteriza con Guyana. telesurtv.net Caracas denunció que Guyana optó por la ilegalidad y la agresión al querer revivir el Laudo Arbitral de París de 1899 que fue superado por el Acuerdo de Ginebra.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-18). Presos políticos mapuche ponen fin a su huelga de hambre. telesurtv.net Reclaman que "la negativa de este Gobierno de no habilitar un módulo y contravenir de esta forma, tratados y convenios internacionales retrata muy bien a la actual administración" de Gabriel Boric.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2024-02-18). Extienden una semana restricciones en zonas incendiadas en Chile. telesurtv.net La instancia gubernativa también instauró la continuación de la restricción de movilidad y vehicular e hizo un llamado a respetar la medida y a no ingresar a zonas afectadas desde las 22: 00 hasta las 05: 00 horas.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-02-18). Hospitalizan a cantante peruana Susana Baca por estado delicado. telesurtv.net La tres veces ganadora de los premios Grammy Latino, actualmente con 79 años, "tiene achaques del tiempo y enfermedades nuevas e insospechadas".

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-18). Aumentan a 133 los fallecidos por incendios en Chile. telesurtv.net El Servicio Médico Legal de Chile logró identificar a 108 víctimas mortales.

presstv.ir (2024-02-18). Chile bids farewell to ex-president Pinera in state funeral. presstv.ir Chile holds a state funeral for former president Sebastian Pinera, who died this week when the helicopter he was piloting plummeted into a lake.

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