Monthly Archives: June 2024

2024-06-16: News Headlines

WorkWeek (2024-06-16). WorkWeek on SEIU 1021 SF Mayoral Meeting, IBT AI Fascism & The Heat Wave, Kamala Harris. WorkWeek this week presents On SEIU 1021 SF Mayoral Meeting, IBT AI Fascism & The Heat Wave, Kamala Harris Charged With Genocide & Argentina Fascist President Milei & Working Class…

Staff (2024-06-16). Venezuela VP Delcy Rodríguez Repudiates Guyana President's Warmongering. The vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, repudiated the warmongering of the president of Guyana, Irfaan Ali, who is "threatening the tranquility and peace" of the region. | On Friday, June 14, Rodríguez commented that President Ali is establishing himself as "the Caribbean Zelensky," referring to the president of Ukraine who serves as a puppet to warmongering US ambitions. | "Venezuela repudiates the warmongering of Irfaan Ali, who wants to become the Caribbean Zelensky by threatening the tranquility and peace of our region to worship his American and ExxonMobil masters," Rodríguez wrote on social media.

Zac Chapman, Nairuti Shastry, Portside. (2024-06-16). Will The Revolution Be Funded? In April 2022, grassroots organization Mijente unveiled a political framework in which it advocated for a threefold strategy of working within, without, and against the state to achieve its political goals. This framing was inspired by a movement group in Chile, the Movimiento de Pobladores en Lucha. | We propose a similar path: building strategic alignment across groups working within, without, and against philanthropy. We aim to share the historical and present-day value of diverse approaches to fundraising that include but are in no way limited to philanthropic investment. Moreover, we seek to show how alignin…

Jeffrey Sachs, Friends of Socialist China. (2024-06-16). The Perils And Promise Of The Emerging Multipolar World. In his recent article for Common Dreams, Columbia professor Jeffrey Sachs describes the world's trajectory towards multipolarity over the past three decades. He notes that, "in 1994, the G7 countries constituted 45.3% of world output, compared with 18.9% of world output in the BRICS countries (Brazil, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Russia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates). The tables have turned. The BRICS now produce 35.2% of world output, while the G7 countries produce 29.3%." | The West's political influence is also waning, as exemplified by the failure of the US-led sanctions against Russia from 2022…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-06-16). Guyana's former president highlights Prensa Latina's work in 65 years. Georgetown, 16 Jun (Prensa Latina) Former Guyanese President Donald Ramotar on Sunday highlighted Prensa Latina's work during its 65 years of existence, wished the news agency a successful future, and expressed appreciation for its news services. (2024-06-16). Hundreds rally in Chilean capital to support Palestinian people. Hundreds march in support of Palestinian people during a demonstration held in the Chilean capital city of Santiago.

Sebastiana Romero (2024-06-16). Presidente de Venezuela felicita a los padres en su día. Caracas, 16 jun (RHC) El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, transmitió hoy sus felicitaciones a los padres en su Día y agradeció a aquellos que no se rinden y lo acompañan con su compromiso.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-06-16). Encuesta: 88,2 % de peruanos desaprueban desempeño de Dina Boluarte. El informe refleja que un 81,2 por ciento considera que Boluarte debería dejar "cuanto antes" su cargo.

teleSUR, MER (2024-06-16). Presidente Maduro alerta sobre violencia de la extrema derecha. El mandatario le expresó al pueblo venezolano que es necesario cuidar la paz.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-06-16). Docentes universitarios realizan paro nacional en Argentina. Si no encuentran una respuesta satisfactoria, los manifestantes han declarado que existen posibilidades de que la semana próxima vayan nuevamente al paro.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-06-16). Trabajadores de telecomunicaciones rechazan ley de medios en Uruguay. Los Diputados acordaron que el documento será nuevamente analizado después del 30 de junio.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-06-16). Venezuela denuncia campaña mediática internacional para desconocer procesos electorales. Jorge Rodríguez advirtió a la ultraderecha que no se permitirá la vulneración de la paz venezolana.

teleSUR, MS (2024-06-16). Gobierno colombiano y la Segunda Marquetalia inician diálogos de paz. Las partes firmantes, representadas por el consejero comisionado de paz de Colombia, Otty Patiño, e Iván Márquez, exnegociador de los diálogos que condujeron al acuerdo de paz de 2016 de las disidencias de las FARC.

teleSUR, MER (2024-06-16). Presidente Maduro conversa con mandataria electa de México. Ambas autoridades ratificaron los lazos de hermandad entre México y Venezuela, así como su disposición en fortalecer la Celac.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-06-16). Venezuela y China muestran sintonía en agenda bilateral. La visita es una invitación del ministro chino de Relaciones Exteriores, Wang Yi, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-06-16). Venezuela acogerá la Serie del Caribe en el año 2026. La lista de sedes por año quedaría de la siguiente forma: Mexicali 2025, Venezuela 2026, Hermosillo 2027, República Dominicana 2028 y Puerto Rico 2029.

2024-06-16 20:15:50 | 20:15 EST | tr | 18 | 0 | 0 | 16 | 0 

2024-06-12: News Headlines

Robert Inlakesh (2024-06-12). Chiquita Ordered to Pay $38 Million for Funding Colombian Death Squads. In a historic first, Chiquita Brands International has been ordered to pay the families of murdered Colombians after a court found the U.S.-based banana giant had privately financed death squads. | After a lengthy legal battle spanning 17 years, a Florida court

Staff (2024-06-12). Venezuela Reiterates Call to Guyana To Return to Negotiations Over Essequibo. Venezuela ratifies its commitment to defend its sovereignty over Essequibo while reiterating the call to the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to return to the negotiating table to make effective the practical, acceptable and satisfactory solution by both parties to the territorial dispute, as stipulated in the 1966 Geneva Agreement. | This was said in a statement read by the permanent representative of Venezuela to the United Nations (UN), Samuel Moncada, who attended a meeting this Tuesday, June 11, at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to discuss the issue of the territorial dispute over the Essequibo terri…

Staff (2024-06-12). US Court Finds Chiquita Guilty of Financing Paramilitaries in Colombia. The banana multinational Chiquita Brands, previously know as Chiquita Banana, was found guilty by a US court of financing paramilitary groups in Colombia. | After 17 years of legal process, a court in West Palm Beach (Florida) found the company responsible for financing the far-right United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), reported EarthRights International, a firm that provided legal support to the victims of paramilitarism, on Monday, June 10. | According to the organization, the jury's decision "confirms long-standing accusations," making clear that Chiquita Brands, in order to generate profits, "deliver…

Ana Perdigón (2024-06-12). Elections in Venezuela: Opposition Candidate Edmundo González Refuses to Sign Agreement to Recognize July 28 Results. The far-right opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia ruled out signing an agreement that would recognize the results of the upcoming presidential elections scheduled for July 28. The agreement had been suggested by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) to prevent far-right violence after the elections, something that has happened several times in the past. | On Tuesday, June 11, a journalist asked González Urrutia whether he would sign the agreement proposed by the president of the National Assembly, PSUV Deputy Jorge Rodríguez. The agreement has been proposed by Chavismo in at least…

kwjorinoco (2024-06-12). It Is Impossible to be Neutral on Venezuela. By Rafael Hidalgo Fernández — Jun 9, 2024 | As is customary since Hugo Chávez Frías triumphed in the 1998 presidential elections, all electoral disputes to reach the Miraflores Palace have been subject to strong international delegitimization campaigns, without exception, always at the initiative of the hegemonic core of the international right wing, which operates from the White House. The presidential election of July 28 is no exception to this rule. | Given the importance of the Bolivarian Revolution in the articulation progressive forces at the international level, the act of expressing support for it or…

Misión Verdad (2024-06-12). President Maduro Renews Call for Dialogue as Elections Draw Near. This Monday, during the broadcast of the Con Maduro+ program, President Nicolás Maduro expressed his commitment to convening a great national dialogue once the next elections on July 28 are complete. The president highlighted the importance of establishing a path for a future in which all sectors of Venezuelan society can actively participate. | "Once the National Electoral Council (CNE) reads the results on the night of July 28, that blessed day of victory, the first thing I will do as president of the Republic, already ratified by the people, will be to call for a great dialogue—cultural, business, social…

Al Mayadeen, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-06-12). Lavrov Opens BRICS Meeting In Russia, First After New Members Joined. Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov opened the two-day BRICS foreign ministers' meeting as its chair in the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod from June 10 to 11. | Among those attending are: China's Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi, South Africa's Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Dr. Naledi Pandor, Egypt's Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry, and Brazil's Minister of Foreign Affairs Mauro Vieira, while Turkey's Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan is attending in the extended format of the meeting. | This marks the first after the bloc was joined by new members — Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran,…

Naomi Braine, In These Times. (2024-06-12). Safe Abortions Everywhere, Regardless Of The Law. In 2008 in Quito, high in the Andes Mountains, a group of young feminist activists dropped a banner from the top of an enormous statue of the Virgin Mary that towers over Ecuador's capital city. "Aborto Seguro," the banner read, alongside the number for a new hotline that offered callers information on safely using medication to end a pregnancy outside the medical system. | In a country where abortion access is extremely restricted and the majority of the population is Catholic, the Ecuadorian "safe abortion hotline" was a bold declaration of women's bodily autonomy. It w…

Brett Wilkins (2024-06-12). US jury holds Chiquita liable for Colombian death squad's murder of banana workers. This story originally appeared in In what case litigants are calling the first time an American jury has held a U.S. corporation legally liable for atrocities abroad, federal jurors in Florida on Monday found that Chiquita Brands International financed a Colombian paramilitary death squad that murdered, tortured, and terrorized workers in a bid to crush labor unrest in the 1990s and 2000…

Democracy Now! (2024-06-12). Democracy Now! 2024-06-12 Wednesday. Headlines for June 12, 2024; Sarah Leah Whitson: U.S. Ceasefire Push in Gaza Is Welcome, But "40,000 Dead Palestinians Too Late"; Hunter Biden: President's Son Convicted in Federal Gun Case, Faces Tax Evasion Trial Next; Bananas and Blood: Chiquita Ordered to Pay Colombian Families $38 Million for Backing Death Squads | Headlines for June 12, 2024; Sarah Leah Whitson: U.S. Ceasefire Push in Gaza Is Welcome, But "40,000 Dead Palestinians Too Late"; Hunter Biden: President's Son Convicted in Federal Gun Case, Faces Tax Evasion Trial Next; Bananas and Blood: Chiquita Ordered to Pay…

Staff (2024-06-12). Bananas and Blood: Chiquita Ordered to Pay Colombian Families $38 Million for Backing Death Squads. In a landmark case in Florida, a federal jury has ordered Chiquita Brands International to pay over $38 million in damages to the families of eight Colombian men who were killed by paramilitaries the banana giant funded. Chiquita previously pleaded guilty to paying the far-right United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia paramilitary group, or AUC, $1.7 million from 2001 to 2004. Though Chiquita argued the payments were meant to protect company employees, the AUC has been found responsible for committing mass human rights abuses and murdering civilians from 1997 to 2006. "Chiquita essentially had a partnership…

latintimes (2024-06-12). Argentina looking to send fighter jets to help Ukraine's war effort. The Javier Milei administration could send five French planes it's not using due to a lack of parts as a result of a British embargo from the Falklands War…

latintimes (2024-06-12). Some Venezuelan government allies are starting to drift to the opposition as elections near. Reports have documented different instances in which supposed allies have shown public support of president Maduro's challengers…

Editor (2024-06-12). Alfredo Maneiro, reader of Machiavelli. VA columnist Reinaldo Iturriza explores Venezuelan political theorist Alfredo Maneiro's concept of exercising political power with "revolutionary quality."

Alexandra Jacobo (2024-06-12). Sanders and Omar lead congressional push for Global Wealth Tax as Biden faces crucial decision. This initiative, led by Brazil, aims to address the glaring disparities in global wealth distribution and strengthen efforts to achieve tax fairness.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-06-12). Ecuadorian government confirms end of subsidies despite protests. Quito, Jun 12 (Prensa Latina) Ecuador's Economy Minister Juan Carlos Vega on Wednesday reaffirmed the decision made to eliminate fuel subsidies will not be reversed, in the midst of demonstrations against the measure.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-06-12). Lasso rules out to be in 2025 general elections in Ecuador. Quito, Jun 12 (Prensa Latina) Ecuador's former President Guillermo Lasso (2021-2023) posted Wednesday on X to rule out his participation as a candidate in the 2025 general elections. (2024-06-12). Hundreds rally in Chilean capital to support Palestinian people. Hundreds march in support of Palestinian people during a demonstration held in the Chilean capital city of Santiago.

WSWS (2024-06-12). Brazil and US mark 200 years of diplomatic ties as Washington drags Latin America into global war. The anniversary was overshadowed by a US offensive on multiple fronts— diplomatic, economic and military—against China, Brazil's leading trade partner.

Adriaan Alsema (2024-06-12). Colombia's teachers strike over pending education reform. Teachers laid down work on Wednesday for the first major strike since Colombia's first leftist president in history took office. The strike was organized by teachers union Fecode in response…

Human Rights Watch (2024-06-12). Peru: Congress Ramps Up Assault on Democratic System. Click to expand Image | Constitutional Committee of the Congress of the Republic of Peru, in Lima, June 5, 2024. | © 2024 Congress of the Republic of Peru. | (Washington, DC) — Peru's Congress is accelerating steps that undermine judicial independence, restrict civic space, and hinder investigations into organized crime and human rights violations ahead of the end of the legislative session on June 15, 2024, Human Rights Watch said today. Members of the Organization of American States (OAS) should discuss the situation in Peru during the organization's general assembly in Paraguay in late June.Durin…

aljazeera (2024-06-12). Neymar: Bolivia's Ladder Boy. An 11-year-old cemetery worker in Bolivia dreams of a better education as he struggles to support his family.

teleSUR, MER (2024-06-12). Presidente Maduro alerta sobre violencia de la extrema derecha. El mandatario le expresó al pueblo venezolano que es necesario cuidar la paz.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-06-12). Venezuela denuncia campaña mediática internacional para desconocer procesos electorales. Jorge Rodríguez advirtió a la ultraderecha que no se permitirá la vulneración de la paz venezolana.

teleSUR, MS (2024-06-12). Gobierno colombiano y la Segunda Marquetalia inician diálogos de paz. Las partes firmantes, representadas por el consejero comisionado de paz de Colombia, Otty Patiño, e Iván Márquez, exnegociador de los diálogos que condujeron al acuerdo de paz de 2016 de las disidencias de las FARC.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-06-12). Trabajadores de telecomunicaciones rechazan ley de medios en Uruguay. Los Diputados acordaron que el documento será nuevamente analizado después del 30 de junio.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-06-12). Docentes universitarios realizan paro nacional en Argentina. Si no encuentran una respuesta satisfactoria, los manifestantes han declarado que existen posibilidades de que la semana próxima vayan nuevamente al paro.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-06-12). Encuesta: 88,2 % de peruanos desaprueban desempeño de Dina Boluarte. El informe refleja que un 81,2 por ciento considera que Boluarte debería dejar "cuanto antes" su cargo.

María Candela (2024-06-12). Aleida Guevara en Venezuela: No olvidar a los muertos, aquí veo multiplicado al Che (+Foto y Audio). En el advenimiento del aniversario 96 del natalicio del Che, su hija, la Doctora Aleida Guevara March, sostuvo un emotivo encuentro con un grupo de colaboradores cubanos en Venezuela, y representantes de la Misión Diplomática de nuestro país en la nación hermana, así como integrantes del Movimiento de Amistad y Solidaridad Mutua-Venezuela-Cuba.

teleSUR, MER (2024-06-12). Presidente Maduro conversa con mandataria electa de México. Ambas autoridades ratificaron los lazos de hermandad entre México y Venezuela, así como su disposición en fortalecer la Celac.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-06-12). Venezuela y China muestran sintonía en agenda bilateral. La visita es una invitación del ministro chino de Relaciones Exteriores, Wang Yi, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China.

Sebastiana Romero (2024-06-12). Argentina: Fuerte operativo policial y represión en protesta contra Ley àìmnibus cerca del Congreso. Buenos Aires, 12 jun (RHC) Legisladores y organizaciones argentinas denunciaron hoy el fuerte operativo policial y la represión contra miles de manifestantes movilizados cerca del Congreso para rechazar la llamada Ley àìmnibus, analizada en el Senado.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-06-12). Venezuela acogerá la Serie del Caribe en el año 2026. La lista de sedes por año quedaría de la siguiente forma: Mexicali 2025, Venezuela 2026, Hermosillo 2027, República Dominicana 2028 y Puerto Rico 2029.

2024-06-12 22:55:25 | 22:55 EST | tr | 35 | 0 | 0 | 34 | 0