Monthly Archives: June 2024

2024-06-04: News Headlines

midwesternmarx (2024-06-04). The movement for Palestinian Solidarity in Chilean Universities: defying the liberal academia. By: Camilo Godoy & Catalina Calderón. ​After 76 years of occupation, students from across the Globe have shown their support towards the Palestinian cause during recent months. The agreements, cooperation and public relations with Universities and academic institutions from Israel has been a common factor in the causes towards it, considering the context of imperialism and aggression with direct complicity from the US' government and the UK after the AlAqsa Flood Operation by Hamas and then continued by other part …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-06-04). Llaneros Resist the Blockade: The Pancha Vásquez Commune (Part II). When production dropped, Venezuelans from the plains region turned to the commune to find solutions. | The latest installment in the

Staff (2024-06-04). Venezuela to Begin Reforestation at 'La Bulla Loca' Mine.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-06-04). Bolivia's president to fulfill extensive agenda in Russia. La Paz, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) President Luis Arce will conduct a series of activities during a visit to Russia, including participating in the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-06-04). Supreme Court will hold a conference on Environmental Justice. Bogota, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) The Supreme Court of Colombia will hold a conference today on Environmental Justice to analyze and discuss the challenges associated with the practice of law that protects the care of the planet.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-06-04). Empleados estatales anuncian paro nacional en Argentina. La marcha rechazará la Ley de Bases justo el día del debate de esta norma en la Cámara Alta, que aún no cuenta con fecha.

teleSUR, MER (2024-06-04). Presidente venezolano alerta que extrema derecha pretende implantar nuevo escenario de violencia. El mandatario le expresó al pueblo venezolano que es necesario cuidar la paz.

teleSUR, MS (2024-06-04). Docentes de Argentina anuncian paro nacional de 48 horas. La medida de fuerza tiene como objetivo rechazar el ajuste presupuestario implementado por el gobierno de Javier Milei, que ha ofrecido un aumento del 270% en los gastos de funcionamiento destinados a las universidades nacionales.

teleSUR, SH (2024-06-04). Autobús arrolla a personal sanitario en una carretera de Ecuador. Según medios ecuatorianos la muerte del personal sanitario ocurrió cuando atendían a las víctimas de un accidente de motocicletas.

teleSUR, rzr- SH (2024-06-04). Mujeres uruguayas marchan en contra de la violencia de género. Desde hace nueve años, organizaciones femeninas se reúnen cada 3 de junio para protestar contra la violencia machista y recordar la primera marcha 'Ni una menos'.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-06-04). Frente universitario argentino inicia paro de 48 horas. La Habana, 4 jun (RHC) El Frente Sindical de Universidades Nacionales de Argentina inicia hoy un paro de 48 horas para exigir mejoras salariales y denunciar la falta de respuesta del Gobierno de Javier Milei.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-06-04). Destacan apoyo de fuerzas progresistas del mundo a Venezuela. La Habana, 4 jun (RHC) El presidente de la Asamblea de Venezuela, Jorge Rodríguez, destacó el apoyo hoy de Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua y de las fuerzas progresistas del mundo en la defensa del proceso democrático de la nación sudamericana.

teleSUR- MER (2024-06-04). Presidente venezolano impulsa nuevo sistema comunicacional. El mandatario resaltó la importancia del sistema de calles, redes, medios, paredes y radio bemba contra la censura de quienes tratan de dañar a Venezuela.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-06-04). Realizan marcha contra la violencia de género en Argentina. La manifestación también rechaza la violencia económica, se opone a la Ley de Bases, los despidos del Estado y a los crímenes de odio.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-06-04). Declaran alerta por frío extremo en siete provincias de Argentina. El Ministerio de Salud argentino ha indicado no exponerse por tiempo prolongado al frío en exteriores, entre otras recomendaciones.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-06-04). Argentina repartirá alimentos retenidos por el Gobierno. El escándalo estalló por la retención de más de cinco millones de kilos de comida por el Ministerio de Capital Humano, en un momento de escases de alimentos en los comedores populares.

newarab (2024-06-04). Chile joins South African case against Israel at top UN court. Chilean President Gabriel Boric said on Saturday that his country was joining South Africa in its case at the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of "genocide" in its Speaking to the National Congress, Boric decried the "catastrophic humanitarian situation" in Gaza and called for "a firm response from the international community." | "Chile will become a party to and support the case that South Africa presented against Israel before the International Court of Justice in The Hague," Boric…

2024-06-04 13:09:30 | 13:09 EST | by | 19 | 0 | 0 | 17 | 0 

2024-06-03: News Headlines

infobrics (2024-06-03). At the Crossroads: Brazil in the Face of BRICS Expansion. The option for disengagement from BRICS is gaining adherents among Brazilian diplomats and is being actively promoted by sectors of Brazilian organized civil society, especially those NGOs and think tanks that receive financial support from European and American institutions. The engagement of these sectors in the G20 events during Brazil's Presidency of 2024 and the lack of interest in the BRICS process during Russia's Presidency in the BRICS in the same year is another sign of alertness, writes Fabiano Mielniczuk…

Staff (2024-06-03). President Maduro: Electoral Victory Must Be Immense and in Peace. The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, urged the people of Lara state to deploy the 1àó10 electoral outreach strategy in all the streets of the region. The 1×10 method has been used by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) to bring more Chavista voters to the polls on election day. | During a phone-call with coordinator of the Venezuela Nuestra Presidential Campaign Staff, Delcy Rodríguez, who was present at an organizational meeting of electoral teams of the PSUV in Lara state, President Maduro pointed out that it is necessary to "renew all our discourse and our way of working" to opti…

Staff (2024-06-03). The Milei Effect: The 'Lion' Against Argentina's Soup Kitchens. Since Javier Milei's administration as president of Argentina began in December 2023, he made the decision to no longer send food to soup kitchens. The women who are in charge of cooking for the people who benefit from these places say that they don't get anything: no rice, no pasta, no grains. | This uncovered a large-scale scandal when it became known that the government of El León (Milei) has held more than 5 thousand tons of food in warehouses, while the country is experiencing the worst food, employment and social crisis in history. Poverty grows and as the soup kitchens stopped receiving help from the gover…

teleSUR (2024-06-03). Venezuela Congratulates South Africa for Its Elections. On Monday, the Venezuelan government congratulated South Africa on the "successful democratic exercise" carried out in the general elections on May 29. | RELATED: | "Venezuela expresses its most sincere congratulations to the Republic of South Africa for the successful democratic exercise carried out in the national and provincial elections of May 29, within the framework of the 30th anniversary of the election of the…

Staff (2024-06-03). Puebla Group Congratulates Candidate Claudia Sheinbaum. On Monday, on the eve of the official results of the Presidential Elections in Mexico, Puebla Group congratulated, through social networks, the winner for first counts, Claudia Sheinbaum. | RELATED: | Also members of the association, met with the candidta to express their congratulations and accompany her in the elections, such was the case of the Bolivian Former President, Evo Morales, the former Argentine pres…

teleSUR (2024-06-03). Ecuadorian Legislator is Murdered During Circus Performance. On Sunday night, hitmen shot dead substitute legislator Cristhian Nieto while he was attending a circus performance in the city of Manta, in the province of Manabi. | RELATED: | Videos posted on social networks show that the criminals fired without hesitation while dozens of families with their children lined up to enter the circus tent. | The shooting attack also caused the death of Nieto's wife Nicole Burgos and left three people injured, one of whom is…

teleSUR (2024-06-03). Venezuelans Use Social Networks to Support President Maduro. On Sunday, Venezuelans continued a digital activism campaign to break the blockade against President Nicolas Maduro on social media. | RELATED: | The mobilization dynamic involved hashtags #LikePaNicolas and #NicoLike on Instagram and TikTok, where most of the communication battle takes place. | The digital activism campaign aims to make President Maduro's content more visible, show the reality of the Bolivarian Revolution, and buil…

tvbrics (2024-06-03). Government of Brazil's Rio de Janeiro to convert 20 medical centres to clean energy. It is the first city in Latin America to use renewable energy to supply public facilities…

tvbrics (2024-06-03). Venezuelan President announces lowest inflation in 20 years. Maduro praised the positive results achieved, which show the right path in economic strategy…

tvbrics (2024-06-03). Unemployment in Chile falls to 8.5 per cent. Sectors of the economy such as public administration and trade contributed to this decline…

LAURA (2024-06-03). Peru: Trans people officially categorized as 'mentally ill'.

| Name (2024-06-03). Broadcast bill passed by Uruguay Senate threatens press freedom.

Staff (2024-06-03). Las listas de Estados Unidos y el ensañamiento contra Cuba. A mediados de mayo corrió la noticia de que el Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos planteó borrar a Cuba de la lista de países que "no cooperan plenamente" en la lucha contra el terrorismo. La nota: "el 15 de mayo, el secretario de Estado, Antony Blinken, determinó y certificó bajo la sección 40 A de la Ley de Control de Exportación de Armas que cuatro países —Corea del Norte, Irán, Siria y Venezuela— no cooperaron plenamente con los esfuerzos antiterroristas de Estados Unidos en 2023".

teleSUR, DRL (2024-06-03). Presidente Maduro llama a derrotar a la derecha en los comicios. Puntualizó que "solo una Revolución como la nuestra está preparada para valorar la fuerza regional del Zulia y enaltecer la identidad de su pueblo, llevándolo a su máxima expresión".

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-06-03). Alcalde chileno comunista apelará sentencia en su contra. El alcalde de la Recoleta, Daniel Jadue, del Partido Comunista de Chile, fue acusado este lunes de administración desleal, estafa, cohecho, delito concursal y fraude al fisco.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-06-03). Segundo lugar para dúo cubano en Challege de voli de playa en Polonia. La Habana, 3 jun (ACN) El dúo cubano de voleibol de playa de Noslen Díaz y Jorge Luis Alayo conquistó la medalla de plata en el Torneo Challenge del Pro Tour Mundial Stare Jablonki, en Polonia, al caer en la final 1-2 ante la dupla campeona mundial checa de Onderj Perusic y David Schweiner.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-06-03). Asesinan a asambleísta en ciudad de Manta, Ecuador. El 21 de abril, los ecuatorianos efectuaron un referéndum y consulta popular en relación a diversos temas , entre ellos el de la seguridad.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-06-03). Presidente Nicolás Maduro lidera intención de voto en Venezuela. El estudio de opinión fue realizado en Caracas, Miranda, Falcón, Zulia, Mérida, Táchira, Portuguesa, Barinas, Guárico, Anzoátegui, Nueva Esparta, Sucre, Monagas y Bolívar.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-06-03). Realizan campaña de movilización #LikePaNicolás en Venezuela. La dinámica de la movilización transcurrió con las etiquetas de #LikePaNicolás y #NicoLike en redes sociales.

GRAIN (2024-06-03). Whipping up disaster: how Brazil became a lab for financial agro-investments.

newarab (2024-06-03). Chile joins South African case against Israel at top UN court. Chilean President Gabriel Boric said on Saturday that his country was joining South Africa in its case at the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of "genocide" in its Speaking to the National Congress, Boric decried the "catastrophic humanitarian situation" in Gaza and called for "a firm response from the international community." | "Chile will become a party to and support the case that South Africa presented against Israel before the International Court of Justice in The Hague," Boric…

2024-06-04 00:21:53 | 00:21 EST | by | 23 | 0 | 0 | 21 | 0