(2022-09-02). The most important election in the Americas is in Brazil. greenleft.org.au Former Brazilian President Luíz Inácio "Lula" da Silva is now in the
(2022-09-02). Gustavo Petro's victory the latest affront to US imperialism in Latin America. greenleft.org.au Ahead of Colombian President Gustavo Petro's inauguration last month, United States Republican Senator Ted Cruz railed about the "acute dangers to American national security" posed by leftist governments in Latin America, reports Ana Zorita.
(2022-09-02). Attorney General Saab Reports on Former PDVSA CFO's Confession Implicating Rafael Ramírez. orinocotribune.com The attorney general of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, reported on the arrest of former PDVSA Vice President of Finance Víctor Aular for the embezzlement of $4.85 billion through a 2012 loan agreement. Saab reported that Aular has implicated former minister and PDVSA CEO Rafael Ramírez in the multi-billion dollar embezzlement scheme, alongside other PDVSA executives. | Saab stated that, in view of the information and evidence received from Oil Minister Tareck El Aissami indicating that Ramírez diverted billions of US dollars through a fictitious credit line using Administradora Atlantic 17107, C.A. as a front, tw…
(2022-09-02). The wars for Colombia's cocaine containers | Part 4: Cartagena. colombiareports.com Colombia's Caribbean port city Cartagena has seen a surge in assassinations this year as paramilitary organization AGC is struggling to maintain control over local gangs. More than 75 people have…
(2022-09-02). Argentina's Cristina Fernandez Kirchner Miraculously Survives Assassination Attempt. orinocotribune.com Caracas, September 1, 2022 ( Fernandez was arriving home in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Recoleta and while greeting supporters that have been on vigil there showing their support for the political judicial persecution aiming at keeping her outside the 2023 preside…
(2022-09-02). Sunday 9/11: The Other 9/11 — the AFL-CIO's support for the 1973 US coup in Chile betrayed workers. indybay.org us02web.zoom.us/j/3290219617?pwd=OTFGZUVKcDd4bzVkVjl5ZS94QmdoQT09…
(2022-09-02). Will Lula Get Another Chance to Transform Brazil? zcomm.org The stakes are high in Brazil's upcoming presidential election…
(2022-09-02). Envía Raúl mensaje a Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. cubadebate.cu Mensaje del General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, a la Vicepresidenta de Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Estimada Cristina: Te traslado toda nuestra solidaridad y apoyo ante el vil atentado cometido contra tu vida, con la satisfacción de que has sobrevivido a este repudiable hecho. Con los mayores deseos de que te encuentres bien, te abraza, Raúl Castro Ruz.
(2022-09-02). Argentinos realizarán manifestaciones en solidaridad con vicepresidenta. telesurtv.net La organización política La Cámpora, a través de sus redes sociales, llamó a sus simpatizantes a reunirse este viernes en la Plaza de Mayo a las 12: 00 hora local (15: 00 GMT).
(2022-09-02). Detienen a persona armada que intentó atentar contra la vicepresidenta de Argentina. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con medios locales, el individuo es un hombre de 35 años de edad, de origen brasileño y portaba una pistola Bersa calibre 22.
(2022-09-02). Argentina: Assassination Attempt Made Against Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. libya360.wordpress.com BREAKING: A person has been arrested after pulling out a weapon on Vice President of Argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner outside her house.pic.twitter.com/FtPVallQc8 — Kawsachun News (@KawsachunNews) September 2, 2022 Argentina Public TV captured the moment when the man pulled out a gun just inches away from Vice President @CFKArgentina. pic.twitter.com/8oWcWRmJRV — Kawsachun News (@KawsachunNews)…
(2022-09-02). Argentina segmenta tarifas del mercado energético de luz y gas. telesurtv.net Es parte de las medidas adoptadas por el Gobierno frente a los efectos de la crisis energética mundial.
(2022-09-02). Venezuela y Colombia trabajan en reabrir frontera común. telesurtv.net Este es uno de los pasos del proceso de normalización de las relaciones entre Bogotá y Caracas luego de la juramentación del presidente colombiano, Gustavo Petro.
(2022-09-02). Ofrecen detalles sobre megafraude contra venezolana Pdvsa. telesurtv.net La trama de corrupción, ideada por el exministro de Energía y Petróleo, Rafael Ramírez, causó una pérdida de 4.8 millones de dólares.
(2022-09-02). Condenan atentado contra la vicepresidenta argentina. telesurtv.net El presidente argentino afirmó que "es necesario desterrar la violencia y el odio del discurso político y mediático y de nuestra vida en sociedad".
(2022-09-02). Colombia anuncia nuevo enfoque de seguridad para Bogotá. telesurtv.net También sobre el problema del narcotráfico y la corrupción. Se fortalecerán las operaciones de inteligencia.
(2022-09-02). Gobierno de Perú aprueba bono para productores agrarios. telesurtv.net El Fertiabono se podrá cobrar hasta el 30 de junio de 2023 en las oficinas del Banco de la Nación, precisaron las autoridades peruanas.
(2022-09-02). Comandos finalizan campañas rumbo al plebiscito en Chile. telesurtv.net La capital chilena acogerá los actos de cierre del Apruebo y el Rechazo, ya que esta medianoche comienza la veda electoral.
(2022-09-02). Argentina's VP unharmed after failed assassination attempt. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 02 (MNA) — An assassination attempt on Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner of Argentina on Thursday night failed as a man pointed a pistol at her head and tried to pull the trigger, but the gun did not go off.
(2022-09-02). Presidente Arce lanza plan por bicentenario de Bolivia. telesurtv.net El mandatario marcó la ruta a seguir en los próximos 36 meses e instó a los bolivianos a "soñar en grande".
(2022-09-02). Lula destaca solidaridad de Venezuela en lucha contra Covid-19. telesurtv.net El expresidente de Brasil criticó nuevamente la pobre gestión del Gobierno de Jair Bolsonaro en el enfrentamiento a la pandemia.
(2022-09-02). Presidente argentino repudia atentado contra Cristina Fernández. telesurtv.net "La Argentina no puede perder ni un minuto más, ya no hay tiempo. Es necesario desterrar la violencia desde el discurso y la sociedad", enfatizó Fernández.
(2022-09-01). Chile: Policeman Guilty of Shooting Senator Fabiola Campillai. telesurenglish.net This Thursday, the Oral Court of San Bernardo found former Carabineros Captain Patricio Maturana guilty of "unlawful coercion resulting in serious and severe injuries." | RELATED: | The ruling of the court's three judges was unanimous. Judge Marcela Nilo said the police officer "acted without necessity, without making a proportional use of force, without obeying his protocols, without rendering aid to the victim and with abuse of his position." | The Pros…
(2022-09-01). Denuncian asesinato de otro líder social en Nariño, Colombia. telesurtv.net Con el asesinato de Angulo han sido 123 los líderes sociales ultimados en Colombia en lo que va de año 2022.
(2022-09-01). Denuncian incremento de la violencia en Magdalena, Colombia. telesurtv.net El distrito de Santa María constituye el más afectado al reportarse 127 asesinatos en el transcurso del presente año.
(2022-09-01). Venezuela Evaluates Opportunities to Export Gas to Europe Through ENI & Repsol. orinocotribune.com Tarek El Aissami, Venezuela's minister of petroleum, reported that the country is evaluating opportunities to market gas abroad in partnership with the Italian company ENI and the Spanish company Repsol. | "We are now seeing the business opportunities that gas has, and how we can take advantage of this situation for the benefit of ENI and Repsol, and for the benefit of the Republic," said the Venezuelan official during a meeting with the press in the city of Caracas. | President Nicolás Maduro said last week that all signs indicate an impending crisis in Europe and the United States due to inflation, and in the e…
(2022-09-01). World Travel Awards Recognizes Peru in Three Categories. telesurenglish.net Peru's Exports and Tourism Promotion Board (PromPeru) said the country had received 20 nominations at the World Travel Awards South America. | RELATED: | This 2022, after the fourth consecutive year, the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu was selected as the Leading Tourist Attraction in South America. | In addition, Peru was honored with the recognition of Leading Culinary Destination 2022 and Leading Cultural Destinatio…
(2022-09-01). Bolsonaro Sentenced for Genocide by Permanent Peoples' Tribunal. telesurenglish.net This is an instance of symbolic justice that reveals the president's responsibility for the deaths caused in the country by COVID-19, particularly those of health professionals and indigenous and Afro-descendant populations. | RELATED: | Argentina's former Supreme Court of Justice member, Eugenio Zaffaroni, exposed the correlation between Jair Bolsonaro's speech and the crimes against Human Rights in Brazil, the…
(2022-09-01). Brazil: Deforestation Encourages Fires in the Amazon. telesurenglish.net The report issued by Brazil's national space institute indicates that the Brazilian Amazon rainforest is suffering from more fires than at any point in nearly five years, with more than 33 000 fires detected by the satellites as a result of deforestation. | RELATED: | The rainforest has entered the peak of fire season, mainly related to the area's high levels of deforestation activity. "The deforestation rate is…
(2022-09-01). Chilean Gov't Rules Out Water Rationing Amid Ongoing Drought. telesurenglish.net "After analyzing all the information on temperatures, rainfall, river flows and available snow, among other factors, we are in a position to rule out water rationing for spring 2022 and summer 2023," Garcia said during a press conference. | Two men push handcarts stacked with water jugs along a street in Santiago, Chile's capital, on Jan. 17, 2022.
(2022-09-01). Chileans Get Ready to Close Campaigns Before the Referendum. telesurenglish.net Both supporters and opponents of the new Chilean constitution must end their proselytizing acts on Thursday night to give people a chance to think before voting on Sunday. | RELATED: | Throughout the day, the "I Approve" supporters will continue to dialogue with citizens "door to door" and hold rallies throughout the country. They will carry out a massive campaign closing ceremony at 6: 30 p.m. local time in Alamed…
(2022-09-01). Left Seeks Constitutional Change in Chile. telesurenglish.net On September 4, after almost three years of an unprecedented and complex process, some fifteen million Chileans will be able to go to the polls and decide in a referendum whether to Approve or Reject the text of a new Constitution, the first in the history of Chile drafted in democracy, generated in a Constitutional Convention composed entirely of delegates elected by popular vote, composed for the first time in the world with gender parity, with seats reserved for indigenous peoples and in consultation with the participation of social organizations and civil society. | Dozens of people attend the closing of the ca…
(2022-09-01). Colombian Government Announces New Security Approach for Bogota. telesurenglish.net The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, announced on Wednesday what he called a new security approach for the capital, Bogota, which will emphasize a plan to combat money laundering and drug trafficking. | RELATED: | The information was revealed after several hours of the first security council meeting between the Mayor's Office of Bogota and the new Colombian administration, a forum in which the mayor, Claudia Lo…
(2022-09-01). Lula Highlights Venezuelan Solidarity in Fight Against COVID-19. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, presidential candidate Lula da Silva recognized the support provided by Venezuela to Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic's second wave. | RELATED: | At a campaign event held in Manaus, the Workers' Party leader thanked the Venezuelan authorities for sending oxygen tanks to that Amazon region. | "I want to take this opportunity to thank the Venezuelan Ambassador who sent oxygen to Manaus to save lives…
(2022-09-01). Andean Community Looks for Revival as It Aims at Argentina, Chile and Venezuela. orinocotribune.com Caracas, August 31, 2022 ( Colombian President Gustavo Petro said during the meeting, in his speech given in the context of his first inter…
(2022-09-01). Colombia and Venezuela Work on Reopening of Their Land Border. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro confirmed that technical task forces are currently working for the reopening of the Colombo-Venezuelan land border that has remained closed to vehicular traffic since 2015. | RELATED: | "We are taking firm steps for a progressive, productive, and happy opening of the 2,229 kilometers of border with Colombia. We are working in specialized technical work commissi…
(2022-09-01). Anuncian cierres de campaña con vistas al plebiscito en Chile. telesurtv.net El comando del Apruebo realizará un acto multitudinario. El Rechazo optó por una convocatoria descentralizada.
(2022-09-01). Man Who Pointed Gun at Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner Arrested. telesurenglish.net On Thursday night, Argentina's Federal Police arrested a person with a gun in front of the house of Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner in the Recoleta neighborhood of Buenos Aires, local media report. | Identified as Fernando Sabak Montiel is arrested after pulling a pistol just inches from the vice president's head. Sep. 1, 2022.
(2022-09-01). Canciller colombiano recibe cartas credenciales del embajador de Venezuela. telesurtv.net Con la entrega de las cartas credenciales se formaliza el restablecimiento de las relaciones diplomáticas bilaterales.
(2022-09-01). Diputados del Frente de Todos dan su apoyo a Cristina Fernández. telesurtv.net La exmandataria expresó en el Salón Azul del Congreso que "no tenemos gente racional frente a nosotros".
(2022-09-01). Radican proyecto de ley para alcanzar la paz en Colombia. telesurtv.net El proyecto de ley asegura la continuidad de los Acuerdos de paz, más allá del Gobierno de Gustavo Petro.
(2022-09-01). Venezuela y Colombia buscan reapertura progresiva de la frontera común. cubadebate.cu El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, confirmó que su país y Colombia trabajan en comisiones técnicas para garantizar una reapertura progresiva, productiva y feliz de la frontera común. La frontera colombo-venezolana fue cerrada al paso vehicular desde 2015, política mantenida y reforzada por el expresidente colombiano Iván Duque desde 2018.
(2022-09-01). Presidente Maduro destaca crecimiento de economía multiproductiva de Venezuela. telesurtv.net "La economía rentista quedó derrotada, dejó en pie la economía real, productiva, y en este caso la economía agrícola", refirió el presidente Maduro.
(2022-09-01). ONU anuncia participación en mesa de diálogo en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Las organizaciones indígenas piden al Gobierno que no se incluya a productos agrícolas en los Tratados de Libre Comercio.
(2022-09-01). Brazilian girls prepare for Street Child World Cup. america.cgtn.com This year's Street Child World Cup will take place in Qatar next month. The event will welcome 28 teams from 24 countries. A team of girls in Rio de Janeiro will represent Brazil in the event. Find out more.
(2022-09-01). Justicia argentina niega pedido de Bolivia sobre testimonio de Macri. telesurtv.net El ministro de Justicia criticó la postura de la rama judicial de impedir testimonio de Macri.
(2022-09-01). Venezuela: Authorities Reveal Former Oil Minister Role in 'Unprecedented Robbery Scheme'. venezuelanalysis.com Venezuelan Oil Minister Tareck El Aissami accused his predecessor Rafael Ramírez of bleeding the oil industry during his 12-year tenure.
(2022-08-31). Over One Million Bolivians Mobilize To Support President Arce's Government. popularresistance.org On Thursday, August 25, under the banner of 'March in Defense of Democracy and Economic Reconstruction', over one million Bolivians mobilized in support of the government of President Luis Arce and Vice President David Choquehuanca and its socialist economic policies. | Workers from diverse sectors, peasants, students, and members of various Indigenous organizations and social movements from all nine departments of the country arrived in capital La Paz to ratify their support for the national government of the ruling Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) party. | The call for the march was given by the Pact of Unity (…
(2022-08-31). Chile battles water crisis as constitution vote nears. america.cgtn.com This weekend, Chileans will vote to whether to approve or reject a new constitution. Among them, water and environmental issues are at the core of the new draft constitution. Find out more.
(2022-08-31). Exhibits mark 48th anniversary of China-Brazil relations. america.cgtn.com Celebrations in Rio de Janeiro marking 48 years of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil. Local people were attracted by the exchange of cultural exhibitions and performances. Find out more.