2022-10-06: News Headlines

Infobrics (2022-10-06). BRICS Countries Discussing Creation of Single Currency. infobrics.org Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) are discussing the possibility of creating a single Currency, Pavel Knyazev, ambassador at large of the Russian Foreign Ministry and sous-sherpa of Russia in BRICS, said…

Dave DeCamp (2022-10-06). Report: US Looking to Ease Sanctions on Venezuela to Allow Chevron to Pump Oil. news.antiwar.com The Biden administration is preparing to ease sanctions on Venezuela to allow Chevron to pump oil in the country under a potential deal with the Venezuelan government, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday, citing people familiar with the matter. The Trump administration began imposing crippling economic sanctions on Venezuela in 2017. In 2019, the US …

Infobrics (2022-10-06). India, Brazil Support Each Other's Candidacy at UNSC. infobrics.org As India has been at the forefront of the efforts at the UN to push for long-pending reforms of the Security Council and looking for a permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the Brazilian Ambassador to India Andre Aranha Correa do Lago highlighted the fact that both India and Brazil are discussing that and support each other's candidacy very strongly…

TeleSUR, mcs, JCM (2022-10-06). Avanzan investigaciones judiciales en el caso de Cristina Fernández. telesurtv.net Las prohibiciones de salida del país están relacionadas con las investigaciones al grupo cercano a Nicolás Gabriel Carrizo, detenido en el marco del análisis del intento de magnicidio a la senadora Cristina Fernández.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-10-06). Cocaleros peruanos protestan por erradicación de sus cultivos. telesurtv.net El Ministerio del Interior no ha cumplido con la promesa de suspender la erradicación de los cultivos de coca, denuncian.

TeleSUR, ysm, JDO (2022-10-06). Argentina acredita fábrica estatal de cannabis medicinal. telesurtv.net La empresa Cannava aspira a pasar al radar internacional de la producción de cannabis medicinal con fines farmacéuticos.

TeleSUR, ysm, JDO (2022-10-06). Festival de Poesía de Venezuela reunirá a 35 poetas internacionales. telesurtv.net La 16º edición del festival se celebrará del 13 al 20 de octubre. Estará dedicada a la poetisa trujillana Ana María Oviedo.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-10-06). Estudiantes argentinos exigen calidad en alimentos escolares. telesurtv.net Es la continuación de la protesta que desde la semana pasada se expresó en la ocupación y toma de escuelas y liceos.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-10-06). Sismo de magnitud 6,1 sacude región de Piura en el norte de Perú. telesurtv.net Autoridades peruanas reportaron preliminarmente un fallecido y dos heridos como consecuencia del sismo.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-10-06). Jornada de violencia en cárcel de Ecuador deja 16 muertos. telesurtv.net Durante los años 2021 y 2022, se han producido unas 8 masacres carcelarias y 379 muertos en recintos ecuatorianos.

Matt Kennard (2022-10-05). Rafael Correa: They Have Already Destroyed Assange (Interview). orinocotribune.com Declassified UK's Matt Kennard interviewed the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, who granted Julian Assange asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Correa discussed about dealing with the British, how the US seeks to control his country, and the lawfare campaign against him. | On a cloudy Saturday morning in the middle of June 2012, Australian journalist Julian Assange walked into the Ecuadorian embassy in Knightsbridge, London. | He was a hunted man. Over the past two years, he'd been revealing the secrets, in alliance with the world's largest newspapers, of the US's so-called War on Terror, an ext…

Anand Naidoo (2022-10-05). The Heat: Brazil elections. america.cgtn.com Brazil's presidential election is headed for a run-off, after a surprisingly tight showing in first-round voting this weekend. It's set to be an epic match-up of left vs. right – but of course so much more as well.

WSWS (2022-10-05). Pseudo-left union in Argentina imposes sellout contract on tire workers after following nationalist strategy. wsws.org The Partido Obrero leadership advanced a failed nationalist strategy oriented to the union bureaucracy and the Peronist government.

Kwjorinoco (2022-10-05). First Day of School for More than 8 Million Venezuelan Students. orinocotribune.com

Victoria Torres (2022-10-05). Looking Back on 10 Years Since the Largest March in the History of Venezuela. orinocotribune.com This Tuesday, October 4, marks the 10th anniversary of the largest march in Venezuela's history. With seven avenues completely filled, the people came out in the rain to close the presidential campaign of Commander Hugo Chávez. | A decade of that oath to never return to what was, of admiring how a man gave up his life for his family and for the revolution. | In commemoration, social media networks flooded with memories of that rainy and historic October 4th day on Bolívar Avenue. | It is a day to remember the struggles, which hang over the collective imagination of all Chavistas who took to those streets in the m…

Staff (2022-10-05). Colombia's Government and ELN Sign Agreement in Caracas to Resume Peace Talks. orinocotribune.com This Tuesday, October 4, in Caracas, Venezuela, the government of Colombia and the National Liberation Army (ELN) signed an agreement to resume the peace process. Antonio García, first commander of the ELN, explained at a press conference held at the Aquiles Nazoa Cultural House, in Caracas, that this process has been going on for 10 years and, given the new political reality in Colombia, the negotiations should be relaunched. The agreement indicates that the dialogue process will be formally resumed in the first week of November. | The current talks began from the points of agreement dating back to March 30, 201…

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-10-05). Garantes aplauden acuerdo tomado por Gobierno de Colombia y ELN de reanudar diálogo. telesurtv.net "Confirmo que Cuba continuará su papel de garante con arreglo a lo acordado y a lo que requieran las partes", dijo el presidente de la isla caribeña, Miguel Díaz-Canel.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-10-05). Presidente de Venezuela sostiene encuentro con el canciller de Colombia. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó que Venezuela y Colombia continúan avanzando en la cooperación por el bienestar de sus pueblos.

Staff (2022-10-05). Continúan las investigaciones sobre intento de magnicidio contra Cristina Fernández. cubadebate.cu Este miércoles, la jueza María Eugenia Capuchetti prohibió la salida del país de los integrantes de la Banda de los Copitos, quienes intercambiaron mensajes con Brenda Uliarte y con Nicolás Gabriel Carrizo, ambos detenidos por el intento de magnicidio contra la vicepresidenta de Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK).

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-10-05). Garantes aplauden acuerdo tomado por Gobierno de Colombia y ELN. telesurtv.net "Confirmo que Cuba continuará su papel de garante con arreglo a lo acordado y a lo que requieran las partes", dijo el presidente de la isla caribeña, Miguel Díaz-Canel.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-10-05). Presidente de Venezuela recibe a canciller de Colombia. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó que Venezuela y Colombia continúan avanzando en la cooperación por el bienestar de sus pueblos.

TeleSUR, RDL (2022-10-05). Gobierno de Colombia y ELN acuerdan reinstalar mesa de diálogo. telesurtv.net Un acto en Caracas sirvió de escenario para la firma del comunicado donde se anuncia la reactivación de los diálogos.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-10-05). Nueva masacre deja al menos cuatro muertos en Cali, Colombia. telesurtv.net En lo que va de año se han registrado 83 masacres en Colombia, a la espera de recomenzar conversaciones de paz.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-10-05). Docentes denuncian persecución a estudiantes en Argentina. telesurtv.net El gremio porteño realizará una marcha desde la escuela Mariano Acosta hasta la Jefatura del Gobierno de Buenos Aires.

Elliott Wallace (2022-10-04). Gang violence plagues Ecuador's prison system. america.cgtn.com While the government has blamed gangs for this violence, activists and families affected by the crisis have argued that government negligence and inaction are making the problem worse.

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