(2022-12-12). WorkWeek 12-8-22 Pres Biden & Demos Betray Railway Workers & Chicago MTA ATU Pres Candidat. indybay.org WorkWeek covers Pres Biden & Demos Betray Railway Workers & Chicago MTA ATU Pres Candidate Erek Slater, The UAW UC Strike & Privatization & Lessons Of Brazil & Rise Of Fascism…
(2022-12-12). Grupos de derecha atacan a comerciantes en Santa Cruz, Bolivia. telesurtv.net La Unión Juvenil Cruceñista, grupo de extrema derecha, expulsó con violencia, a golpes y dinamita, a los vendedores ambulantes de la feria Barrio Lindo.
(2022-12-12). Zurda Infinita conversa con el exfutbolista Daniel Bertoni. telesurtv.net Daniel Bertoni destacó el desempeño del entrenador Lionel Scaloni con la selección de Argentina.
(2022-12-12). Organizaciones sociales de Ucayali se unen a protestas contra el Congreso de Perú. telesurtv.net El presidente de la organización campesina, Smith Díaz, expresó su rechazo a "este Congreso tirano y golpista".
(2022-12-12). Exmandatario Castillo denuncia un plan de la derecha en su contra. telesurtv.net El expresidente peruano advirtió que la fiscal general y el titular del Congreso forman parte del plan en su contra.
(2022-12-12). Región peruana de Apurímac se declara en insurgencia popular. telesurtv.net Los movimientos sociales anunciaron el paro indefinido a partir de las cero horas del 12 de diciembre.
(2022-12-12). ONU condena la muerte de dos jóvenes en protestas en Perú. telesurtv.net La ONU instó "a la calma" y al respeto de los Derechos Humanos durante las protesas, invitando a evitar el escalamiento de las tensiones en Perú.
(2022-12-12). Colapso de techo tras granizada en Bolivia deja siete muertes. telesurtv.net El hecho ocurrió durante una graduación escolar y las autoridades enviaron condolencias a familiares de las víctimas.
(2022-12-12). Venezuela and Equatorial Guinea Agree to Increase Oil Cooperation. orinocotribune.com This Thursday, December 9, the foreign affairs minister of Equatorial Guinea, Carlos Faría, reported that the Caribbean nation and Venezuela will increase technical cooperation between their oil industries to boost the economic development of both nations. | The Venezuelan top diplomat announced through his social media accounts: "We agree to join efforts to increase the already initiated technical and scientific cooperation between PDVSA [Petróleos de Venezuela] and Gepetrol [Equatorial Guinea de Petróleo], in addition to continuing to develop the exchange of experiences of our oil industries in favor of the eco…
(2022-12-12). Conoce algunos pasos básicos para aprender a bailar tango. telesurtv.net El Día Nacional del Tango se celebra en Argentina en honor al mítico cantante Carlos Gardel y al compositor Julio de Caro.
(2022-12-12). Elevan la alerta por actividad del volcán Láscar en Chile. telesurtv.net En horas del mediodía del sábado, el volcán generó una columna de humo, cenizas y rocas de diverso tamaño, que se extendió por seis kilómetros.
(2022-12-12). Asesinan a líder del Pacto Histórico en Bolívar, Colombia. telesurtv.net Miembros del Pacto Histórico en Magangué levantaron su voz de protesta por el asesinato del reconocido abogado.
(2022-12-12). Reportan dos fallecidos tras represión a protestas en Perú. telesurtv.net Manifestantes continúan concentrándose en las inmediaciones del Congreso, en Lima, exigiendo nuevas elecciones y la convocatoria a una Asamblea Constituyente.
(2022-12-11). Peru Rises Up After Coup Against Elected President Pedro Castillo. orinocotribune.com Peru's elected left-wing President Pedro Castillo was overthrown in a coup by the right-wing-controlled congress. A Peruvian activist explains why the people are rising up and demanding a new constitution. | Peru's democratically elected left-wing President Pedro Castillo was overthrown and arrested in a coup on December 7 by the right-wing-controlled congress, which has an Castillo is a humble teacher and union organizer…
(2022-12-11). Cuba: Ousting of President Castillo in Peru Subverts People's Will (+Mexico). orinocotribune.com The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, criticized the ousting of Peruvian President Pedro Castillo, and blamed the "dominant oligarchies" in Peru for the crisis. | "The situation in Peru is the result of a process led by the dominant oligarchies to subvert the will of the people who had elected their government in accordance with the Peruvian legal system," Díaz-Canel said on Friday, December 10. | The Cuban president mentioned his country's principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of states, and added that it is up to the Peruvian people to find solutions to their challenges on their own, "by vir…
(2022-12-11). Protest Called In Miami For Freedom Of Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab. popularresistance.org An important hearing takes place on Monday, December 12 in the case of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, illegally imprisoned in the US. Solidarity activists will protest outside the Federal Court building in Miami, chanting "Free Alex Saab," while inside a judge will hear arguments from Saab's defense trying to win his freedom. | Saab's defense will assert his status as a Special Envoy of the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro. As a special envoy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Saab is immune to prosecution by the US government, according to international law. | "The United States is singling out Alex…
(2022-12-11). Why the Government of Venezuela Has Resisted While Many Leftist Presidents Could Not. orinocotribune.com By Clodovaldo Hernández Dec 10, 2022 | Each overthrow, removal, disqualification, dismissal, or murder of left-wing presidents or presidential candidates in Latin America highlight the legacies of Comandante Hugo Chávez, of President Nicolás Maduro and, in general, of the Venezuelan political process of the last 23 years. | Objectively reviewing the history of our times proves that Chávez faced—and Maduro has continued to face—all the strategies, tactics, maneuvers, games, and schemes that the US empire and its satellites and lackeys have successfully used throughout the rest of the continent, a…
(2022-12-11). Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab Imprisoned for Circumventing US Sanctions. iacenter.org By Roger D. Harris Some people are behind bars for doing something wrong. Alex Saab is imprisoned for doing something right. A year ago, October 16, the long arm of US extra-territorial judicial overreach abducted Alex Saab and threw him into prison in Miami, where he has languished ever since. The official US narrative is that Saab had bilked the Venezuelans in a "vast corruption network" and the US as the world's self-appointed cop was simply enforcing virtuous business practices. However, commentary by Washington insiders corroborates that Saab's real "crime" was trying to obtain humanitarian supplies in legal…
(2022-12-11). Protest Called in Miami for Freedom of Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab, Jailed in US. orinocotribune.com An important hearing takes place on Monday, December 12 in the case of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, illegally imprisoned in the US. Solidarity activists will protest outside the Federal Court building in Miami, chanting "Free Alex Saab," while inside a judge will hear arguments from Saab's defense trying to win his freedom. | Saab's defense will assert his status as a Special Envoy of the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro. As a special envoy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Saab is immune to prosecution by the US government, according to international law. | "The United States is singling out Alex…
(2022-12-11). President Maduro Announces Special Measures to Control Exchange Rate. orinocotribune.com On Saturday, December 10, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced that he has instructed his economic team to apply "measures in defense of the official exchange rate," after a drastic devaluation of the national currency, bolívar, in recent weeks. | "Facing the attack of the criminal [black market] dollar exchange rate, I instructed the economic team to take measures in defense of the official exchange rate, for a healthy trade that respects the rights of the people," President Maduro announced. "We will guarantee a happy Christmas, defeating the mafias from Miami. No one will stop economic growth!
(2022-12-11). Se reportan incendios tras la toma del aeropuerto peruano de Andahuaylas por manifestantes. cubadebate.cu Manifestantes que protestan en contra de la detención del destituido mandatario peruano, Pedro Castillo, han tomado el aeropuerto de la ciudad de Andahuaylas, ubicado en el departamento de Apurímac, en cuyas instalaciones se registran incendios.
(2022-12-11). Pedro Castillo acusa a la presidenta peruana de dirigir plan en su contra. telesurtv.net El expresidente peruano advirtió que la fiscal general y el titular del Congreso forman parte del plan en su contra.
(2022-12-11). Presidenta de Perú juramenta a nuevo Consejo de Ministros. telesurtv.net Está conformado por 19 titulares de carteras, entre los cuales hay ocho mujeres. Falta por designar los ministros de Trabajo y Transportes.
(2022-12-11). Denuncian detenciones arbitrarias durante protestas en Perú. telesurtv.net Durante el viernes miles de personas se movilizaron por las calles de Lima exigiendo el llamado a elecciones anticipadas y el cierre del Congreso.
(2022-12-11). Exprimer ministro peruano se declara en la clandestinidad. telesurtv.net El exprimer ministro peruano negó su responsabilidad en el llamado intento de golpe de Estado en Perú.
(2022-12-11). Venezuela ordena medidas en defensa de tasa oficial del dólar. telesurtv.net "Garantizaremos unas navidades felices venciendo las mafias mayameras. ¡Nadie detendrá el crecimiento económico!, escribió en Twitter el mandatario venezolano, Nicolás Maduro.
(2022-12-11). Argentina: Penoso retroceso democrático. globalizacion.ca Las escandalosas proporciones que ha asumido la lenta pero incurable putrefacción de la Justicia Federal en la Argentina junto a las sensacionales revelaciones de la reunión de un grupo de jueces, fiscales, un ministro de seguridad de la Ciudad Autónoma…
(2022-12-11). Cristina Fernández denuncia ataques mediáticos contra su hija Florencia Kirchner. cubadebate.cu La actual vicepresidenta y exmandataria de Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, denunció este sábado las amenazas publicadas por un periódico de circulación nacional contra su hija, Florencia Kirchner, catalogándolas como prácticas mafiosas.
(2022-12-11). Francia vence a Inglaterra y pasa a semifinales de Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net Francia es la última selección en integrar las llaves de semifinales, acompañando a los equipos de Marruecos, Argentina y Croacia.
(2022-12-11). Denuncian asesinato de firmante de paz en Tolima, Colombia. telesurtv.net Se eleva a 40 la cifra de excombatientes asesinados en Colombia durante 2022 y a 345 los que han muerto de manera violenta desde la firma del Acuerdo de Paz.
(2022-12-11). Organizaciones sociales convocan a paro nacional indefinido en Perú. telesurtv.net Los grupos convocantes piden la liberación del expresidente Pedro Castillo, el llamado a elecciones parlamentarias y el cierre del Congreso.
(2022-12-11). Venezuela traza acciones en defensa del mercado cambiario. telesurtv.net El gobienro bolivariano adopto estas medidas frente al ataque del dólar criminal, para garantizar un comercio sano que respete los derechos del pueblo.
(2022-12-10). President Maduro on Coup in Peru: Oligarchy Did Not Let Pedro Castillo Govern. orinocotribune.com
(2022-12-10). President Maduro on Coup in Peru: Oligrarchy Did Not Let Pedro Castillo Govern. orinocotribune.com
(2022-12-10). A reactionary coup is consummated. mronline.org This Wednesday was a particularly complicated day in Peru. In a few hours the ultra-right partially achieved its goal: to overthrow the government of Pedro Castillo and open the way to a new scenario in national life, in which it can preserve its privileges and recover its positions of power, in some way questioned by the regime established as of July 28 last year.
(2022-12-10). Peru's Oligarchy Overthrows President Castillo. scheerpost.com
(2022-12-10). Venezuela's Maduro Condemns Parliamentary Coup in Peru. venezuelanalysis.com A rural school teacher and a political neophyte, Castillo struggled to establish a stable government against a hostile Congress.
(2022-12-10). Orinoco Tribune Editor: There Was a Coup Against Pedro Castillo in Peru. orinocotribune.com Caracas, December 10, 2022 ( "There was a coup d'état against Pedro Castillo, and not how the media ar…
(2022-12-10). Social Movements in Peru Demand New Elections and Constituent Assembly. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, December 8, various social movements and political parties in Peru carried out demonstrations demanding new general elections and a constituent assembly to overcome the country's political and constitutional crisis after Congress ousted President Pedro Castillo on Wednesday, December 7. Supporters of Castillo, who is now in prison, protested in the streets of the capital, Lima, as well as in other cities in condemnation of the coup and the appointment of Vice President Dina Boluarte as the new president. | Political groups, such as the Nuevo Peru movement, have called for an early general election an…
(2022-12-10). Peru: The fall of Pedro Castillo. uwidata.com By Oscar Rotundo* On July 28, 2021, Pedro Castillo assumed the presidency of Peru after having defeated the right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori in the second round by a narrow difference. Fujimori, daughter of the former president convicted of crimes against humanity and other political and economic crimes, was defeated in her third attempt to become …
(2022-12-10). Government of Venezuela Will Implement Measures to Stabilize Exchange Rate, Deputy Faría Says. orinocotribune.com During a December 7 interview, Venezuelan parliamentarian Jesús Faría stated that the government of Venezuela will do everything possible to stabilize the exchange rate between the US dollar and the Venezuelan national currency, the bolivar. | Faría, who is the president of the Permanent Commission of Economy, Finance, and Development, attributed the recent devaluation of the bolivar to the growth of the economy and external pressures that are trying to destabilize the country. | He stated that there has been a 20% devaluation regarding the exchange rate as a consequence of the increase in demand for foreign curr…
(2022-12-10). Venezuela Celebrates Day of Love and Loyalty for Hugo Chávez. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, December 8, the people of Venezuela celebrated the Day of Love and Loyalty for Commander Hugo Chávez, 10 years after his last address to the nation on December 8, 2012. The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, participated in a march in Caracas, where thousands of people marched to celebrate the memory of the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution. | The march went through several streets of Caracas and ended in fron…
(2022-12-10). Venezuelan Government and Pencil Alliance Opposition Party Continue Dialogue. orinocotribune.com
(2022-12-10). The World Cup and human rights: Qatar 2022 and Argentina 1978. wsws.org Recently declassified documents reveal the World Cup's "strategic value …for the military junta and its attempt to use it as a distraction from state crimes."
(2022-12-10). [Comment] Indigenous health in Brazil: from vulnerable to protagonists. thelancet.com Indigenous peoples usually have worse social and health conditions than their non-Indigenous counterparts.1 The worse health of Indigenous populations stems from the processes of colonisation that caused ruptures in traditional ways of life, loss of territories, environmental degradation, racial discrimination, and socioeconomic and political marginalisation.2,3 Migration and urbanisation result in housing instability and affect the wellbeing and health of Indigenous populations through weakening social cohesion and networks, loss of identity, and spiritual and emotional bonds.
(2022-12-10). That Is Why We Love The Game. smoothiex12.blogspot.com This was a dramatic Friday. First Croatia winning Brazil and then Argies and Dutch treating us to a thriller. What a game and a drama. Tomorrow is another great game day. Let's enjoy this end of the week. Will Morocco endure under Portugal's massive fire-power?
(2022-12-10). Zurda Infinita conversa con Lucho González sobre cuartos de Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net Morales y Sorín destacaron la fortaleza mental de Argentina, remontando del empate sobre el minuto final.
(2022-12-10). ONU acepta ser acompañante de diálogos de paz con el ELN. telesurtv.net El jefe de la Misión de Verificación de la ONU en Colombia, sera el representante de António Guterres en la mesa de diálogo entre el Gobierno colombiano y el ELN.
(2022-12-10). Pedro Castillo Ratifies Asylum Request to Mexico. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, December 8, the deposed president of Peru, Pedro Castillo, ratified his request for political asylum in Mexico. This was confirmed by Mexican Foreign Affairs Secretary Marcelo Ebrard through a Twitter post. | "Castillo has ratified the asylum request received at the Mexican Embassy early this morning (2 a.m.), which I attach here for informing the public," the Mexican foreign affairs secretary wrote on social media. | Castillo ha ratificado la solicitud de asilo recibida en la Embajada de México esta madrugada (2 am ) misma que les anexo para conocimiento de la opinión pública. | — Marcelo Ebra…
(2022-12-10). Protestas en Perú: exigen elecciones anticipadas y liberación de Castillo. cubadebate.cu Cientos de personas continuaban el sábado protestando en demanda de un adelanto de las elecciones en Perú a la nueva presidenta Dina Boluarte, que alista la conformación de su gabinete de ministros tras el abrupto cambio de poder en el país. Boluarte, de 60 años, se convirtió en la primera mujer que asume la presidencia de Perú para cumplir el actual mandato gubernamental.
(2022-12-10). Tribunal peruano rechaza demanda de habeas corpus del expresidente Pedro Castillo. telesurtv.net El Tercer Juzgado Constitucional de Lima de la Corte Superior de Justicia informa que no se había acreditado la supuesta vulneración a su derecho a la libertad.
(2022-12-10). Presidenta de Perú acepta posibilidad de adelantar comicios. telesurtv.net Ciudadanos continúan protestas. Piden cierre del Congreso, la liberación de Pedro Castillo y la convocatoria a una Asamblea Constituyente.
(2022-12-10). Policía peruana reprime a simpatizantes del expresidente Castillo. telesurtv.net A lo largo del viernes, miles de personas se movilizaron por las calles de Lima y otras ciudades del país luego de la vacancia presidencial de Pedro Castillo.
(2022-12-10). Policía peruana reprime a simpatizantes del expresidente Pedro Castillo. telesurtv.net A lo largo del viernes, miles de personas se movilizaron por las calles de Lima y otras ciudades del país luego de la vacancia presidencial de Pedro Castillo.
(2022-12-10). Bolivia asumirá vicepresidencia del Consejo de DD.HH. de ONU en 2023. telesurtv.net El cargo será asumido por Maira Mariela Macdonal Álvarez, representante permanente de Bolivia en el Consejo.
(2022-12-10). Judicial Coup In Argentina. popularresistance.org Argentina's notoriously corrupt and deeply politicized judicial system set off an international scandal on December 6, sentencing left-wing former President and current Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to six years in prison and banning her from future office based on highly dubious charges. | Prominent leaders across Latin America denounced the ruling as a "judicial coup." It is eerily similar to the fraudulent case that led to the imprisonment of Brazil's left-wing former President Lula da Silva in the lead-up to the 2018 elections, which the United Nations Human Rights Committee later denounced as…
(2022-12-10). Judicial Coup in Argentina: Corrupt Judges Conspire With Media Oligarch to Ban Cristina Kirchner From Office. scheerpost.com Leaked messages show Argentina's corrupt judges and prosecutors conspired with right-wing media oligarchs to launch a judicial coup against left-wing ex President and current VP Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, sentencing her to six years in prison and banning her from running in the 2023 elections.
(2022-12-10). Dibu Martínez vuelve a ser el héroe de la Albiceleste. cubadebate.cu El portero de Argentina se convirtió en el héroe de la Albiceleste este viernes al detener dos de los penaltis de Países Bajos en la definición de los cuartos de final del Mundial de Qatar 2022.
(2022-12-10). Argentina clasifica a semifinales del Mundial Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net Ahora los argentinos se deberán enfrentar a Croacia, que en el primer partido de la jornada eliminó a Brasil también en tanda de penales.
(2022-12-10). Celac rechaza anuncio de ejercicio militar de Reino Unido en Malvinas. telesurtv.net Argentina y el Reino Unido protagonizaron un conflicto bélico entre el 2 de abril y el 14 de junio de 1982 por la soberanía del territorio insular.
(2022-12-10). Incendio forestal deja 8.000 hectáreas afectadas en Argentina. telesurtv.net El siniestro continúa activo y propagándose, y los bomberos abren línea húmeda en las zonas de mayor actividad.
(2022-12-10). Señalan incidencia de violencia y conflicto armado en Colombia. telesurtv.net En lo que va de 2022, un total de 70.267 colombianos sufrieron desplazamiento forzoso a causa del conflicto.
(2022-12-10). JEP sancionará a 12 militares colombianos por falsos positivos. telesurtv.net Los 12 exmilitares del Batallón La Popa reconocieron su responsabilidad en 135 asesinatos y desapariciones forzadas de jóvenes entre enero de 2022 y julio de 2005.
(2022-12-10). Registran abrupto incremento de casos de Covid-19 en Paraguay. telesurtv.net Las autoridades sanitarias de Paraguay indicaron que el número de casos de coronavirus aumentaron un 120 por ciento en una semana.
(2022-12-10). Continúan movilizaciones para exigir nuevas elecciones en Perú. telesurtv.net A Lima han llegado personas desde Cajamarca, Áncash, Ayacucho, Huaraz y Puno para sumarse a las movilizaciones.