2023-03-13: News Headlines

rqorinoco (2023-03-13). Who Ousted Peru's President of the Poor? orinocotribune.com By Rodrigo Acuña — Mar 9, 2023 | In the last two months, the political crisis in Peru has regularly made it into the mainstream media. On December 7 of last year, the democratically elected Peruvian president Pedro Castillo was removed from power after he attempted to temporarily suspend Congress hours before his third impeachment hearing. | As the first person from an impoverished rural background to become president in Peru, Castillo had found widespread support in the country's poorer regions. His ousting has sparked mass demonstrations and blockades across the country, with protestors calling for Presid…

José Luis Granados Ceja (2023-03-13). Venezuela's Maduro Confirms No Early Elections, Gov't Hardens Stance Against US-EU Demands. venezuelanalysis.com "We do not care what imperialism or the oligarchies think about the political, social, and economic life of Venezuela," said Maduro.

Staff (2023-03-13). Venezuela Beats Dominican Republic 5-1 in First Game of 2023 World Baseball Classic. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2023-03-13). Argentina: Judicial Persecution Against Cristina Fernández Denounced. orinocotribune.com Peronist militants from numerous regions of Argentina participated in the plenary "Fight and Come Back. Cristina 2023." | It's an act to break the ban on the vice president, Cristina Fernández, and denounce the judicial persecution against her. | A crowd of more than 10,000 militants from different Kirchnerist unions and social organizations groups met in the town of Avellaneda, in the province of Buenos Aires, to reject the ruling against the former president. In addition, they demanded that she run in the presidential elections scheduled for next October. During his extensive presentation, Máximo Kirchner, lead…

Martin Edwin Andersen (2023-03-13). Torture, Murder and Security Clearances at the Defense Security Cooperation Agency. indybay.org The news out of the democratic republic of Chile this week is that the conviction of Jaime Garcia Covarrubias—the former National Defense University / Defense Security Cooperation Agency professor who was since 2008 the target of the Petitioner's disclosures through the NDU/DSCA chain of command—for the torture and murder of an unarmed detainee was upheld by that country's Supreme Court. | Garcia Covarrubias has been sentenced to seven years in prison for his authorship of that crime, one of two involving the torture and clandestine murder of unarmed detainees for which he has already been convicted a…

WSWS (2023-03-13). One year of pseudo-left Boric government in Chile: A program of pro-imperialist and anti-working class reaction. wsws.org Contrary to its promises of equality and justice, the Boric administration has proven to be among the most right-wing governments of Latin America's so-called Pink Tide.

rqorinoco (2023-03-13). Who Ousted Peru's President of the Poor? orinocotribune.com By Rodrigo Acuña — Mar 9, 2023 | In the last two months, the political crisis in Peru has regularly made it into the mainstream media. On December 7 of last year, the democratically elected Peruvian president Pedro Castillo was removed from power after he attempted to temporarily suspend Congress hours before his third impeachment hearing. | As the first person from an impoverished rural background to become president in Peru, Castillo had found widespread support in the country's poorer regions. His ousting has sparked mass demonstrations and blockades across the country, with protestors calling for Presid…

José Luis Granados Ceja (2023-03-13). Venezuela's Maduro Confirms No Early Elections, Gov't Hardens Stance Against US-EU Demands. venezuelanalysis.com "We do not care what imperialism or the oligarchies think about the political, social, and economic life of Venezuela," said Maduro.

Staff (2023-03-13). Venezuela Beats Dominican Republic 5-1 in First Game of 2023 World Baseball Classic. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2023-03-13). Argentina: Judicial Persecution Against Cristina Fernández Denounced. orinocotribune.com Peronist militants from numerous regions of Argentina participated in the plenary "Fight and Come Back. Cristina 2023." | It's an act to break the ban on the vice president, Cristina Fernández, and denounce the judicial persecution against her. | A crowd of more than 10,000 militants from different Kirchnerist unions and social organizations groups met in the town of Avellaneda, in the province of Buenos Aires, to reject the ruling against the former president. In addition, they demanded that she run in the presidential elections scheduled for next October. During his extensive presentation, Máximo Kirchner, lead…

Martin Edwin Andersen (2023-03-13). Torture, Murder and Security Clearances at the Defense Security Cooperation Agency. indybay.org The news out of the democratic republic of Chile this week is that the conviction of Jaime Garcia Covarrubias—the former National Defense University / Defense Security Cooperation Agency professor who was since 2008 the target of the Petitioner's disclosures through the NDU/DSCA chain of command—for the torture and murder of an unarmed detainee was upheld by that country's Supreme Court. | Garcia Covarrubias has been sentenced to seven years in prison for his authorship of that crime, one of two involving the torture and clandestine murder of unarmed detainees for which he has already been convicted a…

WSWS (2023-03-13). One year of pseudo-left Boric government in Chile: A program of pro-imperialist and anti-working class reaction. wsws.org Contrary to its promises of equality and justice, the Boric administration has proven to be among the most right-wing governments of Latin America's so-called Pink Tide.

Staff (2023-03-13). Temporada de lluvias deja unos 60 muertos y más de 12 000 damnificados en Perú. cubadebate.cu La temporada de lluvias, que comenzó en septiembre y ha afectado a 24 de las 25 regiones de Perú con desbordamientos de ríos e inundaciones, ha dejado hasta la fecha al menos 59 fallecidos y más de 12 000 damnificados, además de fuertes daños en viviendas, según datos oficiales divulgados este domingo por el Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil (Indeci).

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-13). Comerciantes de Puno tomarán nuevas acciones de protesta en Perú. telesurtv.net El vocero de los mercados unificados de Puno, Walter Ramos. señaló que este ha sido un acuerdo unificado de todos los centros de abasto y ferias de la ciudad de Puno.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-13). Venezuela liga segunda victoria en el Clásico Mundial del Béisbol. telesurtv.net Venezuela, que en su debut venció a República Dominicana 5-1, se convirtió en el líder del Grupo D del Mundial de la pelota caliente.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-13). Peronistas rechazan proscripción de vicepresidenta de Argentina. telesurtv.net Máximo Kirchner llama a la militancia a construir las condiciones para que Cristina Fernández pueda ser candidata a próximos comicios presidenciales.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-13). Todo en todas partes al mismo tiempo es la ganadora en los Premios Oscar 2023. telesurtv.net La mejor película internacional fue la alemana Im Westen nichts Neues (Sin novedad en el frente), que derrotó a Argentina, 1985.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-13). Gobierno de Colombia presenta condiciones para reanudar diálogo con mineros en paro. telesurtv.net En un comunicado, el Gobierno colombiano rechaza los actos de violencia que se han presentado durante la protesta social…

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-13). Gobierno de Perú reconoce déficit para hacer frente a emergencia climática. telesurtv.net Ciclón Yaku trae asociadas lluvias, caída de nieve y granizo y una elevada carga de humedad, lo cual dará lugar a precipitaciones inusuales.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-13). Mayoría de los peruanos aprueba el adelanto de elecciones. telesurtv.net Según la encuesta nacional realizada por la empresa Datum, un 83 % de la ciudadanía pide comicios anticipados.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-13). Defensa Civil peruana informa sobre afectaciones por lluvias. telesurtv.net Alrededor de 400 distritos a nivel nacional permanecen en emergencia debido a los impactos del ciclón Yaku.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-13). Venezuela vence a República Dominicana en el Mundial de Béisbol. telesurtv.net Esta victoria representa el primer triunfo de Venezuela sobre los dominicanos en cinco encuentros disputados en el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol.

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