2023-03-27: News Headlines

____ (2023-03-27). President wishes Lula a speedy recovery. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping extended his sincere sympathies to Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Sunday and wished him a speedy recovery after Lula postponed a planned visit to China due to illness.

Staff (2023-03-27). Honduras Recognizes China and Breaks Diplomatic Ties With Taiwan. orinocotribune.com Through a statement made this past Saturday, the Honduran government reported its decision to break relations with Taiwan and to recognize China, effectively meaning that the South American country has taken a position on the dispute between China and the rebel territory of Taiwan. | The Honduran Minister for Foreign Affairs Eduardo Enrique Reina said that his government has "notified Taiwan of the decision to break diplomatic relations." Honduras subsequently formed diplomatic ties with China on Sunday after breaking off relations with Taiwan, which has become increasingly isolated as it is now only recognized b…

Tanya Wadhwa (2023-03-27). Bolivian President Arce hopes for a "sincere dialogue" with Chilean authorities on sovereign access to sea. peoplesdispatch.org During the commemoration of the Battle of Calama, Bolivian President Luis Arce called on his Chilean counterpart Gabriel Boric to initiate a new stage of bilateral relations and address the historical issues that separate the two nations…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-27). Uruguayans march against President Lacalle Pou's pension reform. peoplesdispatch.org On Thursday March 23, thousands of Uruguayans took to the streets of the capital Montevideo to protest what unions are terming an anti-worker pension reform, promoted by the right-wing government of President Luis Lacalle Pou. | Workers from diverse sectors, members of various social organizations, and citizens in general marched from the esplanade of the University of the Republic to the Legislative Palace, rejecting the pension reform bill, which raises the retirement age from 60 to 65 years, attacks early retirement benefits under the current social security system, and increases benefits for the private Pensi…

Staff (2023-03-27). Venezuela Denounces Neocolonial Practices at Ibero-American Summit. orinocotribune.com The Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Yván Gil participated in the 28th Ibero-American Summit on behalf of the Venezuelan government. In his speech, he questioned the application of coercive measures, also know as sanctions, as a method of political subjugation. | "We must abandon the neocolonial practices that the United States and the European Union are currently applying against three members present at this summit: Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela," said the Venezuelan top diplomat this past Saturday, March 2. | Accordingly, he highlighted that in a short period of time Venezuela has recei…

teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2023-03-27). Sondeo revela que 91% de los peruanos desaprueba al Congreso. telesurtv.net La encuesta afirmó que la desaprobación de la presidenta Dina Boluarte se ubica en 78 por ciento.

____ (2023-03-27). President wishes Lula a speedy recovery. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping extended his sincere sympathies to Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Sunday and wished him a speedy recovery after Lula postponed a planned visit to China due to illness.

Staff (2023-03-27). Honduras Recognizes China and Breaks Diplomatic Ties With Taiwan. orinocotribune.com Through a statement made this past Saturday, the Honduran government reported its decision to break relations with Taiwan and to recognize China, effectively meaning that the South American country has taken a position on the dispute between China and the rebel territory of Taiwan. | The Honduran Minister for Foreign Affairs Eduardo Enrique Reina said that his government has "notified Taiwan of the decision to break diplomatic relations." Honduras subsequently formed diplomatic ties with China on Sunday after breaking off relations with Taiwan, which has become increasingly isolated as it is now only recognized b…

Tanya Wadhwa (2023-03-27). Bolivian President Arce hopes for a "sincere dialogue" with Chilean authorities on sovereign access to sea. peoplesdispatch.org During the commemoration of the Battle of Calama, Bolivian President Luis Arce called on his Chilean counterpart Gabriel Boric to initiate a new stage of bilateral relations and address the historical issues that separate the two nations…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-27). Uruguayans march against President Lacalle Pou's pension reform. peoplesdispatch.org On Thursday March 23, thousands of Uruguayans took to the streets of the capital Montevideo to protest what unions are terming an anti-worker pension reform, promoted by the right-wing government of President Luis Lacalle Pou. | Workers from diverse sectors, members of various social organizations, and citizens in general marched from the esplanade of the University of the Republic to the Legislative Palace, rejecting the pension reform bill, which raises the retirement age from 60 to 65 years, attacks early retirement benefits under the current social security system, and increases benefits for the private Pensi…

Staff (2023-03-27). Venezuela Denounces Neocolonial Practices at Ibero-American Summit. orinocotribune.com The Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Yván Gil participated in the 28th Ibero-American Summit on behalf of the Venezuelan government. In his speech, he questioned the application of coercive measures, also know as sanctions, as a method of political subjugation. | "We must abandon the neocolonial practices that the United States and the European Union are currently applying against three members present at this summit: Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela," said the Venezuelan top diplomat this past Saturday, March 2. | Accordingly, he highlighted that in a short period of time Venezuela has recei…

teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2023-03-27). Sondeo revela que 91% de los peruanos desaprueba al Congreso. telesurtv.net La encuesta afirmó que la desaprobación de la presidenta Dina Boluarte se ubica en 78 por ciento.

teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2023-03-27). Exigen justicia en Ecuador por asesinato de líder indígena. telesurtv.net El presidente de la Conaie, Leonidas Iza recordó y exigió justicia por Mendúa en su cuenta de Twitter y afirmó que este "fue asesinado por defender la selva, pero su espíritu de lucha vive".

Staff (2023-03-27). Caravana de amor por Cuba triunfa en EEUU, pese a agresiones. cubadebate.cu Ni agresiones ni ofensas de grupos anticubanos impidieron que centenares de personas alzaran sus voces en Miami para exigir el cese de las hostilidades que mantiene el Gobierno de Estados Unidos hacia Cuba. También hubo acciones de solidaridad en otras ciudades de EE.UU., Canadá, Argentina, Bolivia, Panamá, Brasil, Bahamas y Finlandia.

Staff (2023-03-27). Reportan al menos 16 muertos por alud que sepultó decenas de casas en Ecuador. cubadebate.cu Un deslizamiento de tierra de gran magnitud ocurrido al final de la noche de este domingo, provocado por los fuertes aguaceros de los últimos días, sepultó decenas de casas y dejó al menos 16 muertos y siete desaparecidos en Alausí, unos 222 kilómetros al sur de Quito, según el balance preliminar de las autoridades hasta la mañana de este lunes.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-27). Reportan desaparecidos tras deslizamiento de tierra en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Bomberos, militares y civiles comenzaron a realizar tareas de rescate, que se dificultaron debido a que el percance se produjo en horas de la noche.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-27). Macri confirma que no será candidato en elecciones 2023 en Argentina. telesurtv.net El expresidente argentino publicó en su cuenta de Twitter un video sobre los motivos de su renuncia a ser candidato.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-27). Declaran estado de emergencia a tres regiones del norte de Perú. telesurtv.net El estado de emergencia nivel 5 fue declarado para Tumbes, Piura y Lambayeque por desastre de gran magnitud a consecuencia de las lluvias intensas.

Staff (2023-03-27). María Kodama, colaboradora y viuda de Jorge Luis Borges, muere a los 86 años. cubadebate.cu La escritora y traductora argentina María Kodama, viuda y principal difusora de la obra de Jorge Luis Borges, falleció este domingo a los 86 años. Kodama nació en Buenos Aires en 1937 y era hija del japonés Yosaburo Kodama y de la argentina María Antonia Schweizer.

teleSUR, lvm, JDO (2023-03-27). Congreso de Perú anuncia debate de moción contra Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net La moción contra la presidenta, avalada por congresistas de izquierda, está sustentada en la "incapacidad moral de Dina Boluarte", según el texto.

teleSUR, lvm, JDO (2023-03-27). Presidente de Bolivia insta a mantener unidad del partido MAS. telesurtv.net Celebran aniversario 28 de la creación del Movimiento al Socialismo-Instrumento Política por la Soberanía de los Pueblos durante multitudinario acto en Cochabamba.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-27). Muere María Kodama, viuda de Jorge Luis Borges. telesurtv.net Kodama falleció en la ciudad de Vicente López, en la provincia de Buenos Aires, a causa de un cáncer de mama.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-27). Asesinan a líder social en Boyacá, Colombia. telesurtv.net El hecho ocurrió en horas de la noche en la vereda Zulia, en el sector el Guarumal del municipio Maripí, Boyacá.

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