2022-02-02: News Headlines

Steve Lalla (2022-02-02). Peru Orders Repsol to Suspend Offshore Operations After Massive Oil Spill. orinocotribune.com February 1, 2022 ( In addition, a judge barred four Repsol executives from leaving the country as the administration moves to investigate the details of the oil spill. The executives include Repsol's Director in Peru, Jaime Fernandez-Cuesta. | Ramirez ordered a "halt to all of Repsol's operations loading a…

Fight Back (2022-02-02). Free Alex Saab! Join webinar conversation with Camila Saab Feb. 3. fightbacknews.org Tucson, AZ – Camila Saab, the wife of Alex Saab, a Venezuelan diplomat illegally detained by the U.S., will speak on a webinar organized by the Alliance for Global Justice on February 3 at 6: 30 p.m. Eastern Time. There will be an update on his case and opportunities to participate in actions to demand his freedom. | Saab has played an important…

Staff (2022-02-02). Al menos 24 muertos tras aluvión de escombros y lodo en Ecuador (+ Video). cubadebate.cu La casa empezó a moverse como en un terremoto mientras afuera caía un fuerte aguacero acompañado de un inusual y ensordecedor estruendo. De repente agua y piedras obtuvieron a ingresar por las puertas y ventanas del primer piso y sólo atinó a correr hacia la terraza, relató el martes Imelda Pacheco al frente de la que fuera su vivienda.

Nick Cunningham (2022-02-02). Protests erupt in Argentina over plan for offshore oil drilling. nationofchange.org Thousands of people took to the streets of Mar del Plata to protest the plans by Norwegian oil company Equinor to begin offshore oil exploration later this year.

WSWS (2022-02-02). An open letter to all Brazilian workers: The pandemic must be ended and lives saved in 2022! wsws.org The year 2022 is already marked by a new COVID-19 surge. Workers in Brazil and around the world must decide to act collectively and finally put an end to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Marco Teruggi (2022-02-01). Honduras: Back After 12 Years. orinocotribune.com Xiomara Castro was sworn in as the new president of Honduras, in the capital city, Tegucigalpa, on January 27. Not only is she is the first female president to take office in the Central American nation, but she is also the head of state to receive the most votes in Honduran history. With her mandate unquestioned, she was accompanied by her husband, former president Manuel Zelaya, overthrown in the 2009 coup d'état. | Several leaders and former leaders attended the swearing-in ceremony, such as the vice president of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner (who gave a speech the night before); the King of Spain, Felipe VI; t…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-02-01). UN Security Council holds session on Ukraine, Poland pledges arms and other stories. peoplesdispatch.org Today we look at the UN Security Council special session on Ukraine, a major oil spill spreading to Ecuador's Amazon region, and more…

teleSUR- lvm, JL (2022-02-01). Gobierno boliviano destina presupuesto a seguridad alimentaria. telesurtv.net El plan de tubérculos y raíces la producción de papas comerciales debe crecer de 7.5 hasta las 17.8 toneladas por hectárea en el año 2025, dijo el ministro.

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-02-01). Venezuela's Opposition Already has Substitute for Guaidó. orinocotribune.com Venezuela's Justice First Party already has someone in mind to replace former deputy Juan Guaidó in case he ceases to be the "interim president" of the parallel government, which the Venezuelan far-right insists on keeping alive. | According to comments made to Miami-based EVTV by political analyst Antonio de la Cruz, based on his work as executive director of the Inter-American Trends think tank, Juan Pablo Guanipa should assume the leadership of the opposition, which continues to abide by the directives of the National Assembly which was in power from 2015 to 2020, during which Guaidó led the coup against Presi…

teleSUR, MER (2022-02-01). Venezuela recuerda el legado del general Ezequiel Zamora. telesurtv.net Ezequiel Zamora es recordado por los venezolanos como el "General del Pueblo Soberano" y líder del ejército de tierra y hombres libres.

Melvin A. Goodman (2022-02-01). The United States of Hypocrisy: Revisiting the Monroe Doctrine. canadiandimension.com In Victor Gillam's 1896 political cartoon, Uncle Sam stands with rifle between the outrageously dressed European figures and the native-dress-wearing representatives of Nicaragua and Venezuela. Image courtesy the Library of Congress/ There is no doctrinal statement in American diplomatic history that is more fundamental than the

Fight Back (2022-02-01). Miami caravan against Cuba blockade a huge success. fightbacknews.org Miami, FL- Over 60 members of the South Florida community joined in the monthly caravan in Miami on Sunday, January 30, to demand President Joe Biden end the criminal U.S. blockade on Cuba. The group called on the U.S president to end all sanctions on Cuba, restore the family reunification program and recommence freedom of travel between the United States and Cuba for both Americans and Cubans. The event was organized by the U.S. Hands Off Cuba and Venezuela South Florida and Puentes de Amor. | Dozens of cars draped with banners and signs reading "End the criminal blockade of Cuba," and "No mas bloqueo," most do…

Staff (2022-02-01). Role of Workers' Productive Councils in Venezuela's Economic Recovery—Interview with Manuel Páez. orinocotribune.com On February 19, 2020, President Nicolás Maduro decreed an energy emergency and a state of exception in the country's hydrocarbon industry, which led to the creation of the General Staff of the Workers' Productive Councils (CPTT). Manuel Páez, who belongs to the presidential commission of the CPTT for the hydrocarbon sector, in an interview with àöltimas Noticias, explained that there are "71 colleagues who were assigned (by the president and the working class itself) the task of directing the transformation of the industry… presenting a new management model, which is basically collective management." | Páe…

Staff (2022-02-01). Deadly flood hits Ecuador's capital Quito (+VIDEO). en.mehrnews.com Ecuador's emergency officials said that at least 11 people have been killed by powerful flooding in the country's capital Quito.

Julio C. Gambina (2022-02-01). Argentina — El gobierno acordó con el FMI. globalizacion.ca Al final se develó la incógnita y entre hoy y el comienzo de la próxima semana se cancelan 1.100 millones de dólares al FMI, en concepto de vencimientos de capital e intereses. Eso ocurre porque se acordó con los negociadores…

teleSUR, JL (2022-02-01). Renuncia presidente del bloque de diputados del Frente de Todos. telesurtv.net "Esta decisión nace de no compartir la estrategia utilizada y mucho menos los resultados obtenidos en la negociación con el FMI", indicó Máximo Kirchner.

teleSUR, yart, DRL (2022-02-01). Organizaciones argentinas reclaman reforma al poder judicial. telesurtv.net Los líderes gremiales acusan al poder judicial de tener delincuentes infiltrados que utilizan la persecución judicial.

Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza (2022-02-01). Haiti now has an Interim President and a Prime Minister, with No Say from Haitian People. orinocotribune.com Caracas, January 31, 2022 (Special for The Core Group is made up of the ambassadors from the United States, France, Spain, Brazil, Germany, Canada, and the EU, as well as representatives from the UN and the Washington, DC-based Organizatio…

teleSUR- lvm -HIM (2022-02-01). Condenan discursos de odio hacia migrantes en Iquique, Chile. telesurtv.net En septiembre del 2021, también se produjo una oleada de violencia a grupos de migrantes que se encontraban en espacios públicos en Chile.

Ben Gilvar-Parke (2022-02-01). Can Colombia's left survive the persistent logic of armed conflict? greenleft.org.au In Colombia, former guerilla Gustavo Petro leads in the presidential polls. Petro is the lead candidate for a coalition of left political parties called Pacto Historico (Historic Pact), reports Ben Gilvar-Parke.

teleSUR, hvv (2022-02-01). Contagios por Covid-19 marcan récord en Paraguay. telesurtv.net A partir de enero el número de casos positivos ha crecido en varios países de la región debido a la variante Ómicron.

Lucrecia Franco (2022-02-01). Environmentalist brings fresh garden to rooftops of Rio's favelas. america.cgtn.com In the recent heat waves hitting South America it is the poorest who are suffering the most.

WSWS (2022-02-01). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Longshore workers are battling attacks on jobs, working conditions and pay, with inflation rampaging across South America.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-02-01). Aliados del Gobierno de Uruguay se suman al Sí en el referendo. telesurtv.net El pueblo uruguayo decidirá el 27 de marzo de este año su posición con respecto a la derogación de los 135 artículos de la LUC.

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