2022-02-03: News Headlines

Staff (2022-02-03). FAO Removes Venezuela from List of Hunger Hotspots, Incorporates Colombia. orinocotribune.com The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has excluded Venezuela from its list of countries facing severe food shortages. | In a FAO, in its report, stated that this year in Latin America, Colombia, Haiti and Honduras are in the Agency's list of highest levels of concern; but there is not such a forecast for Venezuela…

Editor2 (2022-02-03). Cuba's Resumen Latinoamericano Website Silenced Due to Blockade. orinocotribune.com By Graciela Ramírez — Jan 29, 2022 | This January 27, while we were preparing different notes on national and international affairs, our website cubaenresumen.org was silenced. We could not upload any information, we thought at first it was due to a technical problem with the website. | After an hour we began to receive messages via WhatsApp from friends and readers of Cuba en Resumen in Argentina, Brazil, Honduras, Venezuela, Spain, the United States and Italy who were asking what was happening, since they could not access not only what was published in the morning, nor anything on our website. | We immedia…

Adriaan Alsema (2022-02-03). 'Police used Bogota bus terminals to torture protesters'. colombiareports.com Bogota police used bus terminals in Colombia's capital as illegal detention centers during protests last year, according to opposition politicians. The accusation made by two Bogota city council members was…

sputniknews (2022-02-03). Argentina President: It's Necessary to End Dependence on US, Develop Cooperation With Russia. sputniknews.com MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Argentina's large external debt rose largely because of the United States, so Buenos Aires needs to get rid of dependence on Washington and open up new opportunities in cooperation with Russia, President Alberto Fernandez said.

Yves Engler (2022-02-03). Anti-China Canadian MPs claim Sovereignty over Argentine Mine. dissidentvoice.org The anti-China panic sweeping Canadian politics has descended from tragedy into farce. A month ago I mocked Globe and Mail Report on Business columnist Eric Reguly for complaining about China-based Zijin Mining purchasing Neo Lithium. The nominally Canadian firm extracts lithium in Argentina. Reguly succeeded in stirring a national security scare about minerals extracted 10,000 …

Staff (2022-02-03). Jorge Rodríguez: Deputies Failing to Fulfill their Oath Will be Jailed. orinocotribune.com This Tuesday, February 2, the president of Venezuela's National Assembly (AN) Jorge Rodríguez, warned that deputies who fail to comply with their oath will go to prison. This was said after referring to the case of PSUV parliamentarian, Taina González Rubio, who was arrested in Falcón for her alleged involvement in a drug trafficking network. | "Jail will be the destination for any deputy failing to fulfill their oath, thus becoming a despicable traitor. Everyone who deviates from the right path will be sent to jail," he asserted during his speech at the session this Tuesday, in which the parliamentary immunity o…

Staff (2022-02-03). Argentina: Máximo Kirchner Resigns as President of Frente de Todos Parliamentary Block (+IMF). orinocotribune.com Máximo Kirchner resigned on Monday, January 31, from his responsibility as the head of the Frente De Todos (ruling party) in the Congress of the Argentine Republic. The deputy, who until Monday presided over the block of deputies of the ruling party, made his decision public through a statement in which he expressed his disagreement with President Alberto Fernández's economic policy, embodied in the recent agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). | With this position, the son of former President Néstor Kirchner and current Vice President of Argentina, Cristina Fernández, distanced himself from the pr…

Red de Luchas Socioambientales Salta (2022-02-03). Argentina: Megaminería mata. indybay.org Murió un trabajador minero triturado por una máquina en Mina de oro Lindero – Mansfield en la Puna de Salta.

Staff (2022-02-03). Survey describes chances of ex-president becoming leader again. rt.com Brazil's former president is poised to beat incumbent Jair Bolsonaro, a poll shows | Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was polling at 41%, ahead of President Jair Bolsonaro with 30%, according to a survey conducted by PoderData between January 31 and February 1. Lula da Silva's lead over Bolsonaro has slightly narrowed compared to a 42-28 difference two weeks ago. | In a runoff vote, Lula da Silva would beat Bolsonaro with 54% against 37%, the same poll found. Both men have not yet formally declared their candidacies. A different poll last month showed that Lula da Silva could win in the first round. | Famous for his…

Tanya Wadhwa (2022-02-02). Peruvian President reshuffles ministerial cabinet for the second time. peoplesdispatch.org On February 1, Peruvian President Pedro Castillo reshuffled his ministerial cabinet for the second time since his inauguration six months ago. The head of state swore in his third cabinet with a new prime minister and nine other new ministers out of a total of nineteen. In a short message to the nation, he ratified "the commitment to work for Peru, prioritizing the needs of all Peruvians and the great reforms that will consolidate national well-being." | The new cabinet is headed by congressman Héctor Valer, who entered parliament with far-right party Popular Renewal and later joined a new parliamentary caucus, D…

Xiaolu Sun (2022-02-02). Peru's President Pedro Castillo swears in third cabinet in six months. america.cgtn.com Peruvian President Pedro Castillo has reshuffled his Cabinet again. It's the third overhaul of ministers since he was sworn in last July. Some lawmakers defended Castillo's decision. Find out more.

Steve Lalla (2022-02-02). Peru Orders Repsol to Suspend Offshore Operations After Massive Oil Spill. orinocotribune.com February 1, 2022 ( In addition, a judge barred four Repsol executives from leaving the country as the administration moves to investigate the details of the oil spill. The executives include Repsol's Director in Peru, Jaime Fernandez-Cuesta. | Ramirez ordered a "halt to all of Repsol's operations loading a…

Staff (2022-02-02). 3 February, Webinar: Free Alex Saab! with Camila Saab and special guest, Oscar López Rivera. samidoun.net Thursday, February 3rd, 2022 3: 30pm PT / 6: 30pm ET Online Event: Register on Zoom In conversation with Camila Saab, wife of Venezuelan diplomat, Alex Saab, kidnapped by the United States. We ask for the immediate release of the Venezuelan diplomat. The webinar will be in have Spanish-English interpretation. En conversación con Camila Saab, esposa del …

_____ (2022-02-02). Feb. 3 Webinar: Camila Saab, Wife Of Diplomat/US Political Prisoner. popularresistance.org Alex Saab is a Venezuelan diplomat the US government has illegally seized and imprisoned for what the US considers "violation" of the illegal US economic warfare on Venezuela. He was in fact assisting Venezuela in legally working around the US blockade on his country by finding the means to import food, medicine, and materials for the Venezuelan oil industry. The US is seeking to coerce Alex Saab into disclosing the methods Venezuela uses to circumvent the US-Canadian-European sanctions with the goal of further tightening the economic blockade and suffering on the Venezuelan people. These sanctions are illegal ac…

José Luis Granados Ceja (2022-02-02). US Begins Expelling Venezuelan Migrants to Colombia. venezuelanalysis.com US efforts to turn away Venezuelans stands in contrast to US regime-change policy toward Caracas, considered one of the major forces driving migration.

Fight Back (2022-02-02). Free Alex Saab! Join webinar conversation with Camila Saab Feb. 3. fightbacknews.org Tucson, AZ – Camila Saab, the wife of Alex Saab, a Venezuelan diplomat illegally detained by the U.S., will speak on a webinar organized by the Alliance for Global Justice on February 3 at 6: 30 p.m. Eastern Time. There will be an update on his case and opportunities to participate in actions to demand his freedom. | Saab has played an important…

Mary Triny Mena (2022-02-02). Rainwater harvesting project helps Venezuela's slum. america.cgtn.com See how rain water harvesting project helps Venezuelans satisfy their thirst.

Staff (2022-02-02). Tomorrow February 3 Webinar: In Conversation with Camila Saab, Wife of Alex Saab & Special Guest, Oscar López Rivera. orinocotribune.com Alex Saab is a Venezuelan diplomat the US government has illegally seized and imprisoned for what the US considers "violation" of the illegal US economic warfare on Venezuela. He was in fact assisting Venezuela in legally working around the US blockade on his country by finding the means to import food, medicine, and materials for the Venezuelan oil industry. The US is seeking to coerce Alex Saab into disclosing the methods Venezuela uses to circumvent the US-Canadian-European sanctions with the goal of further tightening the economic blockade and suffering on the Venezuelan people. These sanctions are illegal ac…

The Associated Press (2022-02-02). US Expels Venezuelan Migrants to Colombia Under Title 42 Powers. latinorebels.com The Biden administration said Monday that it has begun expelling Venezuelan migrants to Colombia without a chance to seek asylum after entering the United States from Mexico, its latest use of pandemic-related authority.

IGD Worldwide (2022-02-02). German Autonomists Win Asylum After Decades as Fugitives. itsgoingdown.org | Submitted anonymously. |
| On December 2, 2021, the Venezuelan refugee commission finally approved the refugee claim of the two surviving implicated participants in the "K.O.M.I.T.E.E." case, Peter Krauth and Thomas Walter. With this status, they can stay in Venezuela indefinitely with official identification documents and, after years of insecurity and the perennial threat of arrest, can finally live an almost normal life. For the third defendant, Bernd Heidbreder, this decision came too…

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-02-02). PSUV is Against Corrupt Officials, There will be No Impunity, Says Diosdado Cabello. orinocotribune.com Diosdado Cabello, first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), declared the resounding condemnation of the party against any act of corruption committed by officials in public posts, and stated that the full weight of justice should fall on those who get involved in criminal activities. | Cabello emphasized that there should be no impunity in cases such as the ones that recently led to the detention of a mayor and a deputy in the state of Zulia, who had been linked to drug trafficking; and a mayor in Anzoátegui state linked to fuel mafias. | At the press conference, the PSUV leader stat…

Ana Perdigón (2022-02-02). US Government Starts Expelling Venezuelan Migrants. orinocotribune.com The United States government has started to apply its new immigration policy, with which it will deport Venezuelan migrants to Colombia without allowing them to apply for asylum. | The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that Venezuelans will be deported to Colombia. | The US authorities also added that the deportation of migrants will be carried out on a regular basis, although they did not specify how often. | The first two Venezuelans were expelled within this policy last Thursday, January 27. They had entered the United States through the US-Mexico border, but were sent to Colombia on a commerc…

Benjamin Norton (2022-02-02). CIA backed failed 2020 invasion of Venezuela, top coup-plotter says. multipolarista.com A Venezuelan army defector who helped plan a botched May 2020 invasion, Clíver Alcalá, said the coup-plotters were in touch with the CIA and other US government agencies, and had their approval to try to violently overthrow President Nicolás Maduro.

Staff (2022-02-02). Al menos 24 muertos tras aluvión de escombros y lodo en Ecuador (+ Video). cubadebate.cu La casa empezó a moverse como en un terremoto mientras afuera caía un fuerte aguacero acompañado de un inusual y ensordecedor estruendo. De repente agua y piedras obtuvieron a ingresar por las puertas y ventanas del primer piso y sólo atinó a correr hacia la terraza, relató el martes Imelda Pacheco al frente de la que fuera su vivienda.

Nick Cunningham (2022-02-02). Protests erupt in Argentina over plan for offshore oil drilling. nationofchange.org Thousands of people took to the streets of Mar del Plata to protest the plans by Norwegian oil company Equinor to begin offshore oil exploration later this year.

Ann Brown (2022-02-02). Democrat Party Insider And Fox News Commentator Donna Brazile: Joe Biden Is Doing Everything Right, Even If Approval Rating Is 30-40%. moguldom.com President Joe Biden's approval ratings are falling and Black voters are losing confidence in the White House but Democrat Party Insider and former Fox News commentator Donna Brazile thinks Biden is doing everything right. "He's a good president," Brazile said on ABC's "This Week" program. "He might be at 30 percent, 40 percent but you …

WSWS (2022-02-02). An open letter to all Brazilian workers: The pandemic must be ended and lives saved in 2022! wsws.org The year 2022 is already marked by a new COVID-19 surge. Workers in Brazil and around the world must decide to act collectively and finally put an end to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Paulo Cabral (2022-02-02). Brazilian Skeleton racer ready to slide into competition. america.cgtn.com One Olympic sport sends athletes dashing down an ice track on a sled with no brakes. It's called 'Skeleton' and requires discipline, training and a good dose of fearlessness. One member of Brazil's national team is said to have all three. Find our more.

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