2022-04-11: News Headlines

teleSUR, lvm, JL (2022-04-11). Corte otorga libertad condicional a expdte. peruano Kuczynski. telesurtv.net El exjefe de Estado deberá cumplir con normas de conducta según la resolución emitida por Corte Superior Nacional de Justicia.

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-04-11). Expdte. boliviano Evo Morales denuncia campaña contra el MAS. telesurtv.net El expresidente instó a cuidarse de infiltrados en el Gobierno que intentan desprestigiar al MAS.

teleSUR (2022-04-11). Venezuela to Hold International Summit Against Fascism. telesurenglish.net Given the scenario of the conflict in Ukraine and the behavior of media multinationals, the organizers of the Summit will scientifically address the forms of communication in the world. | Felix Plasencia Venezuela FM: Tomorrow, April 11, the "International Summit Against Fascism" begins in Caracas, with almost 200 guests from five continents.

teleSUR, JL (2022-04-11). Venezuela realizará Cumbre Internacional contra el Fascismo. telesurtv.net El evento contará con la participación de más 200 delegados internacionales, donde se compartirán experiencias.

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-04-11). Telecom Corporations Invest Again in Venezuela (+5G). orinocotribune.com Beyond the ominous voices that insist on campaigns to announce a permanent economic catastrophe in the midst of the blockade against Venezuela, both the state and private corporations are advancing in the implementation of new technological platforms, as is the case of mobile phone and 5G networks. | In that sense, it recently came to light that at least two private corporations dedicated to providing telecommunication services have already presented specific plans with regards to the matter. One of them is Digitel, which has a history of more than 20 years in Venezuela. | The other big telecom corporation operat…

teleSUR, SH (2022-04-11). Los intentos de golpe de Estado contra el presidente Nicolás Maduro. telesurtv.net Con la partida física del líder de la Revolución Bolivariana, los intentos de golpe de Estado contra el Gobierno de Venezuela se han intensificado.

Staff (2022-04-11). Former Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas Released from Prison & Celebrates in Guayaquil. orinocotribune.com The former Ecuadorian vice president during the presidency of Rafael Correa remained in a prison for four years and six months, and was seriously affected by health issues. | This Sunday, April 10 at 11: 31 a.m. local time, the former Vice President of Ecuador, Jorge Glas, left the Latacunga prison after having been deprived of liberty for almost five years. His incarceration came as a part of a judicial process considered by many as an extension of the judicial persecution (lawfare) launched in the South American country, also against former president Rafael Correa to eliminate any chance for Correísmo to come ba…

teleSUR, JCM (2022-04-11). Exvicepresidente Jorge Glas sale de prisión en Ecuador. telesurtv.net El exvicepresidente permaneció en un centro carcelario por cuatro años y seis meses, muy afectado de salud.

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-04-11). Cubanos residentes en Colombia celebran fiesta a los niños. telesurtv.net En la jornada, se reverenció al héroe nacional cubano, José Martí, mediante frases que escribiera a los niños.

Staff (2022-04-11). China's illegal timber business is stripping Suriname's forests. aninews.in Paramaribo [Suriname], May 22 (ANI): China's hunger for timber is stripping Suriname's forests.

teleSUR, JL (2022-04-10). Perú supera las 69 millones de dosis aplicadas contra la Covid. telesurtv.net De acuerdo a los reportes de la autoridad sanitaria, se contabilizan 13.969.445 peruanos inmunizados con la tercera dosis.

Dan Collyns (2022-04-10). Children return to classrooms in Peru. america.cgtn.com Children are back in school in Peru after two years out of classrooms due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The country was one of the hardest-hit in the world by the coronavirus, and children were no exception. Thousands lost parents or grandparents and despite innovative …

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-04-10). Venezolanos retornan desde Perú mediante Plan Vuelta a la Patria. telesurtv.net El Plan Vuelta a la Patria arrancó en agosto de 2018, promovido por el presidente Nicolás Maduro para apoyar a los migrantes venezolanos a que regresen a su nación.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-04-10). Perú y Bolivia impulsarán masificación del gas en la región sur. telesurtv.net Perú y Bolivia firmaron en octubre del pasado año cuatro convenios, entre ellos, la de cooperación para agilizar la masificación del gas natural.

Staff (2022-04-10). Jesús Suárez Gayol: "Cuando el dolor sea muy fuerte, piensa en tu hijo" cubadebate.cu "Junto a un soldado herido encontraron al Rubio ya agonizante, su garand estaba trabado y una granada con la espoleta suelta, pero sin estallar, estaba a su lado", escribió Ernesto Guevara en su diario. Era el amanecer del 10 de abril de 1967 en la selva boliviana. Allí había llegado en diciembre de 1966 para unirse a la guerrilla del Che.

Peoples Dispatch (2022-04-10). Venezuela's Great Housing Mission achieves major milestone of delivering 4 million homes. peoplesdispatch.org The Great Housing Mission of Venezuela (GMVV), launched by Commander Hugo Chávez in 2011, provides decent homes to low-income families at a low cost or free of charge, depending on their income…

Staff (2022-04-10). President Maduro: West Lining Up for Big War Against Russia. orinocotribune.com "They are lining up, economically, politically, diplomatically and militarily in the West to go for a big war against Russia," said Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on Friday, April 8, at an event in Caracas. "Venezuela denounces this, that they want to go to a war to dismember Russia, break it into pieces, destroy it and end the hope of a multipolar world where we can all live." | During the closing ceremony of the 16th National Congress and 3rd International Congress of History, President Maduro warned that today more than ever there is a Western media dictatorship against the world, "to justify an escalatio…

teleSUR -JL (2022-04-10). Conceden habeas corpus a exvicepresidente de Ecuador Jorge Glas. telesurtv.net Tras conceder el recurso de habeas corpus, se estima que en las próximas horas el exvicepresidente recupere su libertad.

Atilio Boron (2022-04-10). Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Argentina's Wrong Vote. orinocotribune.com By Atilio Boron — Apr 7, 2022 | This Thursday [April 7] the UN General Assembly approved a resolution suspending Russia's participation in the UN Human Rights Council. The result of the vote disappointed the United States government, the promoter of the initiative, because Washington hoped that the overwhelming majority support for two resolutions voted in March and condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine would be repeated. On that occasion, 141 countries voted in favor of the first one and 140 did so a few days later. | Extreme vagueness | On this occasion, however, Washington's proposal was supported by…

teleSUR, JL (2022-04-10). Inicia Fondo para estabilizar el precio del trigo en Argentina. telesurtv.net "Se asegura que pan, pastas, galletitas, tapas de empanadas y cualquier otro producto elaborado a partir del trigo, se produzca a un costo sensiblemente menor", indicó Feletti.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-04-10). How Duque condemned Colombia to a new cycle of violence. colombiareports.com President Ivan Duque's failed security policy has allowed Colombia's illegal armed groups to grow significantly in the past four years, according to a report. Guerrilla and paramilitary groups have additionally…

teleSUR, JL (2022-04-10). Colombianos conmemoran a las víctimas del conflicto social y armado. telesurtv.net La situación humanitaria en Colombia es dramática, durante el 2022 se han asesinado 14 excombatientes y 51 líderes sociales.

teleSUR, JL (2022-04-10). Alertan por aumento en casos de homicidios y hurtos en Uruguay. telesurtv.net El ministro del Interior aseguró que las zonas con aumento en homicidios son Montevideo (que paso de 43 a 52) y Canelones que tuvo un alza de nueve homicidios.

ecns.cn (2022-04-10). U.S. likely to see COVID-19 surge in fall: expert. ecns.cn There will be an uptick in cases of COVID-19 over the next few weeks in the United States and it is likely there could be a surge in the fall, Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-10). Lack of sleep increases unhealthy abdominal fat. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — New research from Mayo Clinic shows that lack of sufficient sleep combined with free access to food increases calorie consumption and consequently fat accumulation, especially unhealthy fat inside the belly. Findings from a randomized controlled crossover study led by Naima Covassin, Ph.D., a cardiovascular medicine researcher at Mayo Clinic, show that lack of sufficient sleep led to a 9% increase in total abdominal fat area and an 11% increase in abdominal visceral…

imperial.ac.uk (2022-04-10). Imperial expert's book uses scientific evidence to help people lose weight. imperial.ac.uk An Imperial researcher specialising in obesity has published a new book aiming to help people reach a healthy body weight.

imperial.ac.uk (2022-04-10). Imperial expert's book uses scientific evidence to help people lose weight. imperial.ac.uk An Imperial researcher specialising in obesity has published a new book aiming to help people reach a healthy body weight.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-04-10). Lack of sleep increases unhealthy abdominal fat. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — New research from Mayo Clinic shows that lack of sufficient sleep combined with free access to food increases calorie consumption and consequently fat accumulation, especially unhealthy fat inside the belly. Findings from a randomized controlled crossover study led by Naima Covassin, Ph.D., a cardiovascular medicine researcher at Mayo Clinic, show that lack of sufficient sleep led to a 9% increase in total abdominal fat area and an 11% increase in abdominal visceral…

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