Monthly Archives: March 2022

2022-03-29: News Headlines

Staff (2022-03-29). Peru's Castillo survives impeachment vote in Congress. TEHRAN, Mar. 29 (MNA) — An impeachment vote in Peru on Monday failed to gather enough support to oust President Pedro Castillo.

TASS (2022-03-29). UN calls for investigation into reports about torture of prisoners of war in Ukraine. It is important that any ill treatment that may happen is stopped immediately, Head of the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine Matilda Bogner said…

TASS (2022-03-29). NATO took steps affecting Russia's security before Moscow's operation in Ukraine – Kremlin. The situation is quite concerning, Peskov said…

Yoselina Guevara (2022-03-29). Chevron in Venezuela: Oil Truths and Facts Amid Russia-Ukraine Confrontation. By Yoselina Guevara — Mar 25, 2022 | On Thursday, March 24, various news outlets published the false news that the oil company Chevron had received a special license from the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to continue operating in Venezuela. Obviously this is not true. The truth is that according to

Juan Cole (2022-03-29). How Israel's Indiscriminate bombing of Gaza Endangers its Precious Hellenistic and Roman Archeological Heritage. Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The Palestinian Gaza Strip doesn't stay on the world's mind the way some besieged cities in Ukraine do right now, but it is also surrounded, besieged, and blockaded by Israeli forces. This blockade is illegal in international law, since Israel is recognized as the Occupying authority over Gaza, which it …

Dave DeCamp (2022-03-29). Biden Appears to Reveal the US Is Training Ukrainian Troops in Poland. President Biden appeared to reveal on Monday that the US is training Ukrainian troops in Poland. Biden made the comments when trying to explain a recent gaffe. In Poland on Friday, President Biden told members of the 82nd Airborne Division that Ukrainians were "stepping up" against the Russian assault and said, "You're going to see …

Staff (2022-03-29). Cuba participará con 18 judocas en Panamericano de Lima, Perú. Un total de 18 atletas se anuncian por Cuba para el Campeonato Panamericano y de Oceanía Sénior de Judo, previsto en Lima, Perú, del 15 al 17 de abril próximo. Por la Isla aparecen registrados nueve por cada sexo entre los 237 de 25 países , de acuerdo con la página oficial de la Federación Internacional de Judo (IJF, por sus siglas en inglés).

Staff (2022-03-29). Venezuela: Subsidized Gasoline to be Purchased via Patria System. As of April 2, the ability to purchased subsidized gasoline in cash will be eliminated, and Venezuelans will only be able to pay through the BiopagoPDV system, in order to optimize the fuel marketing system and streamline service at gas stations. | "This payment in bolívars, which is currently Bs 0.11 per liter [about 5% of the price of international gasoline], will be made, as of April 2, 2022, in advance, at the time of receiving the allocation of subsidized gasoline," announced the official outlets of the Patria System, Venezuela's national identification system. Each owner of a vehicle registered in the Patri…

Eduardo Aliverti (2022-03-29). Argentina — Se acaba el tiempo para decidirse. Dejemos para el final ciertos elementos de juicio sobre el enorme episodio del jueves pasado, y veamos novedades (o no) en torno del tema poco menos que excluyente para las grandes mayorías. Ese tema es la inflación. | Tanto es así…

Staff (2022-03-29). Narrow Victory for President Lacalle in Uruguay's Referendum. March 29, 2022 (—With 97.37% of the ballots from Uruguay's March 27 referendum counted, the "No" option has emergenced victorious. Uruguayans voted not to repeal the Law of Urgent Consideration (LUC). If the "Yes" option had suceeded, 135 articles of the LUC would have been struck down. | The referendum was seen as a plebiscite on the leadership of Luis Lacalle Pou, who took over the presidency after 15 year of leftists in power. The LUC was promoted as the flagship of Lacalle Pou's campaign, a package of laws that was enacted shortly after his mandate began in March, 2020, primarily to f…

TASS (2022-03-29). No free gas supplies for Europe, Kremlin spokesman says. No payment, no gas, the Kremlin spokesman emphasized…

TASS (2022-03-29). Developers unveil pilot version of Russian alternative to Instagram. Rossgram users will be able to upload photos and videos from their smartphones, as well as videos from other platforms such as YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo…

_____ (2022-03-28). Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine Signifies The End Of An Era Of Unipolar American Power. While the U.S. may still be powerful militarily and able to coerce allies in South America, the almost sole domination which the U.S. exercised with great glee after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 is coming to an end. The Russian operation in Ukraine is not the cause of this shift, but it is certainly speeding it up. For years, the world has watched as the U.S. and NATO expanded up to Russia's borders, and even beyond to places like Colombia; bombed and invaded one nation after another (e.g., Serbia, Iraq (twice), Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen) at will and with complete impunity; and flaunte…

Ann Brown (2022-03-28). Bishop Talbert Swan: Joe Biden Deported 30,000 Haitians But Welcomes 100,000 Ukrainians. The White House has announced that the U.S. will welcome 100,000 Ukrainians who have fled their country due to the Russian invasion, which was launched on Feb. 24. While the gesture could be viewed as humanitarian, some see it as a political move. The U.S. is more invested in the European country of Ukraine than, …

Benjamin Norton (2022-03-28). Many Global South countries blame US/NATO for Ukraine war, not Russia. While Western powers impose sanctions on Russia, many countries in the Global South blame the US and NATO for the Ukraine war, such as South Africa, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea, and Eritrea. Dozens more remain neutral.

Rick Rozoff (2022-03-28). African nations condemn Ukraine's recruiting mercenaries for "international legion" Deutsche WelleMarch 28, 2022 Ukraine's bid to recruit fighters from Africa sparks uproar Nigeria, Senegal and Algeria have criticized Ukraine's efforts to enlist international fighters as it resists the Russian invasion. Analysts say those who have responded to the call need to reconsider. Russia's war on Ukraine is barely two weeks old, but Kyiv is …

teleSUR, JDO, JL (2022-03-28). Caravanas solidarias exigen fin del bloqueo de EE.UU. a Cuba. Hubo acciones en Canadá, Bolivia, Finlandia, Panamá, México, Eslovaquia, Belice, Bahamas, El Salvador, Brasil y EE.UU.

Tanya Wadhwa (2022-03-28). Will a progressive government in Chile open the door to Bolivian maritime access? During the commemoration of the Battle of Calama, Bolivian President Luis Arce called on his Chilean counterpart Gabriel Boric to endorse the words of former Chilean president Salvador Allende to return Bolivia its sovereign access to the Pacific Ocean…

teleSUR, ats, JGN (2022-03-28). Conozca diez curiosidades sobre el prócer Francisco de Miranda. La figura de Francisco de Miranda constituye una de las más representativas de los ideales independentistas venezolanos.

Staff (2022-03-28). Venezuela Participates in 20th Doha Forum. Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Félix Plasencia arrived this Saturday, March 26, in Qatar, where he will participate in the 20th edition of the Doha Forum. Plasenca will deliver the message of peace that inspires the Bolivarian diplomacy of the Venezuelan government. | "We were received in the state of Qatar by Ambassador Rashid Mohsin A. Fetais in order to participate, on behalf of the people and the government of Venezuela, in the 20th edition of the Doha Forum," the minister wrote on his Twitter account. "We bring to the world a message of peace, fundamental principle of our Bolivarian diplomacy." | Fuimos…

teleSUR, JCM (2022-03-28). Determinan daños de sismo de magnitud 6.0 reportado en Ecuador. El temblor provocó apagones y el colapso de viviendas, principalmente en la provincia Esmeraldas.

_____ (2022-03-28). How Afro-Colombians Are Fighting White Feminism. Feminist Movements in Latin America have recently made incredible strides in women's rights after generations of struggle against a society founded in machismo. When supporting and celebrating progress in Women's Liberation in Latin America, mainstream media often tends to focus on countries such as Argentina, Chile, and Mexico and the rise of the #NiUnaMenos, (not one more) anti-femicide movement. Although the feminist movements in these countries have been successful in achieving some essential rights for women, with the exception of Mexico, these predominantly white countries are also intentionally centering c…

Staff (2022-03-28). Esta tarde, Mesa Redonda "Comenzando la semana" La contienda electoral en Colombia será el tema inicial de la Mesa Redonda de este lunes, la cual contará también con una entrevista especial para el programa con la escritora y activista argentina Kari Krenn.

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-03-28). Pdte. Fernández acusa a Macri de endeudar a Argentina. De acuerdo con el jefe de Estado argentino, la renegociación de la deuda fue lo única opción y los salvó del default.

Tanya Wadhwa (2022-03-28). Argentina remembers 46th anniversary of the US-backed civic-military coup. This March 24, on the Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice, after a pause of two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, hundreds of thousands of Argentines took to the streets across the country to pay homage to the victims of the last military dictatorship…

teleSUR, JGN (2022-03-28). Candidata a vicepresidencia de Colombia es amenazada de muerte. De acuerdo con recientes encuestas, Petro y Márquez marchan como favoritos para ganar la primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales.

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-03-28). Película Encanto gana Oscar como mejor película animada. Encanto muestra la cultura y tradición de Colombia mediante una historia que mezcla el realismo mágico y la realidad.

teleSUR, JCM – (2022-03-28). Inicia escrutinio en referéndum de LUC en Uruguay. Los uruguayos deciden si derogan los 135 de los 476 artículos de la LUC, la base del plan de Gobierno del presidente Lacalle Pou.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-03-28). Uruguayos rechazan derogar Ley de Urgente Consideración. La Comisión Nacional por el Sí emitió un comunicado en el cual reconoció que los resultados no le favorecieron, aunque saludó la "jornada democrática fundamental".

teleSUR, JDO (2022-03-28). José Mujica celebra consulta popular sobre la LUC en Uruguay. Opinó que la jornada electoral invita a que el pueblo decida, y ello permite progresos institucionales y afinar la democracia.

teleSUR, JL (2022-03-28). El No lidera en referéndum sobre Ley de Urgente Consideración en Uruguay. De acuerdo a los resultados parciales, la opción por el SI va obteniendo 1.010.423 sufragios, mientras que por el NO 1.030.850 votos.

Emily Apple (2022-03-28). Massive solidarity for Lowkey as pro-Israel group tries to get him chucked off Spotify. People are standing in solidarity with rapper Lowkey after he became the latest target for a pro-Israeli group. We Believe in Israel is trying to get the performer banned from Spotify. | But it isn't going well for the pro-Zionist group, because people are showing they will not be silenced in their support for Lowkey and the Palestinian struggle. | In particular, the group has | Lowkey is a passionate and eloquent d…

Ramona Wadi (2022-03-28). The US Should Remember that Israel's Squatter-Settlements in Palestine are War Crimes. ( Middle East Monitor ) — US Ambassador to Israel, Tom Nides, engaged in further diplomatic contradictions, as he fluctuated between asserting the Biden administration's stance purportedly against Israeli settlement expansion, yet making concessions for earlier encroachment upon Palestinian land. "We can't do stupid things that impede us from a two-state solution," Nides reportedly told …

2022-03-29 15:44 | 11:44 EST | jz | 35 | 0 | 21 | 12 | 0 

2022-03-28: News Headlines

Tanya Wadhwa (2022-03-28). Will a progressive government in Chile open the door to Bolivian maritime access? During the commemoration of the Battle of Calama, Bolivian President Luis Arce called on his Chilean counterpart Gabriel Boric to endorse the words of former Chilean president Salvador Allende to return Bolivia its sovereign access to the Pacific Ocean…

teleSUR, JDO, JL (2022-03-28). Caravanas solidarias exigen fin del bloqueo de EE.UU. a Cuba. Hubo acciones en Canadá, Bolivia, Finlandia, Panamá, México, Eslovaquia, Belice, Bahamas, El Salvador, Brasil y EE.UU.

teleSUR, ats, JGN (2022-03-28). Conozca diez curiosidades sobre el prócer Francisco de Miranda. La figura de Francisco de Miranda constituye una de las más representativas de los ideales independentistas venezolanos.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-03-28). Determinan daños de sismo de magnitud 6.0 reportado en Ecuador. El temblor provocó apagones y el colapso de viviendas, principalmente en la provincia Esmeraldas.

Tanya Wadhwa (2022-03-28). Argentina remembers 46th anniversary of the US-backed civic-military coup. This March 24, on the Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice, after a pause of two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, hundreds of thousands of Argentines took to the streets across the country to pay homage to the victims of the last military dictatorship…

Staff (2022-03-28). Esta tarde, Mesa Redonda "Comenzando la semana" La contienda electoral en Colombia será el tema inicial de la Mesa Redonda de este lunes, la cual contará también con una entrevista especial para el programa con la escritora y activista argentina Kari Krenn.

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-03-28). Pdte. Fernández acusa a Macri de endeudar a Argentina. De acuerdo con el jefe de Estado argentino, la renegociación de la deuda fue lo única opción y los salvó del default.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-03-28). Candidata a vicepresidencia de Colombia es amenazada de muerte. De acuerdo con recientes encuestas, Petro y Márquez marchan como favoritos para ganar la primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales.

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-03-28). Película Encanto gana Oscar como mejor película animada. Encanto muestra la cultura y tradición de Colombia mediante una historia que mezcla el realismo mágico y la realidad.

teleSUR, JL (2022-03-28). El No lidera en referéndum sobre Ley de Urgente Consideración en Uruguay. De acuerdo a los resultados parciales, la opción por el SI va obteniendo 1.010.423 sufragios, mientras que por el NO 1.030.850 votos.

teleSUR, JCM – (2022-03-28). Inicia escrutinio en referéndum de LUC en Uruguay. Los uruguayos deciden si derogan los 135 de los 476 artículos de la LUC, la base del plan de Gobierno del presidente Lacalle Pou.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-03-28). Uruguayos rechazan derogar Ley de Urgente Consideración. La Comisión Nacional por el Sí emitió un comunicado en el cual reconoció que los resultados no le favorecieron, aunque saludó la "jornada democrática fundamental".

teleSUR, JDO (2022-03-28). José Mujica celebra consulta popular sobre la LUC en Uruguay. Opinó que la jornada electoral invita a que el pueblo decida, y ello permite progresos institucionales y afinar la democracia.

Ramona Wadi (2022-03-28). The US Should Remember that Israel's Squatter-Settlements in Palestine are War Crimes. ( Middle East Monitor ) — US Ambassador to Israel, Tom Nides, engaged in further diplomatic contradictions, as he fluctuated between asserting the Biden administration's stance purportedly against Israeli settlement expansion, yet making concessions for earlier encroachment upon Palestinian land. "We can't do stupid things that impede us from a two-state solution," Nides reportedly told …

Roselena Ramirez (2022-03-27). Repsol Oil Spill is Devastating Peru's Delicate Ecosystems. In mid-January, 2022, an oil spill covered Peru's coast just north of the capital Lima. Peru has called it "The worst environmental disaster in recent history." It happened when an oil tanker was discharging oil into the La Pampilla refinery controlled by the Spanish energy …

Staff (2022-03-27). Ven App: Venezuela's New Social Media. Ven App has messaging functions, a channel for emergency reports and chat groups, and it has already had more than 50,000 downloads. | Venezuela has taken a step forward in terms of technology and connectivity by launching its new social media network: Ven app. | On March 17 President Nicolás Maduro announced the launch of a "social network for Venezuelans." That very day, the new app registered more than 10,000 downloads in Google Play and the iOS App Store. As of March 26, it has been downloaded more than 50,000 times. | Local Connectivity | Among Ven app's most attractive features is a direct communication bri…

Staff (2022-03-27). Venezuela Returns to In-Person Classes at All Levels from Monday. Venezuela will return to in-person classes at all levels from Monday, March 28. This was announced this Thursday, March 24, by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro. | "Starting from this coming week we are going to normalize classes in all schools, high schools and universities in the country—100% of classes in all shifts," said the president. "We have all got vaccinated, now we go to full classes, as the boys and girls ask." | The president also called upon student organizations, leaders, and teachers to join forces to carry forward the recovery of educational institutions…

Roselena Ramirez (2022-03-27). Zaruma Lost World Heritage Site Designation Because of Illegal Mining. A town in Ecuador, slated to become a United Nations World Heritage Site, is slowly being destroyed by illegal gold mining. Zaruma, in the country's south, is collapsing. Huge sinkholes, created by mine shafts below, have swallowed the local school and brought down homes. No …

Roselena Ramirez (2022-03-27). An Ecuadorean Town Is Sinking Because of Illegal Mining. A town in Ecuador, aspiring to become a United Nations World Heritage Site, is slowly being destroyed by illegal gold mining. Zaruma, in the country's south, is collapsing. Huge sinkholes, created by mine shafts below, have swallowed the local school and brought down homes. No …

Roselena Ramirez (2022-03-27). Brazil's efforts to Rethink Energy Models Have Sugar in Mind. Brazil is the world's fifth-largest nation, and one of the world's leaders in renewable energy. Nearly 12% of the planet's freshwater flows in Brazil, so hydropower generates 61% of the country's electricity.‚ÄØ So, when climate phenomena like La Nina -a warming of the Pacific Ocean- are associated …

Adriaan Alsema (2022-03-27). Bogota police targeted in explosives attacks. Police in Colombia's capital Bogota suffered two attacks with explosives this month. The second attack killed at least one 12-year-old and injured 10 people the Arborizadora Alta neighborhood on Saturday,…

Michelle Begue (2022-03-27). Red Cross warns Colombia crime is on the rise. The Red Cross is sounding the alarm about the ongoing violence in Colombia. And more than 52,000 people, leaving their homes to escape armed groups in 2021. Find out more.

2022-03-28 22:25 | 18:25 EST | jz | 24 | 0 | 8 | 14 | 0