Monthly Archives: April 2022

2022-04-30: News Headlines

teleSUR, SH (2022-04-30). Gobierno peruano convoca a diálogo por conflicto con minera. El conflicto entre la comunidad campesina y la empresa minera se debe al incumplimiento de lo acordado a cambio de la entrega de sus tierras.

teleSUR, lvm, JL (2022-04-30). Federación feminista presenta agenda de trabajo tras Congreso. Adecuar los mensajes, el contenido y batalla de ideas a los medios masivos y recursos tecnológicos, es otra de las líneas de trabajo de la organización…

teleSUR- jaa, JL (2022-04-30). Venezuela fortalece relaciones con Turquía tras firma de acuerdos estratégicos. El presidente Maduro instó a empresarios turcos para invertir en varias esferas de la economía y el comercio venezolano.

teleSUR, ldp, SH (2022-04-30). Ecuador decreta el estado de excepción en tres provincias. La media se aplica en las provincias de Guayas, Manabí y Esmeraldas donde el trasiego de droga ha aumentado en los últimos meses.

Staff (2022-04-30). La nueva convocatoria de Alicia Jrapko. "Las medallas brillaban más en su pecho; ella las honraba más de lo que las medallas la honraban a ella", dijo de Alicia Jrapko el presidente de Honor de la Upec, Tubal Páez, quien una vez le impusiera la Distinción Félix Elmusa a esta hermana argentina que hoy viernes 29 de abril, en la Casa de la Prensa, una multitud de amigos acaba de ødespedir?

teleSUR- jaa, JL (2022-04-30). Juez procesará a exfuncionarios macristas en Argentina. Los exfuncionarios se encuentran acusados por prevaricato y la realización de tareas de inteligencia ilegales.

teleSUR, jaa, JL (2022-04-30). Pdte. de Chile firma compromiso sobre demandas de la niñez. En la ceremonia, el máximo dirigente chileno instó a alcanzar acuerdos en materia de protección de los niños y los adolescentes.

teleSUR, SH (2022-04-30). Consejo de Estado colombiano suspende extradición de "Otoniel" Para un grupo de víctimas del Clan del Golfo, la extradición de Otoniel supondría un manto de impunidad sobre los hechos durante el conflicto armado.

Staff (2022-04-29). Tensions Arise as Brazil Rehearses Rapprochement with Venezuela. Relations between the governments of Brazil and Venezuela are practically null. President Jair Bolsonaro, in fact, repeatedly uses the neighboring country as a scarecrow to warn of the "danger" posed by the left in the event that it comes to power, but something appears to be changing in recent times. | Brazilian Foreign Minister, Carlos Franca, hinted at this a few days ago during a hearing at the Senate: "At a time when the US is analyzing an exception to the embargo [blockade] on Venezuelan oil exports [as a result of the conflict in Ukraine ] It really seems to me that we can think about reevaluating this iss…

Mary Triny Mena (2022-04-29). Conflict impacts Russian tourism in Venezuela. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has made it difficult for Russians who were hoping to vacation in the Caribbean.

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-04-29). Buscan en Perú reducir tiempo de mandato del pdte. Castillo. El proyecto de ley fue firmado por ocho parlamentarios del oficialista Perú Libre de un bloque de 33 legisladores.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-04-29). Bolivia potencia desempeño de las niñas en las tecnologías. El Gobierno reconoce en este programa la posibilidad de que "no solamente exista una redistribución de ingresos económicos, sino una redistribución de sueños".

teleSUR, JGN (2022-04-29). Cancilleres presidirán III Comisión Mixta Venezuela-Turquía. La presencia del canciller turco confirma la intención de Caracas y Ankara de afianzar los lazos de cooperación bilateral, dijo la cancillería.

Editor2 (2022-04-29). Venezuela Cancels SVG's PetroCaribe Debt in Full. Venezuela is forgiving Saint Vincent and the Grenadines remaining PetroCaribe debt in full. The announcement was made on Tuesday by Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves upon his return from Venezuela, arriving on Conviasa's first weekly flight between Caracas and St Vincent. | "Venezuela has given us 100 percent relief on the remaining debt to PetroCaribe, which amounts to approximately EC189 million dollars. Petrocaribe will be restarted with a discount of 35 percent on the price of fuel in participating countries". The move could see SVG's national debt fall by 9%, according to the Prime Minister. | He further said t…

María Páez Victor (2022-04-29). How the imperialist system works, and how Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution resists it. A Venezuelan sociologist explains how the imperialist system is built on a murderous, savage capitalism, and how Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution has resisted it, based on Hugo Chávez's concept of 21st-century socialism.

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-04-29). After Feasting on a Wagyu Steak, Now Leopoldo López Wants Primaries in Venezuela. After receiving criticism throughout social media platforms in response to his calls for primary elections in Venezuela, the fugitive from justice, Leopoldo López , reappeared while enjoying a luxurious and expensive meal at a restaurant in Madrid, Spain, where he remains protected by the government of that European "socialist" country. | The photo, posted on various platforms, aroused comments regarding the "quality of life" that the far- rightist boasts of, as it contradicts the narrative that he permanently maintains about his alleged "struggle" for the benefit of the Venezuelan people and his "concern" for th…

Staff (2022-04-29). President Maduro Meets with ILO Delegation. This Wednesday night, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, held a meeting at Miraflores Palace with a delegation from the International Labor Organization (ILO) as part of the Social Dialogue Forum being held in Caracas from April 25 until Thursday, April 28. | "Excellent meeting with the delegation of the International Labor Organization that is in our country, within the framework of the Social Dialogue Forum,'" the head of state wrote on his Twitter account. | "Our fight will always be in favor of the Venezuelan working class, of which I am proud to belong," he added. | Excele…

teleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-04-29). Trasladan restos simbólicos de prócer venezolano al Panteón Nacional. El general en jefe Manuel Piar fue reconocido por ser un gran estratega militar y obtener victorias tanto en mar como tierra.

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-04-29). Renuncia cuarto ministro de Ecuador en medio de crisis política. Los productores bananeros cuestionaron a Álava, tras la crisis que enfrentan en la comercialización de la fruta.

Staff (2022-04-29). La Habana, ciudad invitada de honor a Feria Internacional del Libro en Buenos Aires. La edición 46 de la Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires, uno de los mayores eventos literarios de Hispanoamérica, abrió sus puertas en la capital argentina con La Habana como Ciudad Invitada de Honor. Tras dos años de interrupción, el espacio expositivo La Rural acogerá la esperada fiesta de las letras hasta el 16 de mayo.

Staff (2022-04-29). Bolsonaro Confesses that Army Participated in Coup Against Dilma Rousseff. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro revealed for the first time that the Army was linked to the coup against former President Dilma Rousseff. | During a ceremony for Army Day, the president referred to the participation of the then commander of the Army, Eduardo Villas Bà¥as, remarking that it "marked" the history of Brazil. Bolsonaro said that during the political crisis of 2016, Villas Bà¥as, present during the ceremony, had "participation" in the fall of Rousseff and the rise of Michel Temer. | "The attempts to take power, to change our government, to alter our way of life, that is inadmissible at all t…

Staff (2022-04-29). Intl. Quds Day marked in Brazilian capital. TEHRAN, Apr. 29 (MNA) — In the presence of the Iranian envoy to Brazil Hossein Gharibi, the ceremony of International Quds Day was held on Thursday night in the country's capital of Brasilia.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-04-29). Colombia's commemorations of national strike largely peaceful. Marches to commemorate victims of police brutality during a national strike last year remained largely peaceful. According to Defense Minister Diego Molano, some 123 protests were organized throughout Colombia. Local…

James Patrick Jordan (2022-04-29). Easter Executions Mar Colombia's Hopes for Peace. By James Patrick Jordan — Apr 26, 2022 | Death squads don't take breaks for holidays or holy days. Anyone who has followed the ups and downs of Colombia's war and peace, repression and struggle, will know that right around the week before and after Christmas and the New Year, and, again, Easter and Holy week, there often occurs a surge in assaults on social leaders, human rights defenders, and ex-combatants. Frequently during these times, death squads threaten their targets and defend their brutality by appealing to perverse notions of patriotism and morality, dressing up their terrorism in cloaks of duty, f…

Adriaan Alsema (2022-04-29). Colombia's Liberal Party splits over support for establishment candidate. Colombia's powerful Liberal Party split on Wednesday after its leader decided to endorse the establishment candidate in the presidential elections. Former President Cesar Gaviria, the long-time boss of the Liberal…

Tanya Wadhwa (2022-04-29). "We killed innocent people": retired Colombian army officials confess to murdering civilians. Ten retired soldiers and one civilian admit to kidnapping and murdering 120 innocent peasants, framing them as left-wing guerrilla fighters killed in combat…

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-04-29). Colombia conmemora un año del estallido social con manifestaciones. Más de 1.500 líderes sociales llegaron hasta la Defensoría del Pueblo en una Audiencia Nacional Popular.

teleSUR, MER (2022-04-29). Misión de ONU en Colombia destaca valentía de víctimas que acudieron a audiencia sobre falsos positivos. La Misión de ONU aseveró que esta audiencia, así como las demás anunciadas por la JEP, "son pasos decisivos para garantizar los derechos de las víctimas".

teleSUR-ldp (2022-04-29). Senado paraguayo niega la penalización por cierre de rutas. La Ley pretendía imponer un máximo de seis años de prisión a quienes bloqueen las rutas.

2022-04-30 18:56 | 14:56 EST | jz | 31 | 0 | 21 | 8 | 0 

2022-04-29: News Headlines

Staff (2022-04-29). President Maduro Meets with ILO Delegation. This Wednesday night, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, held a meeting at Miraflores Palace with a delegation from the International Labor Organization (ILO) as part of the Social Dialogue Forum being held in Caracas from April 25 until Thursday, April 28. | "Excellent meeting with the delegation of the International Labor Organization that is in our country, within the framework of the Social Dialogue Forum,'" the head of state wrote on his Twitter account. | "Our fight will always be in favor of the Venezuelan working class, of which I am proud to belong," he added. |…

Staff (2022-04-29). Bolsonaro Confesses that Army Participated in Coup Against Dilma Rousseff. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro revealed for the first time that the Army was linked to the coup against former President Dilma Rousseff. | During a ceremony for Army Day, the president referred to the participation of the then commander of the Army, Eduardo Villas Bà¥as, remarking that it "marked" the history of Brazil. Bolsonaro said that during the political crisis of 2016, Villas Bà¥as, present during the ceremony, had "participation" in the fall of Rousseff and the rise of Michel Temer. | "The attempts to take power, to change our government, to alter our way of life, that is inadmissible at all t…

James Patrick Jordan (2022-04-29). Easter Executions Mar Colombia's Hopes for Peace. By James Patrick Jordan — Apr 26, 2022 | Death squads don't take breaks for holidays or holy days. Anyone who has followed the ups and downs of Colombia's war and peace, repression and struggle, will know that right around the week before and after Christmas and the New Year, and, again, Easter and Holy week, there often occurs a surge in assaults on social leaders, human rights defenders, and ex-combatants. Frequently during these times, death squads threaten their targets and defend their brutality by appealing to perverse notions of patriotism and morality, dressing up their terrorism in cloaks of duty, f…

Staff (2022-04-28). President Castillo Presents Constituent Assembly Bill to Peru's Congress. This Tuesday, April 26, the president of Peru, Pedro Castillo, presented a bill to Congress for a constitutional reform that would allow the formation of a Constituent Assembly. The proposal also includes a referendum to consult citizens regarding a new Magna Carta, one of his main campaign promises. | Through a letter addressed to the head of the Parliament of Peru, María del Carmen Alva, of the opposition Popular Action center-right political party, the president requested that the legislative initiative be labelled as "urgent," and be submitted to debate and vote before the plenary session of the Congress. How…

teleSUR- lvm -HIM (2022-04-28). Declaran estado de emergencia por protestas en zona minera peruana. Pobladores y mineros de la comunidad del distrito de Fuerabamba, cerca del asentamiento minero, ocuparon permanentemente terrenos.

teleSUR -ldp -HIM (2022-04-28). Bolivia produce fertilizantes para lograr seguridad alimentaria. La diversificación de fertilizantes acelerará la producción y, por consiguiente, abaratará el precio de los alimentos.

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-04-28). Gobierno de Bolivia acuerda aumento salarial del 4 por ciento. La decisión fue adoptada tras varias horas de encuentro entre el Ejecutivo y los dirigentes de la Central Obrera.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-04-28). Pdte. de Venezuela recibe a delegación de la OIT. Los funcionarios de la OIT participaron en el Foro de Diálogo Social, el cual inició el lunes pasado y concluirá este jueves y que cuenta con integrantes de la Central Bolivariana Socialista.

Staff (2022-04-28). Venezuela Creates Special Fund to Address Recent Flooding. On the evening of Tuesday, April 26, the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced the creation of a special fund for the emergency response to the consequences of recent rains. The special fund will hold 10 million bolívars. He made contacts with the governors of Mérida, Táchira, Trujillo, the mayor of Caracas, and the military commander in Zulia, to learn about the situation in each location. | "I have announced the creation of a revolving renewable fund of 10 million bolívars, to the same extent that it is used and invested for rain emergencies," Maduro said from Miraflores Palace, where he presented a…

Ana Perdigón (2022-04-28). Venezuela: Zamora Mayor Indicted for Arbitrary Evictions. The Attorney General's Office of Venezuela has indicted Raziel Rodríguez, mayor of Zamora municipality in Guatire, Miranda state, for the arbitrary eviction of several families from the Villa Zamora 2021 locality. | Last week, on April 21, the 25th Attorney's Office of the Public Ministry, which has a special jurisdiction over corruption cases, charged the mayor of Zamora during the summons he attended that day along with his lawyers. | Rodríguez left after his indictment session and gave no comments. | Mayor Rodríguez was prosecuted for giving a direct order to demolish the homes of a group of families and destr…

Ricardo Vaz (2022-04-28). Venezuela: Gov't Steps Up Relief Efforts as Heavy Rains Hit the Country. Local outlets reported that over 20,000 families were affected by the extreme weather.

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-04-28). Venezuela participa en XI Conferencia de Ministros de Agricultura. El ministro participa de este encuentro en República Dominicana hasta este jueves 28 de abril.

teleSUR -ldp -HIM (2022-04-28). Mujeres debaten sobre la paz e igualdad de género en Venezuela. Las delegadas declararon su solidaridad con los pueblos de América Latina y el Caribe, y con las mujeres africanas.

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-04-28). Venezuela Asks International Labor Organization to Study Effects of Sanctions on Workers. The government of Venezuela held a meeting with representatives of the International Labor Organization (ILO), as part of the Social Dialogue Forum that is being hosted in Caracas during April 25-28. | Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez urged the ILO representatives to start an investigation regarding the economic hardships endured by countries on which unilateral coercive measures have been imposed by the US with the association of its Western allies. | Rodríguez stated that the investigation should ask: "What happens to sanctioned workers in those countries? How does the blockade affect employers a…

WSWS (2022-04-28). Human rights attorney Steven Donziger released after nearly 1,000 days in arbitrary detention. After he was released from home confinement on Monday, Donziger vowed to continue the fight to force Chevron to comply with the terms of a $9.5 billion lawsuit won in 2011 on behalf of 30,000 people living in the Ecuadorian rainforest.

_____ (2022-04-28). ALBA Movements' Assembly Kicks Off In Argentina. For the next four days, delegates from people's movements, trade unions, and left political forces will be gathered in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the third Continental Assembly of ALBA Movements. Members of ALBA Movements announced the launch of the assembly in a press conference organized on Monday April 25 in the headquarters of the Argentine Federation of Press Workers (Fatpren). | Manuel Bertoldi, a member of Frente Patria Grande of Argentina and the International Peoples' Assembly secretary told members of the press: "This third continental assembly is taking place here in Argentina, understanding that we ar…

teleSUR, DRL (2022-04-28). Bancarios argentinos protagonizan Paro Nacional por 24 horas. Fue convocada por considerar insuficiente la propuesta de recomposición salarial que hicieron las cámaras patronales…

Proma Paul, Jaya Chandna, Simon R. Procter, Ziyaad Dangor, Shannon Leahy, Sridhar Santhanam, Hima B. John, Quique Bassat, Justina Bramugy, Azucena Bardají, Amina Abubakar, Carophine Nasambu, Romina Libster, Clara Sánchez Yanotti, Farah Seedat, Erzsébet Horváth-Puhó, A.K.M. Tanvir Hossain, Qazi Sadeq-ur Rahman, Mark Jit, Charles R. Newton, Kate Milner, Bronner P. Gonàßalves, Joy E. Lawn, GBS long term outcomes LMIC collaborative group (2022-04-28). [Articles] Neurodevelopmental and growth outcomes after invasive Group B Streptococcus in early infancy: A multi-country matched cohort study in South Africa, Mozambique, India, Kenya, and Argentina. Our findings suggest that iGBS disease is on average associated with a higher risk of moderate/severe NDI, however substantial variation in risk was observed between sites and data are consistent with a wide range of values. Our study underlines the importance of long-term follow-up for at-risk neonates and more feasible, standardised assessments to facilitate diagnosis in research and clinical practice.

Editor2 (2022-04-28). ICJ Rules in Favor of Nicaragua in Maritime Case Against Colombia. On April 21, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled in favor of Nicaragua and against Colombia in the maritime case "Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea." With ten votes in favor and 5 against, the majority of judges at the ICJ sided with Nicaragua, ruling that Colombia violated Nicaragua's sovereign rights by trying to control fishing activities and interfering with maritime research in parts of the Caribbean sea that are within Nicaragua's exclusive economic zone. The United Nations' court, by 9 to 6 votes, also ordered Colombia to immediately cease patrolling…

Adriaan Alsema (2022-04-28). Colombia commemorates national strike, mass killings of social leaders. Social organizations have called for a protests throughout Colombia to commemorate anti-government protests that kicked off exactly a year ago on Thursday. In Bogota, social organizations have additionally organized a…

teleSUR- lvm -HIM (2022-04-28). Colombia eliminará uso del tapabocas en centros escolares. "Vamos a avanzar de manera rápida en el desescalamiento del uso de tapabocas en niños y niñas colombianas en las escuelas", dijo Fernando Ruiz…

Adriaan Alsema (2022-04-28). The retired general's lies before Colombia's war crimes tribunal. Colombia's war crimes tribunal JEP reminded a retired army general on Wednesday that he can't lie his way out of prison in a mass murder investigation. Retired General Paulino Coronado…

teleSUR, MER (2022-04-28). Justicia colombiana dictamina que expresidente Uribe deberá ir a juicio. La decisión de la jueza puede ser apelada ante la Sala Penal del Tribunal Superior de Bogotá.

2022-04-29 14:08 | 10:08 EST | jz | 25 | 0 | 20 | 3 | 0