(2022-04-17). Pdte. de Perú evalúa aplicar castración a abusadores sexuales. telesurtv.net "Basta ya de tanta violencia, los crímenes de violencia sexual contra los niños y niñas no serán tolerados por este Gobierno, ni quedarán impunes", aseguró el presidente.
(2022-04-17). Bolivia cataloga de injerencista informe de EE.UU. sobre àÅñez. telesurtv.net "El documento emite juicios de valor inapropiados sobre el proceso judicial que enfrenta Jeanine Áñez en la justicia de nuestro país", destaca la Cancillería boliviana.
(2022-04-17). US Tries to Paint David as Goliath, Hides Own Role. libya360.wordpress.com Daniel Patrick Welch Revolutionary sources from Cuba to China to Bolivia to Venezuela and Vietnam are not confused about who is David and who is Goliath in this story. Nor are other victims of endless coup attempts and regime change wars waged by the US and its steroid addled NATO doppelganger. The people of Libya,…
(2022-04-17). Delcy Rodríguez: NATO's Role in World Conflict. libya360.wordpress.com Kawsachun News Vice President of Venezuela Delcy Rodriguez speaking at the Antalya Diplomatic Forum on March 11, 2022. Vice President of Venezuela Delcy Rodríguez gave a speech on "Multilateralism for Peace and Stability" at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum in Turkey last month. The Vice President spoke on NATO's role in world conflict and made an appeal for…
(2022-04-17). Registran sismo de moderada intensidad en Quito, Ecuador. telesurtv.net El Cuerpo de Bomberos de Quito, en un informe preliminar, indicó que no se ha determinado ninguna afectación considerable a nivel estructural.
(2022-04-16). We do not want a divided planet; we want a World without walls. mronline.org While the United States began its illegal war against Iraq in 2003, Cuba's President Fidel Castro spoke in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 'Our country does not drop bombs on other peoples', he said, 'nor does it send thousands of planes to bomb cities … Our country's tens of thousands of scientists and doctors have been educated on the idea of saving lives'.
(2022-04-16). Exigen acciones a Repsol para contener impacto de derrame en Perú. telesurtv.net La Defensoría de Perú precisó que se identificaron cerca de 900 especímenes muertos, incluso de especies en peligro de extinción.
(2022-04-16). Ocho datos sobre la Revolución Nacional Boliviana. telesurtv.net En el aniversario 70 de su triunfo, la historia de esta Revolución ofrece innumerables lecciones que hoy mantienen total vigencia.
(2022-04-16). Revisan impugnaciones a postulantes a defensor del Pueblo en Bolivia. telesurtv.net La Constitución Política del Estado, declara en su artículo 220 que el Defensor del Pueblo se nomina a través de la convocatoria pública…
(2022-04-16). Bolivia: US Government Has No Moral Authority to Talk About Respect for Human Rights. orinocotribune.com The US State Department has issued a report according to which the human rights of former de facto President of Bolivia, Jeanine àÅñez have been violated. In an interview with Sputnik, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Bolivia, Freddy Mamani, responded to such accusations. | The US Department of State has published a human rights report focusing on several countries around the world. In the case of Bolivia, the report considers that former de facto President Jeanine àÅñez has been unjustly imprisoned, due to pressures from the Luis Arce administration exerted on the judicial system and which, accordin…
(2022-04-16). Letter to Biden Exposes Deep Crisis of Venezuelan Opposition. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan opposition is going through a moment of great division, as some sectors of the right-wing opposition have started a public fight against some other sectors that sent a letter to US President Joe Biden requesting relief from the sanctions imposed on Venezuela by the White House. | This division was exposed by statements made by some leaders of the extreme right, through interviews in media and through posts on social media. They have criticized those who signed the letter addressed to the White House and members of the US Congress. | Former leader of opposition party Acción Democrático and fugitive…
(2022-04-16). Blow to Colombian Drug Traffickers — Venezuela's Army Seizes Cannabis in Apure. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan army has seized 750 packets of marijuana in Apure state on the Venezuela-Colombia border, in an operation that was part of the 2022 Bolivarian Shield Operation Vuelvan Caras. This was reported by the head of the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (CEOFANB), Major General Domingo Hernández Lárez. He commented that this drug seizure has dealt another heavy blow to Colombian drug traffickers who transport illicit substances through Venezuelan territory. | The seizure was made possible by a reconnaissance operation deployed throughout the surroundings areas of the Riecito…
(2022-04-16). Venezuela Commemorates 20th Anniversary of the Failed Coup against Hugo Chávez. libya360.wordpress.com Tanya Wadhwa On April 13, hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans flooded the streets of Caracas to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the victory of the people and the defeat of the 2002 US-backed coup against president Hugo Chávez. Photo: PSUV/Twitter The failed coup was the first victory of the Venezuelan people against US imperialism in…
(2022-04-16). Venezuelan Interior Minister: 80% of Illegal Weapons Seized in Venezuela Come from Colombia. orinocotribune.com Minister Ceballos has warned about a rise in insecurity at the Venezuela-Colombia border. | On Friday, April 15, the Venezuelan Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace, Admiral-in-Chief Remigio Ceballos Ichaso stated that 80% of the weapons that enter Venezuela illegally come from Colombia. | "What this Colombian narco-paramilitary government does is to constantly attack the people and the government of Venezuela," the minister said during a television interview. | Ceballos explained that Venezuela and Colombia share a border of more than 2,219 kilometers, through which paramilitary groups move freely from…
(2022-04-16). Venezuela: April 11, the First Time a US Imposed Coup Was Defeated in 48 Hours (Interview). orinocotribune.com April 11, 2022 is the 20th anniversary of the coup d'état that in 2002 removed President Hugo Chávez Frías for 48 hours from the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. In a heroic deed, and in record time, the people and the Bolivarian Armed Force rescued the Venezuelan president and restored democracy in the country. An event that many compare to October 17, 1945 in Argentina, when the people took to the streets to force the de facto government to free Juan Domingo Perón. Both were founding processes of two of the largest popular movements in the region, Peronismo and Chavismo. | To reflect on how t…
(2022-04-16). Reinstate the fired strikers at Brazil's CSN! Unify the struggles of the working class! wsws.org The WSWS and the Socialist Equality Group in Brazil demand the immediate reinstatement of the rank-and-file commission and all fired workers at CSN.
(2022-04-16). Overcrowding, shortage of doctors and lack of water: living through pandemic in Sà£o Paulo's prisons. peoplesdispatch.org From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic until January 2022, at least 15,586 prisoners have been infected with the virus in the state of Sà£o Paulo. Of these, 80 have died. In the first year of the pandemic, the State government of Joà£o Doria (Brazilian Social Democracy Party, PSDB) decided to make cuts to the budgets allocated for prisoners' healthcare and hygiene products worth R$ 14 million (USD 3 million) and R$ 31 million (USD 6.5 million), respectively. | During the first five months of 2021 alone, COVID-19 deaths in Sà£o Paulo's prisoner population exceeded the total number of deaths…
(2022-04-16). Activists condemn Colombian leader in New York City. liberationnews.org Protesters criticized the U.N.'s normalization of Duque's violence and expressed the urgent necessity of peace for the Colombian people.