(2022-04-27). Venezuela ante un mundo sin petróleo. cubadebate.cu øCuánto durarán las reservas probadas de petróleo en el mundo? Para 2016, se calculaba que restaban 1,65 trillones de barriles, que a la tasa de consumo anual de 35.442.913.090 darían para 47 años, de los cuales han transcurrido ya siete. En artículos anteriores señalamos que las reservas de Venezuela son el doble de las de Arabia Saudita y trece veces mayores que las de Estados Unidos, las cuales, al ritmo de explotación actual, durarán sólo unos ocho años. Estas cifras tienen precisas consecuencias para el planeta; veamos lo que significan para Venezuela.
(2022-04-27). Venezuela's National Assembly Appoints New Supreme Court Justices. orinocotribune.com 30 new justices, the General Inspector of Courts, and the director of the School of the Judiciary were sworn in. | This Tuesday, April 26, 42 magistrates were appointed to the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) by the National Assembly (AN). After evaluating candidates from civil society, the new judges were approved by a qualified majority in the plenary session held on Tuesday. | PSUV Deputy Giuseppe Alessandrello, president of the judicial nominations committee, was in charge of announcing the candidates for approval by the AN. | "This is a transcendental act in the political life of this country, and in all its i…
(2022-04-26). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Protests in Peru continue over spiraling food and energy prices while pilots at Alaska Air are demanding improved pay and better working conditions.
(2022-04-26). Inauguran en Venezuela el Congreso Internacional de Mujeres. telesurtv.net El lema del evento es Mujeres del mundo unidas para eliminar desigualdades y violencia, por la paz y la salud del planeta.
(2022-04-26). Venezuela y San Vicente y las Granadinas revisan cooperación. telesurtv.net El primer ministro de San Vicente se encuentra en Venezuela hace una semana, luego de que necesitara ser atendido por un problema de salud.
(2022-04-26). Nicaragua Expels OAS: Venezuela & ALBA Approve, Almagro Does Not. orinocotribune.com "This diabolical organization will not have offices in our country either," said Nicaragua's Foreign Minister Denis Moncada. "Its headquarters have been closed. Nicaragua is not anyone's colony." | Sunday, April 24, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua, Denis Moncada, announced his nation's expulsion of the Organization of American States (OAS) as a result of the interventionist actions carried out by the regional body within Nicaragua. | "We communicate that Nicaragua is expelling the Organization of American States," said Moncada. "The people and the government have denounced, and continue to denounce,…
(2022-04-26). Oposición en Ecuador busca evaluar a la presidenta del Congreso. telesurtv.net Las bancadas de Unión por la Esperanza y el Partido Social Cristiano son las impulsoras de buscar la evaluación de Llori.
(2022-04-26). Steven Donziger, the lawyer who took on Chevron in Ecuador, finally free. peoplesworld.org NEW YORK—On a cold Monday evening in April, a crowd gathered in New York City's Upper West Side to hear the words of a man finally tasting his freedom. Steven Donziger, a Harvard-educated lawyer and environmental activist, celebrated his newfound liberty in style. Accompanied by a live band from the Czech Republic, numerous prominent progressive …
(2022-04-26). The United States designates Colombia as a NATO external ally. liberationnews.org The official designation was confirmed this Thursday, when Biden sent a letter to the presidents of both chambers of the Capitol, stating: "I notify my intention to designate Colombia as an Important Ally outside NATO."
(2022-04-26). Imperial launches science scholarships for Colombian students. imperial.ac.uk Imperial has launched new science scholarships for students from Colombia.
(2022-04-26). JEP de Colombia celebra audiencia publica por falsos positivos. telesurtv.net Por el macrocaso 03 de falsos positivos en el Catatumbo, la JEP imputó a diez militares colombianos y un civil.
(2022-04-26). Asesinan a tiros a otro firmante de paz en Putumayo, Colombia. telesurtv.net Según Indepaz, Colombia suma 18 firmantes del acuerdo de paz asesinados durante el presente año y 317 desde la firma del pacto en 2016.
(2022-04-26). Asesinan a otros dos líderes sociales en Cantagallo, Colombia. telesurtv.net Según datos de Indepaz en 2022 han asesinado a 60 líderes y lideresas sociales, defensores de derechos humanos.