Monthly Archives: April 2022

2022-04-16: News Headlines

teleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-04-16). Exigen acciones a Repsol para contener impacto de derrame en Perú. La Defensoría de Perú precisó que se identificaron cerca de 900 especímenes muertos, incluso de especies en peligro de extinción.

teleSUR, avr, JGN, SH (2022-04-16). Ocho datos sobre la Revolución Nacional Boliviana. En el aniversario 70 de su triunfo, la historia de esta Revolución ofrece innumerables lecciones que hoy mantienen total vigencia.

teleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-04-16). Revisan impugnaciones a postulantes a defensor del Pueblo en Bolivia. La Constitución Política del Estado, declara en su artículo 220 que el Defensor del Pueblo se nomina a través de la convocatoria pública…

WSWS (2022-04-16). Reinstate the fired strikers at Brazil's CSN! Unify the struggles of the working class! The WSWS and the Socialist Equality Group in Brazil demand the immediate reinstatement of the rank-and-file commission and all fired workers at CSN.

Gabriela Moncau (2022-04-16). Overcrowding, shortage of doctors and lack of water: living through pandemic in Sà£o Paulo's prisons. From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic until January 2022, at least 15,586 prisoners have been infected with the virus in the state of Sà£o Paulo. Of these, 80 have died. In the first year of the pandemic, the State government of Joà£o Doria (Brazilian Social Democracy Party, PSDB) decided to make cuts to the budgets allocated for prisoners' healthcare and hygiene products worth R$ 14 million (USD 3 million) and R$ 31 million (USD 6.5 million), respectively. | During the first five months of 2021 alone, COVID-19 deaths in Sà£o Paulo's prisoner population exceeded the total number of deaths…

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-04-15). Cinco obras para recordar el legado de César Vallejo. En 1913 ingresó en la Universidad de La Libertad de la ciudad de Trujillo, donde se graduó de Bachiller con una tesis sobre el romanticismo en la poesía castellana.

teleSUR, mcs, JGN (2022-04-15). Controladores aéreos levantan huelga en Perú. De acuerdo con las autoridades vinculadas al paro, serán reanudados inmediatamente los vuelos nacionales e internacionales.

teleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-04-15). Entregan ayuda a 5.229 familias afectadas por inundaciones en Bolivia. Fueron beneficiadas las familias afectadas en los municipios Moro Moro, Vallegrande, Pucará, Cabezas, Puerto Quijarro, Cuatro Cañadas, Samaipata y El Torno.

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-04-15). Pdtes. de Bolivia, Argentina, Chile y México celebrarán Congreso sobre el litio. Los representantes de los países participantes del foro apostaron por la sustentabilidad en la extracción del mineral.

teleSUR, ldp, DRL (2022-04-15). Corte Internacional delibera sobre uso de las aguas del Silala. Chile y Bolivia concluyeron la ronda de argumentos en defensa de sus intereses con respecto al recurso transfronterizo…

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-04-15). Venezuela rechaza informe del Gobierno de EE.UU. sobre derechos humanos. La Cancillería venezolana instó a la Casa Blanca a resolver los graves problemas internos de ese país en materia de DD.HH.

Ana Perdigón (2022-04-15). Venezuelan Authorities Predict Rebound in Tourism during Holy Week. The vice president of Venezuela's superior council of tourism (Conseturismo), Reinaldo Pulido, has announced that a significant rebound in the influx of foreign and domestic tourists is expected during Holy Week. | Pulido noted that as this important holiday begins, several tourist destinations in Venezuela have already register a high rate of visitors, which has not been reported since before the onset of the pandemic. | Regarding Los Roques, the paradise island in the Caribbean, he stated that it is 100% booked, in Margarita Island there is a good flow of people and in Mérida there is a 40% occupancy rate. | "T…

Staff (2022-04-15). Argentina Reports Highest Inflation in 20 Years. This Wednesday, April 13, it was reported that Argentina registered its highest inflation in the last 20 years during the month of March, reaching a figure of 6.7% for that single month, while the interannual rate stood at 55.1%. | This information was released by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC) via Twitter. Venezuela and Argentina have been the countries in the region most afflicted by inflation in recent years. Especially Venezuela, which was hit hard by a hyperinflation spiral that affected millions of Venezuelans from 2018 until 2021. Last March, the Central Bank of Venezuela reporte…

Editor (2022-04-15). The Venezuelan Coup, 20 Years Later. Citizens took to the streets to defend President Hugo Chavez, Caracas, Venezuela, April 2002. | By Dan Beeton / On April 11, 2002, Venezuela's democratically elected government, headed by Hugo Chávez Frías, was ousted in a military coup d'etat. Then, dramatically, two days later,

_____ (2022-04-15). The Venezuela Coup, 20 Years Later. On April 11, 2002, Venezuela's democratically elected government, headed by Hugo Chávez Frías, was ousted in a military coup d'etat. Then, dramatically, two days later, the coup was overturned by a mass mobilization of Venezuelans. They demanded the restoration of democracy and the return of a government that appeared to be making good on its commitment to redistribute Venezuela's oil wealth to benefit the country's most marginalized sectors. These events led to lasting ramifications not just for Venezuela, but for Latin America and the Caribbean as a whole, paving the way for a "pink tide" of progressive movemen…

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-04-15). Venezuelan Anti-Chavistas Ask Washington to Ease Sanctions. Expressing criticism of the pressure exerted by US political sectors against the Biden administration's rapprochement with Nicolás Maduro's government in Venezuela, a group of anti-Chavistas presented a letter in which they described the failure of illegal US sanctions. | Joshua Goodman of Associated Press shared the letter through his Twitter account, and noted that the signatories advocated the return of oil companies to Venezuelan soil. | "The economic sanctions and the policy of maximum pressure did not achieve their objectives," reads the document. "While the sanctions are not at the root of the humanitarian…

A Guest Author (2022-04-15). Alex Saab case: Imprisoned Venezuelan diplomat contests extraterritorial judicial abuse. Alex Saab The following article was published April 11 in Dissident Voice. Roger D. Harris is with Task Force on the Americas. April 11 — Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab's case took a dramatic turn as his legal defense team denounced the U.S. government's flagrant failure to respect long-standing diplomatic immunity . . . |

teleSUR, JGN (2022-04-15). Parlamento ecuatoriano no se pronuncia sobre veto a Ley de aborto por violación. En Ecuador, cada día dan a luz siete niñas menores de 14 años de edad, en promedio.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-04-15). Gobierno y transportistas argentinos llegan a acuerdo tras paro. El gremio levantó el paro, al cual fue en reclamo de una mejora en los fletes y ayudas con el pago de los combustibles.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-04-15). The shady forces behind the campaign of Colombia's establishment candidate. Colombia's establishment candidate is receiving support from President Ivan Duque's coalition partners and pseudo-legal "clans." Runner up Federico Gutierrez became the most viable candidate to confront the anti-corruption candidates after…

2022-04-16 12:03 | 14:03 EST | jz | 22 | 0 | 15 | 5 | 0 

2022-04-15: News Headlines

teleSUR, mcs, JGN (2022-04-15). Controladores aéreos levantan huelga en Perú. De acuerdo con las autoridades vinculadas al paro, serán reanudados inmediatamente los vuelos nacionales e internacionales.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-04-15). Cinco obras para recordar el legado de César Vallejo. En 1913 ingresó en la Universidad de La Libertad de la ciudad de Trujillo, donde se graduó de Bachiller con una tesis sobre el romanticismo en la poesía castellana.

teleSUR, mcs, MER (2022-04-15). Entregan ayuda a 5.229 familias afectadas por inundaciones en Bolivia. Fueron beneficiadas las familias afectadas en los municipios Moro Moro, Vallegrande, Pucará, Cabezas, Puerto Quijarro, Cuatro Cañadas, Samaipata y El Torno.

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-04-15). Pdtes. de Bolivia, Argentina, Chile y México celebrarán Congreso sobre el litio. Los representantes de los países participantes del foro apostaron por la sustentabilidad en la extracción del mineral.

teleSUR, ldp, DRL (2022-04-15). Corte Internacional delibera sobre uso de las aguas del Silala. Chile y Bolivia concluyeron la ronda de argumentos en defensa de sus intereses con respecto al recurso transfronterizo…

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-04-15). Venezuelan Anti-Chavistas Ask Washington to Ease Sanctions. Expressing criticism of the pressure exerted by US political sectors against the Biden administration's rapprochement with Nicolás Maduro's government in Venezuela, a group of anti-Chavistas presented a letter in which they described the failure of illegal US sanctions. | Joshua Goodman of Associated Press shared the letter through his Twitter account, and noted that the signatories advocated the return of oil companies to Venezuelan soil. | "The economic sanctions and the policy of maximum pressure did not achieve their objectives," reads the document. "While the sanctions are not at the root of the humanitarian…

A Guest Author (2022-04-15). Alex Saab case: Imprisoned Venezuelan diplomat contests extraterritorial judicial abuse. Alex Saab The following article was published April 11 in Dissident Voice. Roger D. Harris is with Task Force on the Americas. April 11 — Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab's case took a dramatic turn as his legal defense team denounced the U.S. government's flagrant failure to respect long-standing diplomatic immunity . . . |

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-04-15). Venezuela rechaza informe del Gobierno de EE.UU. sobre derechos humanos. La Cancillería venezolana instó a la Casa Blanca a resolver los graves problemas internos de ese país en materia de DD.HH.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-04-15). Parlamento ecuatoriano no se pronuncia sobre veto a Ley de aborto por violación. En Ecuador, cada día dan a luz siete niñas menores de 14 años de edad, en promedio.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-04-15). Gobierno y transportistas argentinos llegan a acuerdo tras paro. El gremio levantó el paro, al cual fue en reclamo de una mejora en los fletes y ayudas con el pago de los combustibles.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-04-15). The shady forces behind the campaign of Colombia's establishment candidate. Colombia's establishment candidate is receiving support from President Ivan Duque's coalition partners and pseudo-legal "clans." Runner up Federico Gutierrez became the most viable candidate to confront the anti-corruption candidates after…

teleSUR, mcs, JL (2022-04-14). Gobierno peruano dialogará con locales por obra de aeropuerto. La reunión entre el Estado y dirigentes populares será antes de finalizar el mes de abril.

teleSUR, ldp, JDO (2022-04-14). Bolivia exige reconocimiento a su soberanía sobre el Silala. El proceso judicial sobre "el estatus y uso de las aguas" del Silala se lleva a cabo desde el 1 de abril.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-04-14). Bolivia rechaza informe de EE.UU. sobre golpe de Estado de 2019. Critican el apoyo a la exgobernante de facto, Jeanine Añez, objeto de de un proceso judicial por los hechos de 2019.

Aram Aharonian (2022-04-14). Venezuela — Las 47 horas más largas de mi vida. Aquel 11 de abril del 2002, el día que amaneció de golpe, y las 47 horas posteriores, no las podré olvidar jamás. En ese entonces yo era presidente de la APEX, la Asociación de Periodistas Extranjeros, y a primera hora…

Roger D. Harris (2022-04-14). US's Flaunting of Diplomatic Immunity Challenged in Court. By Roger D. Harris — Apr 11, 2022 | Imprisoned Venezuelan Diplomat Contests Extraterritorial Judicial Abuse. | Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab's case took a dramatic turn as his legal defense team denounced the US government's flagrant failure to respect long-standing diplomatic immunity conventions. Saab's lawyer, David Rivkin,

Rick Rozoff (2022-04-14). NATO partner Colombia ready to supplant Russian hydrocarbons in Europe. AzertagApril 14, 2022 Colombia is ready to supply energy to the United States and the European Union ==== Colombia, Turkey, NATO, world's longest counterinsurgency and newest wars Video: NATO chief, Colombian president unite against Russia over Ukraine, against Russia, China over Venezuela ==== Colombia is ready to increase coal and hydrocarbon production to replace Russia's …

teleSUR, JDO (2022-04-14). FANB desmantela campamento de narcos colombianos en Apure. Prosigue Operación Escudo Bolivariano 2022. Se protege la frontera con Colombia y la soberanía nacional.

Staff (2022-04-14). Venezuela and Cuba Strengthen Cooperation in Key Sectors: Cuban President Receives Venezuelan Vice President. This Tuesday, April 12, Venezuela and Cuba strengthened their relations with regards to agricultural, mining, oil and other economic ties, through high-level technical roundtables of the joint commission between both nations. | According to a note from Venezolana de Televisión, the meeting was headed by the Venezuelan vice president of the Bolivarian Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, and the Prime Minister of Cuba, Ricardo Cabrisas, as well as other authorities. | Later, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, received Vice President Delcy Rodríguez. The Cuban president posted a message on his Twitter account stating that du…

Andreína Chávez Alava (2022-04-14). Venezuela: Oil Output Remains Steady as PDVSA Prepares for Potential US Sanctions Relief. Prominent Venezuelan opposition figures demanded Biden lift sanctions and allow the return of Western oil companies.

Andrew King (2022-04-14). Venezuela 2002: The coup heard around the world. Twenty years ago, at the dawn of the 21st century, a failed U.S.-backed coup in Venezuela, a little-known South American country, set Latin America onto a new course and helped place socialism back onto the global agenda. With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991—an event which free market disciple Francis Fukuyama infamously declared …

Staff (2022-04-14). Great Civic-Military March: 20 Years Ago Venezuelans Defeated Imperialist Coup (Photos). The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, recalled this Wednesday that 20 years ago, on April 13, 2002, the Venezuelan people defeated an imperialist coup and restored Hugo Chávez to the presidency. | During his address of the Great Civic-Military March organized to celebrate the historic milestone, Maduro said that "20 years ago the people defeated the coup of imperialism" and international right wing forces. | "The oligarchy and imperialism believed that the Venezuelan people were going to watch the events from afar," President Maduro said, "that they were going to cross their arms, but the people of Venezuel…

teleSUR, MER (2022-04-14). Pdte. Maduro destaca unión popular para derrotar golpe de 2002. El mandatario aseveró que en 2002 el pueblo venezolano dio una lección a la oligarquía que subestimó su inteligencia.

Staff (2022-04-14). President Maduro at International Summit Against Fascism: We Have Lived 20 Years of Resistance after April 11 Coup. This Tuesday, April 12, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, received intellectuals, national and international guests in the Ayacucho Hall of the Presidential Palace of Miraflores for the International Summit against Fascism. The head of state pointed out that with the April 2002 revolution, the possibility of building the social welfare state and the Bolivarian Revolution through the Missions and Great Missions of Chávez was born: "We have a strong and clear socialism that was born from the awakening of the peoples," he said. | The president affirmed that from the depths of the Venezuelan social process the con…

teleSUR, JL (2022-04-14). Indec argentino reporta aumento de los precios al consumidor. El ministro de Economía aseveró que el proceso inflacionario se debe al conflicto en Ucrania, así como la intensificación de la pandemia.

Staff (2022-04-14). Brazil Investigating Death Threats Against Lula. The Civil Police of the Brazilian state of Sà£o Paulo are investigating death threats against former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, at the request of his lawyer Cristiano Zanin, news agencies reported this Wednesday, April 13. | The threats against Lula appeared on the website of the Workers' Party (PT), and were issued by an individual who identified himself as Luiz Carlos Prestes. | In the messages, the author assures that members of Lula's own political organization who will kill the former labor leader, and that the elimination will take place in Sà£o Paulo (perhaps in the interior) at the e…

teleSUR, mcs, JL (2022-04-14). Convención chilena aprueba crear Cámara para sustituir a Senado. Dicha norma obtuvo 104 votos a favor, 42 en contra y seis abstenciones, y pasará al borrador de la nueva Constitución.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-04-14). Fallece exfutbolista colombiano Freddy Rincón. Rincón formó parte de la Selección de Colombia en las Copas Mundiales de la FIFA Italia 1990, Estados Unidos 1994 y Francia 1998.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-04-14). Colombia soccer legend Freddy Rincon dies after car crash. Freddy Rincon, one of Colombia's most prominent former soccer players, died on Wednesday as the result of a car accident. Rincon, 55, was admitted to a hospital in the city…

Staff (2022-04-14). Murió Freddy Rincón, figura del fútbol colombiano. El exfutbolista colombiano Freddy Rincón murió a los 55 años después de haber sufrido un accidente automovilístico el lunes en la ciudad de Cali. Rincón había sufrido un traumatismo craneoencefálico severo en el accidente automovilístico que protagonizó en Cali.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-04-14). Can Sergio Fajardo recover from crisis ahead of Colombia's presidential election? Colombia's moderate candidate Sergio Fajardo has stepped up campaigning after disappointing results in the congressional elections marginalized his presidential campaign. The leader of the Center Hope Coalition will have to…

Adriaan Alsema (2022-04-14). Colombia asks UN to extend peace process monitoring until 2034. President Ivan Duque asked the United Nations to continue monitoring Colombia's peace process until 2034 amid concerns over escalating violence. Duque asked the UN to extend its monitoring mandate in…

Adriaan Alsema (2022-04-14). UN and OAS urge Colombia to investigate military massacre. The human rights offices of the United Nations (UN) and the Organization of American States (OAS) called for investigations into a recent military operation in which 11 people were killed….

Horacio Duque (2022-04-14). Iván Duque engaña a la comunidad internacional en la ONU sobre la paz en Colombia. Mientras en Colombia crece la violencia en las regiones con hechos execrables como la masacre de indígenas y campesinos en Puerto Leguízamo, el asesinato de ex combatientes de las Farc y de líderes sociales y ambientalistas, el señor Ivan Duque…

1650-08-11 15:52 | 17:52 EST | jz | 36 | 0 | 23 | 11 | 0