(2022-05-14). Mexican president bails on Biden's Summit of the Americas, Workers plan Summit of the Americas in Tijuana. fightbacknews.org Grand Rapids, MI – Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador announced he plans to bail on the Summit of the Americas because the Biden administration refuses to invite all the countries and leaders of Latin America. Mexico will instead send their foreign minister. The Biden administration has so far refused to invite Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela because the White House does not like their governments or leaders. | The 9th Summit of the Americas is supposed to involve all the heads of state and officials of government from the Western Hemisphere. President Biden is hosting it in Los Angeles June 6 through 1…
(2022-05-14). The realities confronting Ukraine's six million refugees. wsws.org While the media portrays the situation as if Ukrainian refugees are walking into the arms of America and Europe's governments, all the social and political problems of global capitalism are manifesting themselves in the crisis.
(2022-05-14). How a century of political violence in Ukraine is linked to the atrocities of today/By Olga Sukharevskaya, ex-Ukrainian diplomat. marktaliano.net Original Link Here: How a century of political violence in Ukraine is linked to the atrocities of today — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union The history of Ukrainian nationalist cruelty is an important factor, barely discussed, or known, in the West Troops shot in the legs screaming in pain. Others dying from blood loss and …
(2022-05-14). Summit Of The Americas Is Shaping Up To Show US Has Become Isolated. popularresistance.org US observers are becoming increasingly worried that next month's Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles is about to be one of the Biden Administration's worst-ever foreign policy embarrassments following last August's chaotic evacuation from Afghanistan. Politico headlined a piece about how "Biden's Americas summit is drawing jeers and threats of boycott", which reported that several Latin American leaders are threatening to boycott the event if Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela aren't invited to attend. While Antigua, Barbuda, and Bolivia might not be a big deal in the grand scheme of US strategy towards the hemisph…
(2022-05-14). Iran and Venezuela Continue to Circumvent Washington's Oil Sanctions. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan and Iranian oil tankers are carrying out ship-to-ship transfers in the open sea to circumvent the crushing US sanctions on both countries, according to An exclusive The report claims that, in recent months, Iran and Venezuela have carried out ship-to-ship transfers (STS) at a "remote spot" off the Maldives archipelago in the Indian Ocean. | After delivering a cargo of Venezuelan heavy crude in the South China Sea in March, the oil supertanker Maximo G…
(2022-05-14). CANTV Shares Rise 19% as Venezuelan Government Offers Some Public Company Shares on Stock Exchange. orinocotribune.com The president of the Caracas Stock Exchange (BVC), Gustavo Pulido Medina, reported that at the close of May 12, the type D shares of CANTV rose around 19%, being one of the ten shares that experienced an increase in value. CANTV is the Venezuelan state-run telephone and internet service provider. | During an interview, Pulido explained that type D shares (called TDV.d) are those that are regularly offered on the stock market, and at the closing of the market on May 12, CANTV was one of the ten companies that saw a rise in values of its shares with respect to the previous day. In fact, it was the one recorded the…
(2022-05-14). Trump Wanted to Bomb Venezuela's José Antonio Anzoátegui Petrochemical Complex, Claims Former US Defense Secretary Mark Esper. orinocotribune.com The Permanent Representative of Venezuela to the United Nations, Samuel Moncada, has provided more details about the comments made a few days ago by Mark Esper, US secretary of defense during the Donald Trump administration. In an interview with CBS network, Esper stated that Trump's advisers proposed two military invasions in his last year in office: one against Venezuela and the other against Iran, as well as carrying out a total blockade against Cuba. On Thursday, May 12, Moncada reported that the proposed attack on Venezuela was to bomb the José Antonio Anzoátegui Petrochemical and Industrial Complex, located…
(2022-05-14). This Is America #166: Biden Pushes War & Police as COVID Deaths Hit One Million; Abort the Court Action Wave; Fight to Defend Atlanta Forest. itsgoingdown.org Welcome, to This Is America, April 14th, 2022. On today's episode, first we bring you an interview with Adi Callai, the creative force behind a new anarchist YouTube channel that investigates the George Floyd uprising, identity politics and modern revolt. We speak about the idea of "elite capture," how neoliberalism has weaponized identity politics, how…
(2022-05-14). This Is America #166: Biden Pushes War & Police as COVID Deaths Hit One Million; Abort the Court Action Wave; Fight to Defend Atlanta Forest. itsgoingdown.org Welcome, to This Is America, April 14th, 2022. On today's episode, first we bring you an interview with Adi Callai, the creative force behind a new anarchist YouTube channel that investigates the George Floyd uprising, identity politics and modern revolt. We speak about the idea of "elite capture," how neoliberalism has weaponized identity politics, how…
(2022-05-14). UNSC calls for immediate investigation to Abu Akleh case. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, May 14 (MNA) — United Nations Security Council called for an immediate and impartial investigation into the assassination of the Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh in the occupied West Bank by Zionist forces.
(2022-05-14). UNSC calls for immediate investigation to Abu Akleh case. en.mehrnews.com United Nations Security Council called for an immediate and impartial investigation into the assassination of the Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh in the occupied West Bank by Zionist forces.
(2022-05-14). El minuto en el que toda Cuba guardó silencio (+ Fotos y Video). cubadebate.cu Esta tarde, cuando se cumple una semana de la explosión que puso a toda Cuba de luto, cientos de personas se reúnen en el Parque de la Fraternidad para hacer una vigilia en honor a las 46 víctimas del hotel Saratoga. Hoy, cuando la misión que nadie quiso tener que cumplir está terminada, se escucha el silencio y el espacio se llena de lágrimas.
(2022-05-13). Argentina Will Attend BRICS Summits, at China's Invitation, in Step Toward 'Formal Entry'. orinocotribune.com By Benjamin Norton — May 8, 2022 | China invited Argentina to attend the 2022 summits of the BRICS economic bloc of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Argentina's ambassador says it's a step toward "formal entry" to the grouping, an alternative to the US-dominated financial system. | China has invited Argentina to attend the 2022 The BRICS was founded as an alternative to the U…
(2022-05-13). Is It Coincidence That Some CIA Torture Techniques are so Popular With Ukrainian Neo-Nazis? libya360.wordpress.com Ekaterina Blinova Dutch journalist Sonja van den Ende in Donbass © Photo : Sonja van den Ende While the US rushed to vilify Russia's latest UN Security Council Arria-Formula summit on Kiev's human rights violations, one might wonder as to why Ukrainian neo-Nazi torture sites have so much in common with CIA secret prisons, says…
(2022-05-13). Mexican Journalists Protest "Staggering" Toll of Journalists Murdered with Impunity; 11 Slain in 2022. democracynow.org Three journalists were killed within a three-day span this week in Mexico, bringing the toll to 11 so far this year and making Mexico the deadliest country in the world for journalists, behind Ukraine. Most of the murders have gone unsolved. This week journalists across Mexico took to the streets protesting the murder of their colleagues and called for accountability. "A crime against a reporter is a crime against the entire country," says Jan-Albert Hootsen, Mexico correspondent at the Committee to Protect Journalists, who calls the numbers staggering and unprecedented.
(2022-05-13). One million dead from COVID in U.S. as funds lapse. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—The coronavirus pandemic has officially killed 1 million people in the U.S. in just over two years, but for U.S. leaders now, the Ukraine war and the military budget seem more important. How else to explain the Biden administration's continuing requests—the latest is for $40 billion—for continual arms aid for the Ukrainians against Russia's continuing …
(2022-05-13). One million dead from COVID in U.S. as funds lapse. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—The coronavirus pandemic has officially killed 1 million people in the U.S. in just over two years, but for U.S. leaders now, the Ukraine war and the military budget seem more important. How else to explain the Biden administration's continuing requests—the latest is for $40 billion—for continual arms aid for the Ukrainians against Russia's continuing …
(2022-05-13). Fiscalía de Perú entregará 114 restos de las víctimas de Accomarca, a 37 años de la masacre. cubadebate.cu El Ministerio Público de Perú entregará 114 restos de víctimas de la masacre de Accomarca, perpetrada por militares en este poblado del departamento de Ayacucho, en 1985. "Son 37 años esperando que se nos restituyan los restos de nuestras familias", dijo Fernando Ochoa, alcalde de la municipalidad de Accomarca, en conferencia de prensa.
(2022-05-13). Premier peruano comparece ante Congreso por protestas de abril. telesurtv.net El jefe de Gabinete explicó a los congresistas que recibió un informe de Inteligencia sobre el aumento de la violencia en las protestas de abril.
(2022-05-13). Registran sismos de magnitud 5.5 en Perú y Colombia. telesurtv.net El epicentro del sismo registrado en Colombia fue registrado en la zona del Valle del Cauca.
(2022-05-13). Iran to overhaul Venezuela's El Palito refinery: Official. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, May 13 (MNA) — National Iranian Oil Engineering & Construction Company, on behalf of National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC), signed a contract for overhauling Venezuelan El Palito Refinery, costing ‚Ǩ110 million.
(2022-05-13). Black Alliance For Peace: Boycott The Summit Of The Americas. popularresistance.org The arbitrary decision by the government of the United States to exclude Nicaragua, Cuba, and Venezuela from participation in the regional Summit of the Americas – scheduled to take place in Los Angeles, June 6 to June 10—represents another example of imperial hubris and delusion. | Mexico's President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador recently announced that he would boycott the Summit unless all countries in the region are invited. Some member states of CARICOM and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, including Antigua and Barbuda and St. Vincent and Grenadines, are also considering not attending the S…
(2022-05-13). Reply to 'Politico' on Maduro and Venezuela. orinocotribune.com By Edward Liger Smith — May 9, 2022 | On May 4th, 2022, Midwestern Marx received an email from POLITICO asking for a statement from our Editor and TikTok handler, Edward Liger Smith, concerning his support for Nicolas Maduro and the Venezuelan socialist project in light of Maduro's and PSUV's so-called regressive "policies regarding polices brutality, feminism and LGBT rights." The Hello Tony, | My…
(2022-05-13). Venezuela y OPEP acuerdan fortalecer cooperación. telesurtv.net El secretario general de la organización petrolera reconoció que la transformación de la industria venezolana ha sido monumental.
(2022-05-13). Senadores de EE.UU. llaman a Biden a quitar sanciones a Venezuela. telesurtv.net En la misiva enviada a la Administración Biden, se reconoce el impacto negativo de las medidas coercitivas unilaterales en Venezuela.
(2022-05-13). Honduras: If all Our Nations Aren't There, It's Not a Summit of the Americas—Argentina Follows Timidly. orinocotribune.com Caracas, May 12, 2022 ( "If all our nations aren't there, it's not a Summit of the Americas," wrote the president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, on Wednesday, May 11, through her
(2022-05-13). Presentan libro "Argentina en Fidel Castro" en Feria del Libro de Buenos Aires. cubadebate.cu Una compilación de discursos y reflexiones del líder de la Revolución cubana Fidel Castro (1926-2016) en momentos relevantes de la historia de Argentina y Cuba destaca entre las propuestas de la 46 Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires.
(2022-05-13). Argentina registra la mayor inflación interanual en 30 años. telesurtv.net Con el aumento de la inflación, grupos sociales y movimientos de izquierda se movilizaron en varios puntos del país.
(2022-05-13). Realizan marcha federal piquetera en capital de Argentina. telesurtv.net Las manifestaciones piqueteras iniciaron su periplo el pasado martes en disímiles puntos del país.
(2022-05-13). Minimum wage for nurses: Will Bolsonaro veto the law passed by Congress? peoplesdispatch.org After a minimum wage for nurses was approved in the Brazilian Parliament last Wednesday, May 4, nurses began to mobilize in order to prevent President Jair Bolsonaro vetoing the proposal and delaying the implementation. The behavior of some members of parliament during the vote suggested that the project could face barriers after reaching the President's Office, who is already arguing that it does not have the funds necessary to implement the plan. | According to a report approved by the parliamentarians, the minimum wage should come into effect on the same day when the law is published. The goal of the nurses is…
(2022-05-13). Chile's pseudo-left government sends police to break strike, arrest refinery workers. wsws.org Chile's president, ex-student radical Gabriel Boric, ordered Carabineros Special Forces to break up the picket line at a major oil refinery.
(2022-05-13). Confirman muerte de periodista Francisca Sandoval en Chile. telesurtv.net Al conocerse de la noticia, varios estudiantes de escuelas de periodismo comenzaron a reunirse en la Plaza Dignidad.
(2022-05-13). Estalla una motobomba en el municipio colombiano de Caloto. telesurtv.net Se reportan daños en decenas de viviendas producto de la onda expansiva de la motobomba.
(2022-05-13). Trasladarán a Paraguay cuerpo de fiscal asesinado Marcelo Pecci. telesurtv.net La embajadora de Paraguay en Bogotá, Sophia López Garelli, expresó que representantes consulares se están encargando del proceso de repatriación de Marcelo Pecci.
(2022-05-13). Jubilados manifiestan en Uruguay por aumento de pensiones. telesurtv.net La propuesta de los movilizados se da días posteriores a la presentación de una solicitud al presidente de la República sobre la atención a las demandas.
(2022-05-13). Economist Michael Hudson on decline of dollar, sanctions war, imperialism, financial parasitism. mronline.org Economist Michael Hudson discusses the decline of the U.S. dollar, the sanctions war on Russia, his concept of "free-trade imperialism," and financial parasitism.
(2022-05-13). Now For Some Good News: Animal Abusers Feeling the Heat. indybay.org Below are some selected news stories from the last 16 months; no claims by activists for any of these fires have been received as of yet by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office.
(2022-05-13). The modeling of the human and Final victory of materialism. indybay.org Birgit Naujeck, born in 1963, did not grow up in the GDR (east Germany), but was socialized by it. .. From her opposition to technocracy, she clearly opposes 5G, transhumanism, any eugenics, and the disembodiment of our language, which leads to the rewriting of history and gender. The Final victory of materialism coincides with its implosion!
(2022-05-13). Tuesday 5/17: Intersectional Practices: Ways We Can Ensure Our Economic Security w/ Food Recovery Ntwk. indybay.org Online event…
(2022-05-13). Green Party endorsements, and also the "Green Voter Guide" indybay.org The complete 12-page GREEN VOTER GUIDE with its analyses is ONLINE at: http: //acgreens.wordpress.com/voter-guides (Please click on the letters "PDF" — or use this direct link: acgreens.files.wordpress.com/2022/05/gpac-vg-06-22-web-1.pdf ).
(2022-05-13). Protest to Save Abortion and Investigate SCOTUS Justices at Nancy Pelosi's House. indybay.org Speaker of the House Pelosi blasted for supporting anti abortion politician…
(2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Fairfax: Bans Off Our Bodies! Sidewalk Protest Rally. indybay.org Fairfax Parkade, 1942 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax, CA 94930…
(2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Petaluma: Bans Off Our Bodies: Rally for Reproductive Rigths. indybay.org Walnut Park, Petaluma Boulevard South & D Street, Petaluma, CA 94952…
(2022-05-13). Challenging Colonialism s01e04 Indian Boarding Schools: Colonialism through Education. indybay.org This episode of Challenging Colonialism examines the history of the Indian Boarding Schools that impacted thousands of Indigenous Californian children, specifically focusing on Sherman Indian High School in Riverside, Stewart Indian School in Reno, and Saint Boniface Indian School in Banning. Duration: 1 hr 1 min 30 sec…
(2022-05-13). Wednesday 5/18: The Unmaking of Mills College. indybay.org
(2022-05-13). Saturday 6/4: Queer Trans Asian Pride — A Community Gathering. indybay.org Oakland Asian Cultural Center…
(2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Bans Off Our Bodies! Virtual Action Rally for Reproductive Freedom. indybay.org Virtual action rally for reproductive freedom & abortion rights…
(2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: San Jose: Bans Off Our Bodies! Rally for Reproductive Freedom. indybay.org Plaza of San Jose City Hall, 200 E Santa Clara St, San Jose, CA, 95113…
(2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Oakland: Bans Off Our Bodies! Protest for Reproductive Justice. indybay.org Lake Merritt Amphitheater – between 12th St. and 1st Ave., Lake Merritt Blvd, Oakland, CA, 94612…
(2022-05-13). Sunday 5/15: Homefulness Not Homelessness. indybay.org 8032 Blackarthur (MacArthur) Blvd, Occupied Huchuin (Oakland)…