Monthly Archives: May 2022

2022-05-11: News Headlines

Peoples Dispatch (2022-05-11). Progressive leaders support President Castillo's bid to change constitution. Members of the ruling left-wing Free Peru (PL) party and its allies have fiercely condemned the shelving of the bill and vowed to continue fighting for an inclusive constitution…

Staff (2022-05-11). Luis Arce anuncia no irá a Cumbre de las Américas si persiste "exclusión de pueblos hermanos" El presidente del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia Luis Arce, anunció la noche de este martes mediante sus redes sociales que no participará en la IX Cumbre de las Américas, que se celebrará del 6 al 10 de junio en Los àÅngeles, Estados Unidos, si continúa en pie la exclusión de "pueblos hermanos".

Staff (2022-05-11). IX Cumbre de las Américas: Otra cumbre de exclusiones, øa qué le temen? Estados Unidos decidió excluir a Cuba, Venezuela y Nicaragua de la IX Cumbre de las Américas, que se celebrará de 8 al 10 de junio próximo en Los àÅngeles bajo el lema "Construyendo un futuro sustentable, resistente y equitativo". En realidad, la Casa Blanca pretende hacer una cumbre de amigos que sean capaces de escuchar lo que dice EE.UU., aceptar la agenda de EE.UU. y replicar lo que dice EE.UU.

Staff (2022-05-11). Maduro y Marrero remarcan voluntad de avanzar en fortalecimiento de cooperación entre ambos países. El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, recibió hoy en el Palacio de Miraflores (sede del Ejecutivo) al primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marrero, quien se encuentra en este país de visita oficial. En rueda de prensa desde el Palacio de Miraflores, el mandatario venezolano calificó de fructíferas las conversaciones sostenidas…

teleSUR, SH (2022-05-10). Congreso peruano elegirá a jueces del Tribunal Constitucional. Para que alguno de los aspirantes sea designado como magistrado del Constitucional, este debe obtener al menos 87 votos de los legisladores.

_____ (2022-05-10). Summit Of The Americas In 'Danger' As Caribbean States Threaten Boycott. Mexico City, Mexico — The upcoming Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles is poised to become a diplomatic liability for US President Joe Biden as the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) alliance threatened to boycott the event over efforts by the host nation to exclude Cuba and Venezuela from participating. | "The Summit of the Americas is in danger (…) If the United States insists on not inviting Cuba to this meeting, it will immediately cause 14 CARICOM countries not to attend," said Antigua and Barbuda's Ambassador to the US Ronald Sanders last month. | Sanders added that CARICOM members would also boycott s…

Editor (2022-05-10). The ultimate guide on sanctions against Venezuela. In our latest video, we go deep into U.S. sanctions, their consequences and the media manipulation around them.

José Manuel Blanco Diaz (2022-05-10). Leopoldo López Wants US to Apply More Pressure with Sanctions. The far-right figure Leopoldo López, who continues to be a fugitive from Venezuelan justice living under the protection of the Spanish government, has reiterated his support for the imposition of unilateral coercive measures (euphemistically referred to as "sanctions") on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela by the US and its allies. | López shared these sentiments during a series of meetings he attended in Miami, Florida, with groups of Venezuelans who live on US soil and who oppose the government of President Nicolás Maduro Moros. There, López held firm to his accusation that there is a "dictatorship" in Venezu…

Morteza Ahmadi Al Hashem (2022-05-10). Iran oil shipment to reach Venezuela, Nicaragua in ten days. TEHRAN, May 10 (MNA) — The Secretary of Iranian Parliament's Energy Commission said that Iran oil consignment will reach Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Nicaragua within the next ten days.

Staff (2022-05-10). López Obrador no asistirá a la Cumbre de las Américas si EEUU impone exclusiones. El presidente de México dijo que no asistirá a la Cumbre de las Américas si no se invita a todos los países, luego de que Joe Biden anunció que excluiría a naciones como Cuba y Venezuela. "No estamos para confrontación (…) Aunque tengamos diferencias, las podemos resolver", dijo, y recalcó que "nadie tiene el derecho de excluir".

Staff (2022-05-10). Marrero Cruz inicia segunda jornada de visita oficial a Venezuela. El primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marrero Cruz, continúa este martes su agenda de trabajo en Venezuela, adonde arribó el lunes para una visita oficial. Marrero Cruz rendirá tributo al Libertador Simón Bolívar, en el panteón donde reposan sus restos mortales, en Caracas, y está previsto su encuentro con representantes del Ejecutivo bolivariano.

Staff (2022-05-10). Caracas Marches with Russians Celebrating Victory Day, President Maduro Salutes 77th Anniversary of Nazi Defeat (Photos). On Saturday, May 7, the triumph of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany was commemorated in the Venezuelan capital with the traditional march of the Immortal Regiment, during which Russian citizens carried portraits of relatives who fought against Nazism in the Great Patriotic War, as Russians call the Second World War. | The symbols of the Soviet Union came out on a sunny Saturday in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, to celebrate the day the Red Army defeated Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany troops. | "We are in Caracas celebrating this beautiful party with our Venezuelan brothers, a victory party, a party for the ent…

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-05-10). China rechaza política de EE.UU. sobre Cumbre de las Américas. El vocero de la cancillería china instó al Gobierno estadounidense a abandonar políticas propias de la Doctrina Monroe.

Jonathan Cook (2022-05-10). The persecution of Julian Assange. Melzer has distilled his detailed research into a new book, The Trial of Julian Assange, that provides a shocking account of rampant lawlessness by the main states involved — Britain, Sweden, the US, and Ecuador. It also documents a sophisticated campaign of misinformation and character assassination to obscure those misdeeds.

Staff (2022-05-10). Motín carcelario en Ecuador deja 44 muertos. Un motín en una prisión en el centro de Ecuador dejó al menos 44 presos muertos, informó este lunes la Fiscalía de ese país, en un nuevo hecho de violencia carcelaria en el país azotado por el aumento sin freno del narcotráfico y la criminalidad. Los reos salieron de sus celdas y atacaron a los de otro grupo delictivo en el interior del centro.

Staff (2022-05-10). Another Ecuador prison clash leaves 43 inmates dead. TEHRAN, May 10 (MNA) — A clash between rival Ecuadorian gangs has left 43 inmates dead, officials said Monday, little more than a month after another prison riot resulted in 20 deaths.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-05-10). Exhortan a Gobierno de Ecuador revisar política de traslados. Pugnas entre bandas rivales por control de tráfico de drogas dejan 46 reos asesinados en 2020, 316 en 2021 y 64 en lo que va de 2022.

Editor2 (2022-05-10). 'It's Time for Our America': ALBA Movements Assembly Concludes in Argentina. The III Continental Assembly of ALBA Movements held in Argentina from April 27-30 concluded with a panel highlighting proposals and initiatives of people's movements to transform the world. | After four days of debates and reflection, the III Continental Assembly of ALBA Movements came to an end on Saturday, April 30. 300 delegates from 23 countries had gathered in Buenos Aires, Argentina to debate, discuss, and make concrete work plans for the next period. | In the closing panel of the Assembly, leaders from across the region talked about the experiences of people's movements and organizations in achieving the r…

____ (2022-05-10). Questions over May Day demonstration shootings in Santiago, Chile: Who ordered the attack on unarmed protesters? Security forces and the police stood by as criminals shot at the demonstrators.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-05-10). Colombia made $1.2B available for possible slush funds. Colombia's constitutional court ordered the government to recover more than $1.2 billion (COP5 trillion) that was granted to municipalities and private contractors ahead of the elections. The court order is…

Adriaan Alsema (2022-05-10). Did Colombia 'disappear' jailed narco with alleged ties to military? A prison guard who was arrested over the alleged jail break of "Matamba" claims that the drug lord "disappeared" to prevent him from confirming military involvement in drug trafficking. According…

teleSUR, DRL (2022-05-10). Critican actuación del Gobierno colombiano durante paro armado. Organizaciones sociales denuncian la continuación de las acciones armadas por grupos ilegales en varias zonas del país.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-05-10). Lluvias provocan al menos 47 fallecidos en Colombia. Están asociadas al evento La Niña. Se reportan 49 lesionados y siete desaparecidos, así como 18.100 familias afectadas.

2022-05-11 14:35 | 10:35 EST | jz | 25 | 1 | 19 | 4 | 0 

2022-05-10: News Headlines

Staff (2022-05-10). Caracas Marches with Russians Celebrating Victory Day, President Maduro Salutes 77th Anniversary of Nazi Defeat (Photos). On Saturday, May 7, the triumph of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany was commemorated in the Venezuelan capital with the traditional march of the Immortal Regiment, during which Russian citizens carried portraits of relatives who fought against Nazism in the Great Patriotic War, as Russians call the Second World War. | The symbols of the Soviet Union came out on a sunny Saturday in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, to celebrate the day the Red Army defeated Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany troops. | "We are in Caracas celebrating this beautiful party with our Venezuelan brothers, a victory party, a party for the ent…

Staff (2022-05-10). Another Ecuador prison clash leaves 43 inmates dead. TEHRAN, May 10 (MNA) — A clash between rival Ecuadorian gangs has left 43 inmates dead, officials said Monday, little more than a month after another prison riot resulted in 20 deaths.

Editor2 (2022-05-10). 'It's Time for Our America': ALBA Movements Assembly Concludes in Argentina. The III Continental Assembly of ALBA Movements held in Argentina from April 27-30 concluded with a panel highlighting proposals and initiatives of people's movements to transform the world. | After four days of debates and reflection, the III Continental Assembly of ALBA Movements came to an end on Saturday, April 30. 300 delegates from 23 countries had gathered in Buenos Aires, Argentina to debate, discuss, and make concrete work plans for the next period. | In the closing panel of the Assembly, leaders from across the region talked about the experiences of people's movements and organizations in achieving the r…

____ (2022-05-10). Questions over May Day demonstration shootings in Santiago, Chile: Who ordered the attack on unarmed protesters? Security forces and the police stood by as criminals shot at the demonstrators.

Staff (2022-05-09). Venezuela and Bolivia Sign New Bilateral Agreement. With the signing of a joint declaration between the ministers of foreign affairs of both countries, the working agenda held by Venezuela's Foreign Affairs Minister Félix Plasencia, with high authorities of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, was culminated. | This was reported by the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, through a post on his official Twitter account, after the working agenda that took place on May 5 and 6, in which the diplomat representing President Nicolás Maduro, met with Minister of Foreign Affairs Rogelio Mayta and the Bolivian president himself, Luis Arce. | "The foreign minister of Venezuela expre…

teleSUR, yart, JGN (2022-05-09). Bolivia prepara nueva edición de Feria Internacional del Libro. La Feria es el evento literario más importante del país y fue declarado Patrimonio Cultural de la ciudad.

José Luis Granados Ceja (2022-05-09). Summit of the Americas in 'Danger' as Caribbean States Threaten Boycott Over Cuba and Venezuela Exclusion. The Venezuelan government's diplomacy throughout the world has won them allies who are resisting US hegemony.

Staff (2022-05-09). Venezuela's Inflation Rate Rises to 4.4% in April. Caracas, May 8, 2022 ( In addition, this marks the third month with an inflation rate of less…

Staff (2022-05-09). Cape Verde: Ulisses Correia Admits Kidnapping of Alex Saab was an Exchange for Cooperative Security. The Prime Minister of Cape Verde, Ulisses Correia, admitted that the kidnapping and delivery of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab was the product of a compromise between the African nation and the United States government. | Correia's response, after the Cape Verdean government's authorization to arbitrarily transfer Alex Saab to Miami, was due to the international commitments that are convenient for the small island nation, as indicated in a press release. | "We are a country with international commitments (sic)… We have to give something in return for our participation in cooperative security," the prime minister…

Staff (2022-05-09). Antidote Powder: A Low-Cost Antivenom Developed by Venezuelan Scientists. The antivenom, developed in Venezuela, has already been tested on 40 people and has not shown any adverse effects. | The saying that "the snake is killed by the head" is not valid, if one considers that it is precisely in the snake's own venom that the antidote for its bite is found. Some new antivenoms are currently being developed in Venezuela to counteract the effects of snake and scorpion bites. These antidotes are made with IgY technology based on chicken antibodies and, so far, have been tested on 40 people. No adverse reactions have been reported. | José Contreras, a researcher and snake expert at the I…

Adán Chávez Frías (2022-05-09). Cuba y Venezuela: Ejemplo de hermandad y solidaridad a toda prueba. I | La ya sólida relación entre los Pueblos hermanos de Cuba y Venezuela se revitaliza permanentemente, incluso, en una coyuntura tan compleja como la actual, en la que además de la batalla que continuamos librando como humanidad contra la pandemia…

Brasil de Fato (2022-05-09). Case against Ola Bini has consequences for all of Latin America, says report. Bini, digital rights activist and friend of Julian Assange may be sentenced to up to 5 years in prison by an Ecuadorian court…

Jonathan Cook (2022-05-09). The persecution of Julian Assange. Melzer has distilled his detailed research into a new book, The Trial of Julian Assange, that provides a shocking account of rampant lawlessness by the main states involved — Britain, Sweden, the US, and Ecuador. It also documents a sophisticated campaign of misinformation and character assassination to obscure those misdeeds.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-05-09). Maestros de Ecuador cierran rutas en reclamo de sus derechos. Exigen la equiparación salarial aprobada meses atrás y la aplicación de la Ley Orgánica de Educación Intercultural.

teleSUR, JL (2022-05-09). Exasambleísta de Ecuador sufre atentado en Quito. Rodrigo Collaguazo recibió cuatro impactos de bala en Quito.

teleSUR- hvh (2022-05-09). Confirman motín en cárcel ecuatoriana de Santo Domingo. El ministro del interior aseguró que la Policía Nacional apoya en las tareas para alcanzar el control de la situación.

Joel Richards (2022-05-09). Buenos Aires: music from below. This record label in Buenos Aires is exploring the sounds of the 'Barrio' and connecting its emerging artists to a wider public and, also, brands.

_____ (2022-05-09). Editor Urges Journalists To Report Imminent Attempt To Sabotage Election. In a chilling column in Folha de S.Paulo newspaper, quietly published at 11: 15pm on 7th May 2022, José Henrique Mariante, a veteran journalist, editor and currently Folha ombudsman, urged fellow journalists, and his own newspaper, to acknowledge the dark moment Brazil faces. | The piece was headlined in stark terms: "There will be a Coup. Pass the information. Folha and the press should once and for all change presumption for certainty of the fact." | Mariante compared the current situation to early 2020, when appeals for calm dovetailed with outright denial of the Coronavirus pandemic, and helped drastically wor…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-05-09). Why Does a Right Wing Government, Such as Bolsonaro's in Brazil, Support Vladimir Putin? Yoselina Guevara The answer to this question seems to lie in one product: fertilizers. Siding with the United States and its allies against Russia would mean bringing Brazilian agribusiness to its knees, dependent on the tons of fertilizers provided by the Russian Federation, an industry of which it is the world's leading producer. Brazil competes…

____ (2022-05-09). Brazil: Lula Presents Presidential Pre-candidacy for Elections. 7 May 2022 – Today, former president Luiz Inácio 'Lula' da Silva presented his pre-candidacy for the October Brazilian presidential elections in which the ultra-right-wing leader Jair Bolsonaro is seeking re-election.

Staff (2022-05-09). Fidel sobre Celia: Jugó un papel decisivo en toda nuestra guerra (+ Video). Cubadebate y el sitio Fidel Soldado de las Ideas comparten testimonios de Fidel Castro sobre ella recogidos en la serie: "Celia, fuego y canto" dirigida por Haydée Tabraue Garí y con producción de Roberto Chile.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-05-09). Australia admite posible extradición de represora pinochetista. Señalada por ser parte de la brigada de exterminio Lautaro de la Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional (DINA), de Pinochet.

Adriaan Alsema (2022-05-09). AGC kill 26 during 4-day terror campaign in northern Colombia. Paramilitary organization AGC assassinated 26 people in northern Colombia during a four-day terror campaign that ended Sunday. Among the fatalities were two members of the security forces, the prosecution of…

teleSUR, DRL (2022-05-09). Indígenas asentados en protesta se retiran de Bogotá, Colombia. La retirada tiene lugar tras un acuerdo entre las comunidades indígenas y el Gobierno para la salida del Parque Nacional.

teleSUR, JL (2022-05-09). Alertan por más de 125 ataques de paramilitares durante paro armado en Colombia. El departamento de Antioquia es el que registra más hechos de violencia con 62 casos.

2022-05-10 14:10 | 10:10 EST | sr | 27 | 0 | 21 | 4 | 0