Daily Archives: May 22, 2024

2024-05-22: News Headlines

William Camacaro, Alliance for Global Justice. (2024-05-22). Interview With José Pimentel, Peasant Leader And Land Defender. popularresistance.org We had the opportunity to meet with an iconic leader of the Venezuelan campesino movement in the city of San Carlos, Cojedes, Venezuela. José Pimentel is a well-known defender of land rights. For this reason Pimentel has been the target of at least three assassination attempts by large landowners. | While there is no consensus on the true number, it said that hundreds of peasants in Venezuela have been assassinated for defending their legally sanctified rights to the land they work. Some estimate that more than 500 peasants have been murdered for their compliance with the land law, while not a single person behin…

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-05-22). U.S. responsibility for genocide in Gaza is pointed out. plenglish.com Montevideo, May 22 (Prensa Latina) The United States is the only one that can stop the genocide against the Palestinian people, the Uruguayan historian Gerardo Leibner affirmed here.

infobrics (2024-05-22). Zimbabwe's Fervent Bid to Join the New Development Bank. infobrics.org Zimbabwe has officially expressed its intention to join the New Development Bank (NDB), an emerging financial institution founded by the BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. This move underscores the country's commitment to fostering economic ties and pursuing sustainable growth within a global partnership framework…

infobrics (2024-05-22). Brazil's Lula Voices Support for More Countries Joining BRICS Group. infobrics.org Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said that he supports more countries joining the BRICS group of large developing nations, which currently includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa…

Victoria Torres (2024-05-22). Milei Refuses to Apologize & Deepens Conflict with Pedro Sánchez. orinocotribune.com The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, is complicating his diplomatic relations. He not only aggravated the situation with his Spanish counterpart, Pedro Sánchez, but also refused to apologize for his offensive statements. | The Spanish government of Pedro Sánchez asked Milei to rectify his statements issued in Spain when he attended the Viva24 meeting organized by the far-right party Vox. The Argentinian president was accused of referring to Begoña Gómez, wife of Pedro Sánchez , as a "corrupt woman" during the Viva24 event. | In an interview, Milei refused to apologize. "I am not going to apologize, from any…

Ana Perdigón (2024-05-22). Venezuela Condemns Coup Attempt in Democratic Republic of the Congo. orinocotribune.com Venezuela condemned the attempted coup d'état carried out in the early hours of Sunday, May 19, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. | Foreign Minister Yván Gil published a statement in which Venezuela condemned any change of power through violent and unconstitutional means that threatens the sovereignty and self-determination of the people. | Likewise, he specified that this violence events only seeks to violate the political and social stability of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. | "The Bolivarian Government of Venezuela, in accordance with the principles of international law and in the exercise of Bo…

Roger Harris (2024-05-22). The Biggest Obstacle to Free and Fair Elections in Venezuela is the US. counterpunch.org For all the hullabaloo about "free and fair elections" in Venezuela by the US government, its sycophantic corporate press deliberately ignores the elephant in the room — namely, the so-called sanctions designed to make life so miserable that the people will acquiesce to Washington's plan for regime change. As Foreign Policy puts it, "Venezuelan President

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-05-22). Colombian and Brazilian forces dismantle illegal mining enclave. plenglish.com Bogota, May 22 (Prensa Latina) Due to joint operations by the Colombian and Brazilian armed forces, an illegal mining center has been dismantled on the Pure River in the southern department of Amazonas, an authorized source informed on Wednesday.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-05-22). Venezuela and China sign paramount cooperation agreement. plenglish.com Caracas, May 22 (Prensa Latina) The Governments of Venezuela and China signed on Wednesday in this city a paramount cooperation agreement that deepens the strategic alliance partnership between the two countries.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-05-22). Chile prolongs blue code due to worsening weather conditions. plenglish.com Santiago de Chile, May 22 (Prensa Latina) In view of the worsening weather conditions in central and southern Chile over the past few days, authorities decided on Wednesday to prolong the blue code, a mechanism to provide care for people living on the streets.

Pressenza IPA (2024-05-22). New audiovisual tributes to the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela. pressenza.com A pleasant and significant surprise awaits travellers arriving at Brasilia International Airport. In the arrivals area, they will have the pleasure of visiting the exhibition "Mandla: Global Icon of Reconciliation". | Organised by the Brazil Africa Institute in collaboration with the Nelson Mandela Foundation, the exhibition is a profound tribute to the legacy of Nelson Mandela, a leading figure in the global struggle for justice, equality and peace. Through a collection of 50 photographic panels, visitors will embark on an evocative journey through the extraordinary life of this revolutionary leader."We are hono…

Nelsy Lizarazo (2024-05-22). Colombia: New round of talks between government and National Liberation Army (ELN), in Caracas. pressenza.com The two sides have begun a new round of talks in Caracas on 20 May 2024, with the commitment to sign an agreement amid the recent tensions, after the subversive group announced that it had ended its suspension of economic kidnappings. | The parties have formally resumed negotiations in Venezuela, the guarantor of the process. They are thus giving continuity to the agreements reached on 22 April. The aim is to sign an agreement on the first point on the agenda: the participation of society in building peace. The dialogue will continue until 25 May, although the topics to be discussed and the exact date for the sig…

teleSUR (2024-05-22). Tourism to Venezuela Grew by 220 Percent. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Tourism Minister Ali Padron announced that the number of international visits to Venezuela increased by 220 percent in the first four months of 2024 compared to 2023. | RELATED: | This growth is the result of greater air and land connectivity with neighboring countries such as Colombia and Brazil, as well as the arrival of visitors from Europe, Russia, and Poland. | Venezuela received about 1.6 m…

tvbrics (2024-05-22). Brazil takes action to promote support for family agriculture. tvbrics.com The representatives of Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service and the Ministry of Agrarian Development are strengthening co-operation to support family farming…

Human Rights Watch (2024-05-22). Ecuador: Unchecked Abuses Since 'Armed Conflict' Announcement. hrw.org Click to expand Image | Soldiers briefly detain a youth to walk him to an area to check if he has gang-related tattoos as they patrol the south side of Quito, Ecuador, Friday January 12, 2024. | © 2024 AP Photo/Dolores Ochoa…

Agence France-Presse (2024-05-22). Argentina's Milei keeps insults flying as Spain withdraws its ambassador. scmp.com Spain withdrew its ambassador to Buenos Aires in an escalation of its response to Argentine President Javier Milei's derogatory comments about the wife of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.

Roselena Ramirez (2024-05-22). Empowering the Disabled: Stories of Hope from Colombia. america.cgtn.com In Colombia, disabled children face numerous challenges in their quest for education and personal development. Michelle Begue highlights the inspiring stories of resilience and achievement as these children strive for a better future. | Inclusive Education: Efforts to integrate disabled children into mainstream schools and provide specialized support. | Community Programs: Initiatives that empower disabled individuals through skill-building and social inclusion. | Success Stories: Personal accounts of disabled children overcoming obstacles and achieving their dreams. | These narratives not only shed light on the…

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-05-22). Bolivia envía ayuda humanitaria tras inundaciones en Brasil. telesurtv.net La Federación de Industrias del Estado de Río Grande do Sul dio a conocer que las inundaciones en el sur de Brasil afectaron al 94,3% de toda la actividad económica.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-05-22). Gobierno de Perú anuncia demanda contra poder Judicial. telesurtv.net La víspera, el abogado Eduardo Barriga, representante legal de la presidenta designada, sostuvo en una audiencia judicial que la Fiscalía ha vulnerado los derechos a la defensa y el debido proceso de la gobernante.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-05-22). Gremio magisterial peruano ratifica paro para mañana jueves. telesurtv.net El gremio magisterial reclama que se cumpla que el 6 por ciento del PBI para la educación como lo señala la Constitución.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-05-22). Denuncian asesinato del concejal de Toledo en Antioquia, Colombia. telesurtv.net Con León Eugenio García Jiménez, asciende a 69 la cifra de líderes colombianos asesinados en lo que va de 2024.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-05-22). Llegada de turistas crece un 220 % en Venezuela. telesurtv.net El ministro de Turismo de Venezuela destacó que el crecimiento es el resultado de una mayor la conectividad aérea y terrestre con varias naciones.

Gabriel Aguirre (2024-05-22). Un Seminario En Bolivia Para La Paz Y Contra Las Guerras. worldbeyondwar.org English Below. | Por capítulo de La Paz-Bolivia, 22 de Mayo, 2024 | El pasado martes 21 de Mayo, se realizó en La Paz Bolivia en la sede de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA), en el auditorio de la Facultad Derecho, un Seminario que se denominó "El complejo camino de la cultura de Paz y los conflictos armados ". | Este evento fue organizado por Las Themis, Centro de Estudios de Derecho y World BEYOND War, la actividad inició sobre las 17: 00 hora local de La Paz, con la presentación del director del Instituto de investigaciones y consultoria jurídica de la facultad de derecho Jorge Siles, seguidamente el…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-05-22). Continúan protestas por reclamo salarial en Misiones, Argentina. telesurtv.net A las protestas se han unido cerca de 5.000 personas, entre policías, trabajadores de la salud, judiciales y hasta guardaparques.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-05-22). Confirman soborno de 3.2 mdd a opositora María Corina Machado. telesurtv.net Estados Unidos buscaba promover un presunto liderazgo de María Corina Machado entre la opinión pública de cara a los comicios de este 2024.

presstv.ir (2024-05-22). Death toll from Brazil's rainstorm hits 151. presstv.ir On April 29, torrential rains poured down on Brazil's southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Larry Johnson (2024-05-22). Two New Podcasts. sonar21.com Today is a special day. I celebrated my 48th wedding anniversary with my bride. So, I don't have time to do my usual daily write-up. But I did two interviews earlier in the day. The first is with Michael Farris, who hosts Coffee and a Mike. | Next up, Marcelo Soares, a Brazilian IT guy who lives in Italy.

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